
NB Mills PTO Minutes

September 19, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Paula Wingler at 6:00 p.m.

In attendance

Paula Wingler – President

Ashley Stewart – Vice President

Pamela Wingler – Treasure

Mary Honour – EC Teacher (K-5)

Nicole Shields – Teacher (1st)

Paige Hudson – Teacher (5th)

Kristen Goodwin – Teacher (3rd)

Kim Mitchell – Principal

Beatriz Vega-Blanco - Parent

Board Members

The New PTO Board was introduced in opening of the meeting. Paula Wingler – President; Ashley Stewart- Vice President; Pamela Wingler - Treasure


Pamela Wingler reviewed the Treasure Report. Beginning balance was $4365.21 as of September 19, 2011 the balance on hand is $5227.80. We have a bill for pre-ordered spirit wear that will be paid this week in the amount of $1401.05 with Atlantic Screen Graphics.

New Business

·  The PTO discussed a new return check policy. ALL checks returned will have to pay a return fee in range of $5.00-$25.00. If more than (2) bad checks written during the fiscal school year we will no longer accept checks from that person(s).

·  The Board discussed the importance of deadlines with fundraisers this year. We ask that NO money be held in the class room. The PTO will not accept anything past the due date. All monies/orders should be in the PTO box no later than the morning after the cutoff date.

·  The PTO will be allowing the teacher reimbursements this year up to $100.00 per teacher. This will include all new teachers also. Book fair purchases will be included.

·  The PTO will be asking all volunteers handling money this year to complete a Background check.


We will be selling cookie dough again this year with Scott. Kick off for cookie dough will be September 27, 2011.

Raffle ticket sales will kick off in the next few days with pre-sales only. Teachers will collect money and send the number of tickets home with each student.

Jean Day (Out of uniform) was agreed to start on September 30th and continue on the last Friday of each month.

Winter Spirit wear sale will be sent home around the 1st of October.

Spirit night was discussed for local restaurants. I will be in contact with McDonalds, Chick fil A & East Coast Wings.

Krispy Kreme sale was discussed for possible winter fundraiser.

Movie night was suggested.

The PE department will be hosting a dance on October 27th from 2:30 to 5. Karen Shea with Front Street Baptist suggested a Trunk a Treat in the parking lot on the same night. Mrs. Mitchell and board thought it would be great for all ages. Paula will contact Karen for final updates.


The PTO has decided to hand out birthday ice cream coupons again this year, along with a certificate

Classroom Needs

Pre-K: Flowers - The Board approved $50.00 allowance for flowers outside.

3rd Grade: Scholastic Books - Paula will be getting the Magazine for scholastic to the teachers.

Motion to adjourn was made at 7:00 p.m. and was passed unanimously.