Duval County Reading Council in Partnership with The Schultz Center

Presents the First Annual Drive-in Literacy Conference

Dear Vendor:

The Duval County Reading Council is partnering with The Schulz Center for our First Annual Drive-in Literacy Conferencewith the theme of“Reading on the River”. This conference is scheduled to take place at The Schultz Center on January 23, 2016, from 8:00-3:30. The Duval County Reading Council is made up of nearly 1000 members of Northeast Florida’s finest educators. For more information about our council, please visit

We would like to invite you to showcase your company’s educational materials as an exhibitor at the conference. As an exhibitor, you will meet up to 400 education professionals.

You are invited to place an ad in our program for ourFirst Annual Drive-in Conference. Your advertising support will encourage our educators and promote your business.

Sponsorship Level / $ Amount / Benefits to Sponsor
Gold / $150 / Single Vendor booth
Half Page Ad in Program
Silver / $125 / Single Vendor booth
Quarter Page Ad in Program
Bronze / $100 / Single Vendor booth
Small Ad in Program

Additionally, we encourage you to consider sponsoring the following (See page 3):

  • Speakers and presenters*
  • Resources/door prizes for participants
  • Refreshments

(*Presentations: You are welcome to present or sponsor a presenter for 50-minute breakout sessions.)

Please mark the appropriate spaces on the Vendor Registration Form, attached to this Email,if you wish to participate in one or more of these sponsorship opportunities.

The agenda for the Exhibit Hall is as follows:

Saturday, January 23

7:00 – 8:00 a.m.Vendors set upSchultz Center Vendor Hall

8:00 – 4:00 p.m.Exhibit Hall openSchultz Center Vendor Hall

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.Vendors pack upSchultz Center Vendor Hall

Thank you for your participation. We appreciate your presence and your support of educators of Duval County and surrounding counties. If you have any questions, please reply to this email at .


Mary Noll

Vendor Registration Form

Duval County Reading Council and Schultz Center First Annual Literacy Conference

Reading on the River

January 23, 2016

Exhibitor Information(As it should be printed in Conference Agenda/Program)

Company Name:

Company Address:




Representative(s) Attending:

Representative(s) Email:

Product Displayed/Sold:

Contact Information (Used for future correspondence including Email confirmations)

Primary Contact:

Mailing Address:



Email Address:

Sponsorship Opportunities

Program Ad:

______Single Vendor Booth and ½ Page Ad …………………………………………………$150.00

______Single Vendor Booth and ¼ Page Ad …………………………………………………. $125.00

______Single Vendor Booth and Small Ad ……………………………………………………..$100.00

Due December 4, 2015: Ads should be scanned or created at 300 dpi and submitted as a PDF file with all fonts and graphics correctly embedded. Also send company logos. Email ads and logos to by December 4, 2015.

Page 2


______Provide a presenter and pay their travel and speaker costs ………………………….TBD

______Donate to cover costs of other conference speakers………………..mark selection below

____ $250.00____$500.00____$750.00____$1,000.00____Other:

Presenter/Speaker Information:


Mailing Address:



Email Address:

Brief Bio of Presenter:

Topic of Presentation:

Target Audience: (i.e., grade level)

Synopsis of Presentation:

Resources/Door Prizes for Participants:

______Provide Resources at vendor booth

______Provide Door Prizes


______Donate to cover costs of refreshments ……………………………………..mark selection below

____ $50.00____$100.00____$150.00____$200.00____Other:


Completed forms and payments are due by December 4, 2015.

Please Email the completed forms to: Mary Noll,

Please make checks payable to Duval County Reading Council and mail this form and payment to:

Lana Rinaman

1915 Hickory Lane

Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Page 3