September 22, 2016
6:00 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Cotter City Council was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Peggy Hammack. She asked for roll call by Melissa Gray who sat in for Recorder/Treasurer, Andrea Kray. Present were: Council Members Bill Morris, Phyllis Burnett, Roland Morris, John Adams, and Wayne Alexander. Councilman Jim Pilcher was absent.
The invocation was given by Councilman John Adams followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by all present.
A presentation was made by Mayor Hammack in acknowledgement and appreciation of Mr. Wayne Alexander for his continued volunteer service in the City of Cotter.
Approval of the August 25, 2016, regular minutes was the first item of business. Mayor Peggy Hammack asked that a motion be made to accept the minutes as written. Councilman John Adams made a motion to accept the minutes as written with a second provided by Councilman Roland Morris. Motion passed unanimously.
Water and Street Department Report were given by Justin Morrow. (See Attached)
Fire Department Report was given by David Guist. (See Attached)
Police Department Report was read by Clint Tilton. (See Attached)
Building Permits Report was given by Melissa Gray. (See Attached)
In the first order of Old Business, Mayor Hammack updated Council on the status of Mrs. Copeland’s request as her client has added more lot numbers to be closed from the original lot numbers that were presented at the public hearing.
In the first order of New Business, Annette Thrasher, President of the Saturday Club, addressed Council on behalf of the organization and presented a check from in the amount of $265.00 in support of the City’s Relight the Bridge efforts. She also provided Council with an overview of the history of the club as well as all of the local service clubs and organizations that the Saturday Club currently supports in the Cotter community. One of their biggest projects is the preservation and maintenance of the Butterfly Garden in the Big Spring Park. The Saturday Club is requesting that Council consider having the City of Cotter waive the water bills associated with the frost-free hydrant the Saturday Club originally requested be installed when first embarking on the Butterfly Garden Project. Mayor Hammack suggested that Council review the established water service agreement on the Butterfly Garden as well as this past year’s usage. Councilwoman Burnett and Councilman R. Morris both agreed that more consideration should be given to the matter, and the subject could possibly be addressed at the next budget workshop. An estimated water cost of $200 was spoken, and Councilman Wayne Alexander offered to cover the water bill cost as a donation this year only. Councilwoman Phyllis Burnett moved to table this item with a second provided by Councilman John Adams. Motion passes with 5 in favor and Councilman Alexander opposed.
In the second order of New Business, Mayor Hammack asked Council to consider Resolution 2016-08: A Resolution to set Tax Levy (Mills) assessed in 2016 to be collected in 2017 with 5 mills for General and 4 mills for Fire. Councilwoman Phyllis Burnett moved to approve Resolution 2016-08 as written, with a second provided by Councilman Wayne Alexander. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Hammack updated Council on the Street Paving by Dilbeck Excavation stated that the project had come in under budget. The City’s Arkansas Municipal League’s Legal Defense had gone from a Class 3 to a Class 2 with a savings of $3,888.00. The 2017 Winter Conference for Arkansas Municipal League reservations were due if any Council members were interested in attending. Results were in from the lead/copper testing done every three years, and the traces were very low. The City’s Water Quality tested very well as the water was clean and pure. Mayor Hammack provided Mayor Dillard’s invite to the Gaston’s Visitor Center for the General Assembly meeting. The Arkansas State Legislative Audit letter from 2014 & 2015 arrived and those audits are filed.
No sign-ins at this time.
Councilman Wayne Alexander thanked Sharon Nelms for all the work in the Butterfly Garden and thanked everyone for the plaque and clock. God has been good to him as this is the best City and community that he has ever lived in.
Councilman Bill Morris commented on the water leak that Justin found and thanked him for saving the City quite a bit of money in water loss.
Councilman John Adams was looking forward to Bridge Bash.
Councilwoman Phyllis Burnett thanked Mrs. Thrasher for her presentation, Mr. Alexander for his time, Justin Morrow for his good work, the Police and Fire Departments and the audience for coming out.
Councilman Roland Morris said the park looks excellent.
Mayor Peggy Hammack thanked Melissa Gray for her diligence in preparing for this year’s audits as well as her work in the City’s Bookkeeping Department.
None at this time
Councilman John Adams moved to adjourn with a second provided by Councilwoman Phyllis Burnett. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting ended at 6:40 p.m.
Mayor Peggy Hammack
Recorder/Treasurer Andrea Kray