Use of the Multi-Purpose Room:

Due to the primary use of the multi-purpose room being The Garden Child Care Center and Children’s Ministry, we must adhere to the policies that provide for child safety. Please help us comply with the policies by:

  • Removing everything brought into the multi-purpose room (extra tables; extra chairs; keyboard; equipment; personal items such as coffee cups, papers, etc.). When the ChildCareCenter opens at 6:00 a.m. the facilities must be safe and ready for children. There will not be time to clean up or rearrange from the previous evening use. The multi-purpose room cannot be used to store items that need to go to the basement or are not being used. Currently, there is a place for most everything but it may not be convenient so it will be important to plan ahead and have the help needed to put things away as well as access to storage areas.
  • Replacing outlet safety plugs when using the outlets in any area of the multi-purpose room.
  • Cleaning up tables, chairs and floor. The tables and chairs must be wiped clean if used for a ministry event where food is served, or some type of mess is created. The floor must be swept and mopped when food is served, or some type of mess is created. All cleaning supplies are kept in the utility room located next to the kitchen. Limit the number of people using the utility room and replace all cleaning supplies where you found them.
  • Replacing the safety strap for the overhead projector after use. Also wind up the electrical cord and place it into the opening at the back of the projector designed to hold the electrical cord.
  • Not using any supplies stored in the multi-purpose room. All supplies located in the multi-purpose room are for the Child Care Program or for Children’s Ministries they are not available for general use of the multi-purpose room. If you will be using the multi-purpose room for a ministry event please plan ahead and bring supplies for your children.
  • Staying out of the Child Care Office located behind the partition. All equipment, supplies and resources are needed for the ChildCareCenter and are not available to other use.
  • Planning your ministry events after child care hours. The ChildCareCenter opens at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m. To comply with the policies, no one may be in the multi-purpose room during those hours.
  • Leaving the multi-purpose room set up according to the following diagram: