Appendix 1 Conditions for the Hire of School Premises

1 School Responsibilities

a) Ensuring all required rooms are available, along with all necessary equipment and furniture on the agreed date(s).

b) Ensuring staff are available for the duration of the letting and the site is opened and closed.

c) Ensuring staff have emergency contact details and fully understand the emergency plan processes.

d) Ensuring Health and Safety of staff/visitors/site is maintained at all times

e) Ensuring the security of the site at all times

2 Applicant Responsibilities

a) Ensuring compliance with conditions of hire below

b) Ensuring room is appropriate for need

c) Ensuring if the activity involves children and/or vulnerable adults all DBS checks are in place

d) Ensuring if the activity involves teaching/coaching all relevant insurance, DBS checks and coaching certificates are in place

e) To report any incidents to the staff on duty as soon as possible.

f) To understand the emergency procedures and the evacuation plan and ensure all attendees are fully aware

g) Comply at all times with the Health and Safety requirements of the School

h) Where necessary maintain a register of attendees

i) Ensuing appropriate arrangements are in place to welcome all attendees

3 Payment Procedures

Payment must be made in full before the facility can be hired. Where the booking is for more than one occasion, payment must be made in advance of each occasion. Payment options available are Card, Bacs and Cheque.The receipt must be retained by the hirer as evidence of payment.

(a) Card Payments

Payments can be made by ringing the Finance Department between 9.30 and 16.00 (Monday to Friday). Phone payments must be transacted with the Finance Department only. Please note, the school does not hold any card details, and are fully compliant with all data protection and financial service requirements.

Payments must be made 6 working days before the letting to allow the payment to be fully processed.

(c) BACS Payment

To make a BACS payment the relevant box must be ticked on the application form. Payments must be made 6 working days before the letting to allow the payment to be fully processed.

4 Hirer Responsibilities

4.1Hirers will be held responsible for any damage to premises or property which occurs during or as a result of their use and should satisfy themselves that the accommodation and furnishings requested are suitable for the purpose required. Furniture may not be moved by the hirer.Hirers must ensure that premises and grounds are left in a clean and tidy state after their use and that all litter is removed. Expenses involved to rectify poor cleaning or littering will be borne by the hirer.

4.2 The School grant facilities for the public use of the Schools accommodation on the express condition that those responsible for hiring the rooms will give an undertaking that the event will be conducted with propriety and will hold themselves liable for any damage incurred. The School has insurance cover for liabilities which it incurs as a result of lettings, but personal accident insurance and any liabilities incurred by hirer are the responsibility of hirers themselves. Any damage arising from the hiring of School premises will be repaired by the School and charged against the party or person hiring the Schools premises in question. In addition, those responsible for hiring Schools premises must indemnify the School from and against all actions, claims, demands, losses, costs, damage and expenses which may be brought or made by any person in respect of injury or damage sustained by them in consequence of or arising out of the use of School premises.

4.3 Hirers must ensure that full supervision is provided during lettings, especially of playing fields and the School will not be responsible for any claims which may arise as a result of negligence on the part of hirers or their supervisors.

4.4 The School reserves the right to cancel letting arrangements, without notice if necessary. This will be done only in the event of the premises being required for a statutory purpose, such as an election/ examinations or any other purpose the school deems necessary. Use of grounds may, however, be cancelled by the Head/ Business Manager at any time should he/ she consider that they are unfit for use. The School reserves the right to refuse or cancel a letting or close the facility at its discretion.

4.5 All equipment brought into the School for the purpose of the letting must be removed immediately afterwards. Electrical equipment should not be used on School premises unless it has been PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) tested. Any items left or stored on the premises are done so at the owner’s risk. The School cannot take responsibility

4.6 Notification of any cancellation must be given by the hirer, in advance, to the School. Full Charges may still apply if the hire is cancelled with less than 10 days’ notice or if a replacement booking cannot be found.

4.7 Hirers are not permitted to use and must not enter accommodation other than that which is stated on the permit.

4.8 Failure to comply with the School conditions may result in the refusal of future requests to hire premises or grounds.

4.9 The School prohibits:

  • The use on floors of polishing matter other than chalk;
  • Any gambling on School premises;
  • Screws or nails or similar articles being driven into any part of the School’s property;
  • The sale or consumption of intoxicants otherwise than as authorised in writing by the Business Manager, in which case it shall be the responsibility of the hirer to satisfy the requirements of the licensing laws
  • Loitering at the entrances to School’s, corridors or playgrounds.
  • Smoking and vaping is prohibited in the school grounds.

4.10 Parking facilities, where available, are at owner’s risk. Taking vehicles onto or parking on grassed areas is strictly forbidden. Parking must be in the designated areas only. Any damage will be charged to the hirer including cleaning and disposal of litter left behind.

4.11 Where the premises are used for a public performance the person hiring the School will be responsible for satisfying the requirements of licensing for stage plays.

5Instructions to Hirers

5.1 Admission must be given to the Headteacher, Business Manager or his representative, or any representative of the Police or the Fire Service or the Governing Body at any time during which the premises are open.

5.1On entering the building, the hirer must examine the Fire Regulations posted at the fire alarm point nearest to the accommodation to be used, and ensure that these are understood and where running an activity, all participants are fully aware of the nearest exit points.

5.2In the event of a fire follow the FIRE DRILL please evacuate to the side car park near the Main Hall (S1).

5.3Hirers should report any suspicious incidents to the staff on duty and if necessary the Police immediately.

5.4In the event of an accident follow First Aid procedures.If serious telephone 999 for Ambulance.Immediately, thereafter inform the Duty Caretaker. All accidents MUST BE reported and recorded – 07973 338128. Obtain names and addresses of two witnesses where possible.If an accident occurs while using school equipment do not move or touch the equipment until a School representative has examined it.

5.5In the event of any other emergency immediately inform the Duty Caretaker.If it is felt necessary, evacuate all your party from the area to a safe place.DO NOT return to the building until you are assured that it is safe to do so by the Duty Caretaker or Officer in charge.

5.6Please report any damage or fault to buildings or equipment to the Duty Caretaker and

6Notes to Hirers

6.1Members of your party should only use the rooms allocated.

6.2Preparing beverages and food must be part of the letting agreement and undertaken under the supervision of the hirer and other responsible persons.

6.3All required equipment must be included in the hiring agreement and used under the supervision of the hirer or other responsible persons.

7 Car Parking

Please DO NOTon the grass, ensure you are parked in designated parking spaces only. The swimming pool car should not be used. Please observe the preservation of the disabled parking bays and the areas marked with yellow lines, these are required for access.


We operate aNO SMOKING & NO VAPING policy throughout the school and grounds.

9 Alcohol

Alcohol must not be consumed or brought on site without prior agreement with the Business Manager.