7th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Pre-Test
7th Grade World History Final Exam Study Guide
The final exam will be on Friday June 3, 2011 during your regular class period.
The make-up exam will be on Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 8:00 A.M.
In preparation for the final exam study the following areas and items.
- Greek contributions to civilization
- How Greek civilization spread
- Greek city states
- Where Indian civilization began
- Contributions of Indian civilization
- Egyptian contributions to civilization
- Contributions of the civilizations of North and South America
- Cultural contributions of ancient African civilizations
- Roman contributions to modern communication and trade/travel
- Roman contributions to modern legal systems
- How ancient Chinese dynasties repressed their people
- Roman contributions to the United States form of government
- Hebrew contributions our culture
- Phoenician contributions to culture
- Factors affecting the growth of civilization
- Hammurabi’s code
- Arabic numerals
- The development of printing press
- The influence of African music and dance
- How China and Europe differed in the manner they chose their government workers
- Polytheism vs. Monotheism and the cultures that practiced them
- Importance iron-smelting to West African kingdoms
- Importance of Italy in trade during the 1300’s
- Constantinople as a trading center
- Byzantine acquisition of silk making technology
- How the Portuguese tried to get their spices
- What led European nations to begin voyages of exploration in the 1400’s
- Roman trade patterns and the items they traded and traded for
- What made Rome such a powerful and prosperous empire
- The importance and basic principles of the Magna Carta
- Rights of Roman plebeians
- Athens and Athenian democracy
- Justinian’s Code
- Absolutism and the problems it created for European governments
- Divine Right for European rulers
- The dynastic families of Europe during the age of absolutism
* You can receive up to 18 bonus points for taking notes on each topic listed above. The notes will be turned in the same day the final exam is taken.