7th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Pre-Test

7th Grade World History Final Exam Study Guide

The final exam will be on Friday June 3, 2011 during your regular class period.

The make-up exam will be on Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 8:00 A.M.

In preparation for the final exam study the following areas and items.

  1. Greek contributions to civilization


  1. How Greek civilization spread


  1. Greek city states


  1. Where Indian civilization began


  1. Contributions of Indian civilization


  1. Egyptian contributions to civilization


  1. Contributions of the civilizations of North and South America


  1. Cultural contributions of ancient African civilizations


  1. Roman contributions to modern communication and trade/travel


  1. Roman contributions to modern legal systems


  1. How ancient Chinese dynasties repressed their people


  1. Roman contributions to the United States form of government


  1. Hebrew contributions our culture


  1. Phoenician contributions to culture


  1. Factors affecting the growth of civilization


  1. Hammurabi’s code


  1. Arabic numerals


  1. The development of printing press


  1. The influence of African music and dance


  1. How China and Europe differed in the manner they chose their government workers


  1. Polytheism vs. Monotheism and the cultures that practiced them


  1. Importance iron-smelting to West African kingdoms


  1. Importance of Italy in trade during the 1300’s


  1. Constantinople as a trading center


  1. Byzantine acquisition of silk making technology


  1. How the Portuguese tried to get their spices


  1. What led European nations to begin voyages of exploration in the 1400’s


  1. Roman trade patterns and the items they traded and traded for


  1. What made Rome such a powerful and prosperous empire


  1. The importance and basic principles of the Magna Carta


  1. Rights of Roman plebeians


  1. Athens and Athenian democracy


  1. Justinian’s Code


  1. Absolutism and the problems it created for European governments


  1. Divine Right for European rulers


  1. The dynastic families of Europe during the age of absolutism


* You can receive up to 18 bonus points for taking notes on each topic listed above. The notes will be turned in the same day the final exam is taken.