December 2017
Welcome to the last month of 2017! Wow, this year is flying by. I wanted to let everyone know how much I enjoyed speaking with you during Parent/Teacher Conferences. As the year continues, please don't hesitate to contact me with any comments, questions or concerns.
This is a short month, but jammed packed with educational and fun events.
Students have been doing a great job reading and filling out their Reading Logs often throughout the week. Keep up the great work! Students may use their time on Raz-Kids on their Reading Logs. Just write Raz-Kids under the story title and fill out how much time they were on the computer site. They can also use their time working on the Reading ComprehensionFolder. This folder will begin next week. I will give out the folder on Mondays, they are to complete 1 story during the week, and it must be returned by Friday. We did the first story together in class. I’m sure they will do fine reading the stories and answering the questions.
We are currently working on Chapter 13 Bar Graphs and Line Plots. Then we will be moving on to Chapter 6. This chapter is all about Multiplication. Students were expected to master the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables last year. This year, Chapter 6 starts with the 6 times tables and moves on to the 7, 8 and 9's. Please practice at home so they will not have a hard time with this chapter.
has practice in all these areas:
Graphs and Line Plots: Data and Graphs section U4-U15
Multiplication Practice: Understand Multiplication section E, Multiplication Skill Builders section F, and Multiplication Fluency section G.
Students will be getting a project to complete that goes along with the Essential Question in the Structures of Life Unit: How do organisms use their structures in order to survive. Students will create short presentation to tell about an organism’s structures. The Parent Awareness Sheet is due by Friday, December 8th. The Presentation piece is due on or before Wednesday, January 3rd. A direction sheet will be coming home, however additional copies can be found on my web-site under Science News. Students can use computer class time to look up information as well.
We will be finishing up with Bess Beetles soon. They will be taking a Bess Beetles quiz on. Study those blue study guides.
We will be starting Earth Materials in the next few weeks or so. Students will be learning about rocks and minerals by being amateur geologists. They will learn how to tell certain minerals apart, and how to test for them.
Additional Info
* Please sign your child’s homework book after you have checked over their assignments. All tests and quizzes need to be signed and returned the next school day.
* The handwriting practice folder is now finished. I will be using the folder for Reading Skills practice a little later in the year. I encourage children to write their names in cursive as often as possible. They also need to practice reading different types of cursive as well.
* The Great Crayon Collection – All Neshaminy Schools are participating in this worthwhile cause. We are collecting old and broken crayons. The crayons will be melted down and donated to Children’s Hospitals around the country. Please send in any old or broken crayons, that your family is not using, to our class by January 18th.
Important Dates
Instrumental Lessons Every Friday
December 7 - Holiday Shop (2:45-3:15)
December 13 - Winter Concert (9:30 AM and 7:00 PM)
December 19 - Science projects due (You can turn them in early)
December 21 - School-wide Movie Trip (Ferdinand) We will not be having special on this day because of the trip (No)
December 22-January 1 - No School, Winter Break
January 2 - Back to School
Happy Holidays to those that celebrate.