
Atkins Academic and Technology High School


I, the undersigned parent/guardian agree and hereby consent to my child's participation on Atkins’s Varsity or Junior Varsity cheerleading. I understand that my child will have to assume some risk of physical injury or harm to participate on the squad, but we are willing to assume that risk. I understand there are financial obligations involved as spelled out in the constitution. I have read the Atkins High School cheerleading rules and regulations and accept these guidelines. I understand that failure to follow the cheerleading rules and regulations will mean dismissal from the team.



I have read and understand the rules and regulations governing anAtkins cheerleader. If selected, I will abide by the constitution to the best of my ability. I understand that I may be removed from the squad if I do not maintain the high standards expected of a squad member. I understand that cheerleading is a major personal commitment of my non-academic time and cannot be placed secondary to other non-academic activities (both school and outside of school non-academic activities).

Student name(print)



CHEERLEADING TEAM RULES AND REGULATIONS Akins Academic and Technology High School Winston-Salem, NORTH CAROLINA



B.Number of squads (i.e. having a Junior Varsity and Varsity) will be determined based off number of students trying out and quality of students trying out. It may be determined that only a Varsity squad can be fully outfitted based off coaches and school administration’s expectations.

C.Anyone who will be a student at Atkins shall be eligible for tryouts as long as he/she meets the following requirements: (1) An overall 2.0 (C) grade average or meet Academic Support guidelines, (2) Be of unquestionable character, and (3) meets the transfer eligibility requirements if new to the school (grades 10-12) (4) Not have excessiveabsences.

D.Therewillbeonecaptainorco-captainsfortheteamdeterminedbythecoaches atthe conclusion of tryouts.


F.Cheerleaders who resign from the squad for just cause as determined by the administration and coaches may be granted permission to try out the followingyear (example: resigning due to medical reasons/injury). Cheerleaders dismissed from the team or those quitting will not be allowed to try out for cheerleading for the 2017-2018 season, but can try out for the 2018-2019 season.


A.Maturity,leadership,andsoundjudgment,asevidencedbyfacultyevaluation,observation,andconduct grades.

B.Acheerleadermustmaintainanoverall2.0(C)averageinschoolormeetAcademicSupportguidelines. It is preferred (but not required) that cheerleaders strive to be honor roll students as leading by example in the classroom will show others how to lead by example.

C.Pleasing personality and ability to work well withothers.


E.Thinkseriouslybeforejoiningclubs,sports,orpart-timejobssincecheerleadingisa verydemandingsport, requiring a full teameffort.

F.Driver’sEducationclassesshouldpreferably betakenoverthesummerpostponeduntiltheendofthe season. Any cheerleader choosing to take Driver’s Education during the school year will have to sit out the games for the applicable week(s) due to their inability to attend that week’s practices; assuming you are taking Drivers Education afterschool and not in the morning. Cheerleaders sitting out for this reason will still dress and sit on the sidelines with the coach(es).

G.A cheerleader must attend cheerleading camp during the summer and participate in community activities such as community service. Members must cheer at the Mary Garber Tournament prior to Thanksgiving and the Frank Spencer Tournament during the Christmas holidays. JV cheerleaders must cheer at the Frank Spencer Tournament during the holidays as determined by thecoaches; the responsibility for this tournament will be split equally among both squads. All cheerleaders will be a part of cheering for the basketball tournaments at the end of the season as the Atkins men’s and women’s teams will be playing on the same days and at the same time at different places.

H.Must be financially prepared to meet all cheerleading expenses during the year. Approximatecosts will be on a separate sheet:

  • Summer Cheer Camp (Wake Forest University)
  • Cheer Shoes (all cheerleaders must have the same shoes)
  • T-shirts/hoodie (includes shirts you wear to summer cheer camp)
  • 3 pairs of shorts
  • Skort/racer back T—will be used for pep rallys, outside school activities
  • No show socks
  • Warm-ups
  • Black dress pants (most already have this being we are a SMOD school), White button down shirt with collar; Black skirt (most already have this being we are a SMOD school)

I.Aphysicalexaminationanddoctor'spermissiontoparticipateincheerleadingisrequiredofallsquad members. Parents must sign the Concussion Awareness form as well as a field trip form giving permission for cheerleaders to ride the activity bus to away games. This must be received BEFORE a student will be allowed to try out. Failure to have this up front will result in the student not being able to try out.

J.Cheerleaders must have school or family healthinsurance.

K.Cheerleaders are encouraged (not required) to take gymnastics on their own during the offseason.


A.Cheerleaders will be selected in the spring by a panel of judges including the cheerleadingcoaches and 2 Atkins teachers.


C.Faculty members of core classes for all participants will give a form with which to evaluate conduct, leadership, academic work/integrity, discipline and ability to work well with others. These evaluations will be used to aid in the selectionprocess.

D.A cheer, two chants (one chant which will be made up by the participant), a dance, and 3 jumps will bejudged. Participants will be given time to display their gymnastics skills as long as the skill being shown is above the difficulty of a round off or cartwheel.

E.First semester and third quarter grades (this includes current GPA) will be used in the selectionprocess as participants of the cheerleading squad are first student athletes.

F.A list of those making the cheerleading squad will beposted on my webpage AFTER the list has been approved by members of the Atkins Administrative team.

Head Cheerleader Duties

A.Each squad will have a captain or co-captains. The method of selection will be determined by the coaches based off tryout score, attitude and effort through the week of tryouts and teacher recommendations. Atthediscretionofthecoaches,anewcaptainand/orco-captainmaybechosenasitbecomesnecessary.

B.Shallhavethepowertocallandpresideovermeetingsandpracticeswiththeapprovalofthecheerleading coaches.


D.Must know cheers he/she is going to use, never hesitating as to which cheer he/she is to use next. Use appropriate cheer for eachoccasion. Captain or co-captains will be individuals calling the cheer(s) unless a cheer being used was designed/developed by another squad member.

E.Should show no partiality and should consider suggestions from all squad members.

F.Is responsible for leading and directing peprallies.



Appearance and Uniforms

A.NOJEWELRYofanykind willbe wornduringpracticesorgames.Thisincludesallpiercings (even belly button piercings).


C.No grooming during practices orgames.

D.Put hair up before practices andgames.

E.Make-up should be neat and conservative. Personal hygiene should be maintained at alltimes.

F.NO POLISH should be worn. Fingernails (real or false) need to be kept a reasonable length (no longer than fingertip length) for safetyreasons.

G.NO CELLPHONES during practice or games.

H.Keep uniforms neat and pressed, and keep shoesclean.

I.Wear only the designated uniform to event for which it is required (briefs, shoes, shirt, also are classifiedaspartoftheuniform).Selectedcheerleadingshoesandbloomersmustbewornatalltimeswhen the uniform isworn.

J.Wear the designated “outfit” to school the day of games. The type of outfit will be determined by the coaches and captain/co-captains the practice before the game. This designated outfit will be either black pants or black skirt with white button down or the cheer polo with flats or heels. Cheerleaders will not wear tennis shoes. When wearing the button down, the scarf will also be worn (coach will provide a scarf for all participants on both squads). Hair must be done and make-up must be natural in appearance (if make-up is worn).


L.Alterations and length of uniform must be approved by thecoach.

M.All uniforms, bags, and poms are school property and must be returned at the end of the seasoncleaned and in the same condition that they were issued (taking into consideration normal wear and tear) unless purchased byindividuals.


Cheerleaders are expected to attend all practices/games and be ready to cheer at any time. The only reasonable excuses areillness,injury,deathinthefamily, and taking the ACT/SAT the morning following the game.Pleasepaycloseattentiontoallschedulesandcalendars.

A.Part-timejobs,extra-curricularactivities, all-starsquads, or competitive danceshouldnotinterferewithgameschedules OR practice. Missing practice or a game for any of the mentioned items will result in an unexcused absence.


C.Ifyouarepresentatschoolandbecomeillorhave someotherreasonfornotattendingpracticeoragame, you MUST NOTIFY THE COACH IN PERSON (not another cheerleader), by email or voicemail and your PARENT must notify the coach by email or voicemail before the game that you will not be able to attend. A note is requiredafterward. If you are present all day at school and suddenly fall ill, you are expected to be at practice BUT will not be allowed to practice due to your illness, exceptions to this are cheerleaders running a fever or throwing up.

D.No gum, food or candy during thegame or practice.

E.Cheerleadersmustsitwiththe coachifunabletocheerduetoillnessorinjury.

F.Acheerleaderisexpectedtobeontime returningfromhalftimebreak.

G.No visiting with spectators during the game isallowed.

H.If a cheerleader is selected to the Homecoming Court, they are excused from cheering that game. This means the cheerleader not choosing to cheer due to Homecoming will not be allowed on the sidelines during the game as you will not be representing Atkins as a cheerleader that evening.

I.Cheerleadersareexpectedto participateinalltournamentgames,includingtournaments over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays as determined by thecoach.

J.Cheerleaders are not to make fun of or yell at thereferees, the players, or other team’s cheerleaders.

K.Cheerleadersshouldnotcrosslegs,leanback,orlaydownonthebleachersorfriendsduringthegame while in uniform or wearing anything that denotes you as an Atkins cheerleader.

L.Acheerleader who missespracticeatwhichapyramid,stunt,orcheerisperfectedshouldnotperformthe material at the next cheerleadingactivity.

M.A cheerleader who misses more than one practice during the week will not be allowed to participate in all stunts or dances at the game for thatweek.

N.Cheerleadersshouldattendgamestoobserveifunabletoparticipateduetoinjuryorillness,butabletoattend school.

O.Attendance for Conference Playoffs is required. JV cheerleaders (if applicable) will participate in both football and basketball playoff games as determined by thecoaches.

P.Cheerleaders are expected to be on time ALWAYS! For every minute late to a cheerleading activity or practice, the cheerleader will run two laps and do two jumps.


R.Cheerleaders will make/keep a cheer notebook with all information. Information will include items such as cheers and chants. Bring to all practices.

S.Mustattendallscheduledpracticesincludingsummerscheduleunlessthereisavalidreason. No other extracurricular activity (school or outside of school) may interfere with cheerleading practices or games without permission from the HEAD COACH.

T.Part-time jobs and all-star squads should not interfere withpractice.

U.If you are present at school and become ill or have some other reason for not attending practice or a game, YOU MUST NOTIFY THE COACH IN PERSON (not another cheerleader), by email, or voice mail and your PARENT must notify the coach by email or voicemail before practice that you will not be able to attend. A note is requiredafterward.

V.A cheerleader who must miss practice and who is not absent from school must talk the situation over with the Head Coach. The head coach will determine is the absence is excused or unexcused.

W.An unexcused absence from practice will result in the cheerleader not being able to cheer at the next game and/or pep rally. An unexcused absence from a game will result in removal from the squad.

X.Three unexcused practices will result in removal from the squad. Make up time will be required whether excused or not.

Y.Cheerleaders who do not dress out for a practice will be counted as having an unexcused absence and will not be allowed to cheer at the next game/pep rally. Please note: correct attire for all practices is t-shit/full coverage tank top, sports bra (I suggest high impact sports bra), shorts/work out pants, socks, cheerleading shoes, something to tie hair back away from face, and a water bottle.

Z.Doctor's appointments should be scheduled at times other than practices. Use the calendars when planning otherappointments.


BB.Acalendarwillbeprovidedeachmonthstatingallpracticeandgametimes. Please note the first Wednesday of every month will be a standard scheduled off day. Remaining Wednesdays will be scheduled based off stunt groups so your child will have at least 2 Wednesdays/month off. This should allow for ease in scheduling doctor appointments.

CC.Junior and Senior cheerleaders are allowed to miss up to 3 practices/games per season due to college visits. Please make sure you notify your coach as early as possible of said college visit so arrangements can be made. Missing practice will result in you sitting out all stunts and pyramids as well as any new material learned the day you missed. This is for safety reasons, not a punishment.

DD.Cheerleaders are not allowed to miss a practice due to an all-star squad or competitive dance practice/squad. Missing for this reason will result in an unexcused absence.

EE.The captain/co-captains is/are your leader! Everyone must follow his/herinstructions.

FF.Practices shall be orderly at all times! Socializing should be limited until afterpractice!

GG.Appropriate attire is required; sweat pants or shorts, loose shirts, sports bra, and shoes. No jewelry (includingearrings, belly button piercings).

HH.No food, drinks, or gum during practices (besides water or sportsdrinks).

II.Girl's hair must be put up beforepractice.

JJ.Practice should begin with an organized warm-up routine led by the teamcaptain.

KK.As pre-determined by the cheerleading coach and the athletic team coach, cheerleaders may participate in another sport, but only with specialpermission. This sport CANNOT interfere with cheer practices or games. Cheerleading spans many seasons, July 31-end of March. A cheerleader will not be allowed to leave the squad to participate in another sport which interferes with the cheer season. If a cheerleader leaves to squad they will not be allowed to participate in a sport unit cheerleading is done (per administration) and that cheerleader will not be allowed to try out for the following season as it will be viewed as the cheerleader quitting the team. Cheerleaders wanting to run spring track, play soccer, or play softball will be allowed to try out for that team but must inform coaches they cannot practice till the spring tournaments are finished. A spot will be held for any cheerleading making those teams and they will not be penalized for not attending any of those team practices.

LL.Please note: Many tournaments are scheduled over holidays; cheerleaders will not be easily excused from missing holiday tournament games. In fact, at this time, administration and the head coach want all to know a requirement of cheerleading is to cheer in the tournament games. If a cheerleader cannot attend a tournament game and it is not due to illness or family emergency, the coach will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused.

MM.Additional activities: All cheerleaders are expected to attend all cheerleading activities determined mandatory by the head coach throughout the season, including but not limited to, fundraisers, support of other squads/teams, community service, etc. If an activity is missed, the same rules apply as for missing practices.


A.Cheerleaders must be able to provide or secure transportation to all home games and practices.

B.The school will provide transportation to all awaygames and tournament games.

C.All cheerleaders must go to away games and return as a group unless they ride home with their parents. Parents must be present at the games, and must inform the cheerleading coach of this. If a cheerleader rides homewithanothercheerleading parent,theymusthaveawrittennotepriortothegamesignedbytheirparent.

D.Parentsmustsigntheircheerleading child outwhenleavinganawaygameandanycheerleaderapprovedbynote.


A.Cheerleaders shall conduct themselves properly at all times, both at school and outside of school. Cheerleaders are official student representatives of theschool.

B.They shall not display undesirable emotions or improperlanguage.


D.Conduct in the classroom should be a caliber that gives good examples to other students. Must maintain "Satisfactory" conduct grades at all times. Failure to do so will result inprobation.

E.Cheerleaders are to use properlanguage during games, competition, and practice.

F.Cheerleadersareforsupportoftheirownteamsandarenottocriticizeeitherteam. Cheerleaders are there to cheer on the team not to be the show.

G.Cheerleaders should be wise in choosing what they wear to school and adhere to the school dress code and limit displays of affections inpublic when in a relationship. Cheerleaders must always be in SMOD during school hours.

H.If a cheerleader has concerns or issues with another cheerleader, both are to see the coach so we can talk it out. Drama and inner squad fighting will not be tolerated. This includes drama and fighting between the JV and V squads.

Cheers, Partner Stunts, and Pyramids



C.Cheerleaders are expected to do their part in each cheer andstunt.



F.AllstuntsmustfollowtheGuidelinesforCheerleaderSafetyassetoutbytheWSFSCsysteminaccordance with the NCSAA and AACCA Safetyguidelines.

G.No stunting is allowed when the coach is not in thearea.

Cheerleading Coaches

A.Has complete responsibility for control, organization, and implementation of the cheerleading programs at Atkins HighSchool.

B.Keep all records: Permission slips, home phone numbers, attendance, grades, camp and competition information.