St Andrew Council # 10632

Business Meeting January 10, 2018

  1. Grand Knight Victor Ojeda called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. with 17 brothers in attendance. We prayed the rosary and atechili supper prepared by Russ O’Malley and Gary Romanicprior to opening.

2. Warden's Report: Warden, Jack Porterreported that all in attendance possessed current membership cards.

  1. Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was prayed.
  1. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
  1. Roll Call Of Officers:

Title / Holder / Status
Chaplain / Fr. Roy Lee / P
Grand Knight / Victor Ojeda / P
Deputy Grand Knight / Gary Romanick / P
Chancellor / Ralph Trujillo / E
Recorder / Bill Campbell / P
Treasurer / Open / P
Lecturer (appointed) / David Grattage / E
Advocate / Open
Warden / Jack Porter / P
Inside Guard / Brendan Loff / P
Outside Guard / Mason McCarthy / E
3 Year Trustee / Dennis Klein / P
2 Year Trustee / Abe Kassis / P
1 Year Trustee / Mike Bagnulo / P
Financial Secretary / Dave Lemcoe / P
Legend: A- absent, E-excused, P-present

6. The opening Odewas not sung.

  1. Reading of Minutes: Reading was dispensed and minutes e-mailed to members was approved

8. Applications for Membership:Chuck Langgood read in application for Sean Molezion which was approved by membership.

9. Balloting for Members:Second reading for Tom Flynn, Juan Pena, John Kibler, Johnnie Catanzarite and Pius Uhomoibhi was approved by vote of the members.

10. Initiations:The First Degree exemplification scheduled for Dec 9 was cancelled due to the snow and ice conditions and power failure in the area. It is now set for Jan 20 at 10:00 am. We currently have a backlog of 18 applications so will likely have another First Degree on Feb. 10.

11. Grand Knight’s Report:GK Victor Ojeda awarded Star council lapel pin to Chuck Langgood. GK awarded Knight of the month award for November to Jack Porter. Knight of month for December was shared by Bill Canpbell and a brother to be disclosed at a future meeting.

-Tool Box Brigade has been active recently and will gather Saturday Jan 13 to do shelving and organization in the Knights’ closet(s).

-GK requested all officers get with Ralph Trujillo to have picture made for posting on Council website.

-We are trying to arrange a quarterly Sunday mass for Knights and Family to attend as a group. PGK Chuck Langgood will get with Fr. Dan to arrange the date.

-Contact information for brother knights is available in the members only section of the Council Website.

-Birthdays in January: Victor is 63, Lyle Johnson 75 on 22nd and Bill Campbell 81 on 24th.

12. Chaplains Message: Chaplain Fr. Lee reminded of Pope Francis dedicate January 7-14 as migration week for encouragement of welcoming and humane treatment of migrants and refugees.

-Archbishops annual Martin Luther King Mass will ve celebrated at thr Cathedral January 20th rather than 15th due to the many activities at the center on MLK Day.

-Fr Lee reported the “Summit in the Park” is upcoming March 31 in Thomasville. Last year Knights from St. Andrew and Mary our Queen helped cook for the event.

13. Treasurer’s Report:

Balance as of January 9, 2018 $15,970.71


Outstanding checks$ 586.15

Funds available$11,884.58

14.The Financial Secretary’s Report: As of Jan 9, 2018 - 5 Vouchers have been issued for a total of $2573.91.

- Our goal for FY 17/18 is 10 new associates and 4 new insurance members.

- Our council has inducted 1 new brothers leaving 9 to meet our goal.

- We currently have one new insurance member and lost one against our goal of 4.

As of Aug 7 we have 153 members – 94 associates, 50 insurance, 9 inactive, 4 Honorary and 15 Honorary Life.

FS Dave Lemcoe reported we made $2,756 clear on pecan sales.

  1. Report of Auditors and Trustees.

The following officer vacancies were voted on and filled:

Don Boyle was elected Advocate by acclamation.

SK Lyle Johnson was elected Treasurer by acclamation.

16. Chancellor’s report on Vocations: None

17. Service Committee Reports: We distributed 95 food baskets to needy at Christmas and 65 at Thanksgiving making a total of 160 generous food baskets to needy families over the holidays. Cost to Council for turkeys and chickens was $1456.56.

18. Report of Round Table Chairman:

19. Report of Standing Committees:

20. Unfinished Business: Russ O’Malley reported we will be serving pizza and drinks for Toastmasters meeting on Tuesday Jan. 16. Serving will begin at 5:30. We will need help for serving and clean up. Help show up about 4:30.

-The flag pole project motion tabled at last meeting was opened for discussion. Bill Campbell clarified the motion as being the flag pole project as developed by DGK Gary Romanick and Fr Dan and presented to Council in April, 2016. The $6,000 cost would be paid $3,000 at project kick off and $3,000 upon completion. After some discussion Russ O’Malley moved we drop motion to reinstate the project. Russ’s motion was seconded and passed by majority vote of those in attendance, thus the project remains dead as voted in July meeting.

-The possibility of other projects for the church was discussed and GK Victor and DGK Gary will meet with Fr. Dan on this. Expenditures for any project resulting would require approval by vote of Council.

21. New Business: The Lenten Fish Dinner will begin Friday February 16. We

need a kitchen lead for these events. Any one interested should contact Gary


-Mike Bagnulo made motion to approve $2000 to purchase initial supplies for the fish dinners. Motion was seconded and approved by those present. Expenditure had also been previously approved in the current fiscal year council budget.

-Dennis Klein suggested we resume the rosary check at each business meeting. GK said would resume this practice and each brother not having rosary will be fined $1.00.

  1. Report of The Fourth Degree: Next meeting is at St. Andrew on Thursday January 11. Rosary begins at 6:15 pm.
  1. Field Agents Report: None
  1. District Deputy’s Report: None
  1. Brothers in Need of Prayers: Fr. Lee led us in prayer for those on attached list.
  1. Good of the Order:

Worthy Lecturer’s Report: None

  1. Closing Prayer: Mary Queen of the Knights was prayed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The Closing Ode wasnot sung.

Respectfully Submitted,

Recorder, Bill Campbell

Attachments: Prayer intentions

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