English 10A: Archetypes in World Literature

The Big Myth: Creation Stories from Around the World

Purpose: To examine the creation myths of different world cultures for common patterns; to research connections between a culture and its myths; to teach your classmates what you have learned in a creative way.

Description: You will use The Big Myth website for this project. To access the site, go to http://www.bigmyth.com/webpages/index.htm Select English for language. You will need to login with Mrs. Shafer’s email address: . Each 10A class has different passwords. The password for your class is:______.

You will work individually for most of the tasks here and will collaborate with your classmates for the final task. Here are the steps:

Individual tasks:

1.  Select myths from cultures that interest you. Read/listen to the stories. Narrow your selection to TWO myths. On a separate sheet of paper, compose a well-written (TYPED) paragraph in which you explain the similarities of any two stories. Begin your paragraph with an attention-getting opener: Briefly state how the two cultures are different (Are they separated by thousands of miles? Do they have different climates? Do the people speak different languages? You might know more about these cultures than is offered on this site. If so, feel free to offer your knowledge of how they might be similar and how they might differ), and then move into your explanation of their similarities. For example:

§  [SAMPLE OPENER] Although the Hawaiian Islands and the Celtic nations of Ireland and Scotland are separated by two oceans, it’s interesting to discover that both cultures have created myths with giant sea creatures to explain how life on earth began.

2.  Choose ONE myth to focus on more thoroughly. Click on the “Culture” link at the bottom of the page. You will find information under four different headings. Please note ONE piece of new information that you find significant from each of these categories AND explain in a sentence or two why this information is interesting to you.

§  History

§  Religion

§  Society, Economics, and Politics

§  Culture

3.  Click on the “Pantheon” link for this myth. (Pantheon: from the Greek, “all gods”)

§  Who is the most interesting god in this list to you? Explain your selection.

§  Choose one more god that is interesting to you and explain your selection.

4.  Go to the “Exercises” link for your chosen myth. Choose any 3 of the “A type” exercises and answer them. Copy down the question and then give your answer. Note that some of these questions can be answered directly from the myth and some require using the Links found on the website for additional information.

§  Compose three questions and answers from “Type A” exercises:




Group Activity:

In a small group (three to five students), select ONE “Type B” exercise and prepare it for a class presentation. Type B exercises are creative projects that involve some sort of performance/ visual/ musical product. You also have the option of creating your own original myth.

Due Dates: You will have time on computers for one to two class periods. You will also have class time to work with your group. Your Individual tasks (paragraph plus this hand-out, downloaded and typed!) are due: ___Wednesday, October 6______.

The Creative group projects are to be shared in a Folktale/Myth Fest on Friday October 8.