Report on the Transnational AccessActivity carried out within EUSAAR

The eligibility of transnational access to a EUSAAR Supersiteimplies the submission of the following:

1)A EUSAAR Associate form

Any person or research group using the facilities of a EUSAAR supersite is requested to formally associate with EUSAAR. Should the relevant home institution not be EUSAAR partner or associate, please send an Associate application form to the EUSAAR coordination office (). The document as well as more detailed information on this is available at: EUSAAR partners or institutions already associated with EUSAAR are not required to submit this form.

2)The Confirmation of visit

The form “Confirmation of visit” must be completed and signed by the project leader of the project and by the access provider in charge of the infrastructure.

3)A TNA project report

The form for the TNA project report is contained within this document. It should be completed after project end by the group leader of the project. You must respect the limited number of words specified, longer descriptions will be rejected. Figures/tables may be attached at the end of the document. The document must be submitted in an editable format (doc, rtf).

4)A User group questionnaire

To enable the Commission to evaluate the Research Infrastructures Action, to monitor the individual contracts, and to improve the services provided to the scientific community, each project leader of a user-project supported under an EC Research Infrastructure contract is requested to complete a "user group questionnaire". The questionnaire must be submitted once by each user group to the Commission as soon as the experiments on the infrastructure come to end.

The user group questionnaire is not part of this document and must be completed on-line. It is accessible at:


►Please note that any publications resulting from work carried out under the EUSAAR TNA activity must acknowledge the support of the European Community – Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 “Structuring the European Research Area” Programme, EUSAAR Contract N° RII3-CT-2006-026140.

TNA Project Report

1. User Information

Project Group: / Participant name: / Duration of stay
(start – end date) / Amount of access1
Project leader: / [dd/mm/yyyy – dd/mm/yyyy]
Project user 1:
Project user 2:
Project user …:2
Total amount of access delivered to project group:1
Project Group Leader: / Title:
First name:
Family name:
Birth date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
E-mail address:
Research status:
(click and select) / UND (undergraduate)PGR (post-graduate, student with 1st univ degree)PDOC (post-doctoral researcher)TEC (technician)EXP (experienced, professional researcher)
Scientific background:
(if applicable, indicate max 3 scientific fields) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
New user:3
(click and select) / YesNo / Gender: / FemaleMale
Number of visits to this infrastructure:4
Home institution
Institution type:
(click and select) / UNI (University or other higher educ organisation)RES (public research organ, intern or priv)SME (small or medium enterprise)PRV (other industrial/profit private organisation)OTH (other)
Institution name:
Institution town:
Institution country:
Project User 1: / Title:
First name:
Family name:
Birth date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
E-mail address:
Research status:
(click and select) / UND (undergraduate)PGR (post-graduate, student with 1st univ degree)PDOC (post-doctoral researcher)TEC (technician)EXP (experienced, professional researcher)
Scientific background:
(if applicable, indicate max 3 scientific fields) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
New user:3
(click and select) / YesNo / Gender: / FemaleMale
Number of visits to this infrastructure:4
Home institution5
(if different from home institution of project leader indicated above)
Institution type:
(click and select) / UNI (University or other higher educ organisation)RES (public research organ, intern or priv)SME (small or medium enterprise)PRV (other industrial/profit private organisation)OTH (other)
Institution name:
Institution town:
Institution country:
Project User 2: / Title:
First name:
Family name:
Birth date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
E-mail address:
Research status:
(click and select) / UND (undergraduate)PGR (post-graduate, student with 1st univ degree)PDOC (post-doctoral researcher)TEC (technician)EXP (experienced, professional researcher)
Scientific background:
(if applicable, indicate max 3 scientific fields) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
New user:3
(click and select) / YesNo / Gender: / FemaleMale
Number of visits to this infrastructure:4
Home institution5
(if different from home institution of project leader indicated above)
Institution type:
(click and select) / UNI (University or other higher educ organisation)RES (public research organ, intern or priv)SME (small or medium enterprise)PRV (other industrial/profit private organisation)OTH (other)
Institution name:
Institution town:
Institution country:
Project User 3: / Title:
First name:
Family name:
Birth date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
E-mail address:
Research status:
(click and select) / UND (undergraduate)PGR (post-graduate, student with 1st univ degree)PDOC (post-doctoral researcher)TEC (technician)EXP (experienced, professional researcher)
Scientific background:
(if applicable, indicate max 3 scientific fields) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
New user:3
(click and select) / YesNo / Gender: / FemaleMale
Number of visits to this infrastructure:4
Home institution5
(if different from home institution of project leader indicated above)
Institution type:
(click and select) / UNI (University or other higher educ organisation)RES (public research organ, intern or priv)SME (small or medium enterprise)PRV (other industrial/profit private organisation)OTH (other)
Institution name:
Institution town:
Institution country:
Project User 4: / Title:
First name:
Family name:
Birth date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
E-mail address:
Research status:
(click and select) / UND (undergraduate)PGR (post-graduate, student with 1st univ degree)PDOC (post-doctoral researcher)TEC (technician)EXP (experienced, professional researcher)
Scientific background:
(if applicable, indicate max 3 scientific fields) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
New user:3
(click and select) / YesNo / Gender: / FemaleMale
Number of visits to this infrastructure:4
Home institution5
(if different from home institution of project leader indicated above)
Institution type:
(click and select) / UNI (University or other higher educ organisation)RES (public research organ, intern or priv)SME (small or medium enterprise)PRV (other industrial/profit private organisation)OTH (other)
Institution name:
Institution town:
Institution country:
Project User … :6 / Title:
First name:
Family name:
Birth date: / [dd/mm/yyyy]
E-mail address:
Research status:
(click and select) / UND (undergraduate)PGR (post-graduate, student with 1st univ degree)PDOC (post-doctoral researcher)TEC (technician)EXP (experienced, professional researcher)
Scientific background:
(if applicable, indicate max 3 scientific fields) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
New user:3
(click and select) / YesNo / Gender: / FemaleMale
Number of visits to this infrastructure:4
Home institution5
(if different from home institution of project leader indicated above)
Institution type:
(click and select) / UNI (University or other higher educ organisation)RES (public research organ, intern or priv)SME (small or medium enterprise)PRV (other industrial/profit private organisation)OTH (other)
Institution name:
Institution town:
Institution country:

2. Project Information

Project title:
(255 characters max)
Project acronym:
(20 characters max)
Project scientific field:
(click and select) / PhysicsChemistryLife Sciences + BiotechEarth Sciences + EnvironmentEnergy + TechnologyMathematicsInformation + Communication TechnologyMaterial SciencesEnergySocial SciencesHumanities
FP6 priority:7 / FP6 - Global Change & Climate observationFP6 - Ecosystems & BiodiversityFP6 - Natural disaster & DesertificationFP6 - Sustainable land managementFP6 - Radiation protection & Radioactive wasteMarine science/OceanographyWater sciences/HydrologyEcologyOther - Earth SciencesOther - Environment
Infrastructure short name:
(click and select) / CBW (Cabauw, NL)FKL (Finokalia, GR)ISP (Ispra, IT)JFJ (Jungfraujoch, CH)KPO (K-Puszta, HU)MEL (Melpitz, GE)MHD (Mace Head, IE)PAL (Pallas, FI)PDD (Puy de Dôme, FR)SMR (Hytiälä, FI)ZEP (Zeppelin, NO)
Project objectives:
(250 words max, too many words will be removed from the end)
Technical description of work performed:
(250 words max, too many words will be removed from the end)
Project achievements (and difficulties encountered):8
(250 words max, too many words will be removed from the end)
Expected publications and dates:9
User group questionnaire submitted:10
(click and select) / YesNo
Submission date of user group questionnaire: 10 / [dd/mm/yyyy]

Accompanying Notes

  1. Specify the amount of access delivered to each user of the research group at the infrastructure in days, including weekends and public holidays(e.g., a researcher who has spent 5 days at the infrastructure must indicate ‘5’). The total amount of access delivered to the project group is the sum of access days of each user (e.g., if two researcher access the infrastructure during 5 days the total amount of access is ’10’).
  1. Adapt the table to the number of users in the project group (project user 1, project user 2, … project user n, …)
  2. Indicate ‘Yes’ only if the user has never visited the infrastructure before this specific user project, otherwise write ‚No’
  3. Indicate the total number of visits to the infrastructure made by the user for this specific project, including the visit related to this project (e.g., not in terms of user days but at different time periods).
  4. If the home institution of project users is the same as the home institution of the project leader you may leave this field blank.
  5. Create and complete a table 1.3 for each user of the project (1.3.1, 1.3.2, … 1.3.n, ...). If there is only one participant (project leader) in the project, table 1.3 may be left blank.

To create a new table 1.3, you will first have to unprotect the document to be able to copy it from the existing table: From the Tools menu, select ‘unprotect document’, mark entire table 1.3 with the left mouse button, copy it below and and call it 1.3.2. Repeat this step as long as necessary. When finished, protect the document before completing the form. To do this, go to the Tools menu and select ‘protect document’.

  1. Select the FP6 priority or specify the discipline that the project relates to. A list of priorities and subpriorities can be found on the Cordis website at
  2. Describe the main achievements obtained and difficulties encountered during the execution of the project and their impact for the scientific community.
  3. Note that publications resulting from work carried out under the EUSAAR TNA activity must acknowledge the support of the European Community – Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 “Structuring the European Research Area” Programme.
  4. The User Group Questionnaire is mandatory and requested by the European Commission You can access the on-line questionnaire at: