Rules and Expectations ~ Español 2 ~ Sra. Andrews


Welcome to Spanish class. It is my hope that you will enjoy the experience of communicating in a new language and learning the customs of other countries.

It is likely that you have chosen to study a foreign language to prepare you for college level work. You have high expectations and so do I. In order to prepare for a successful college career you need to acquire appropriate work habits and skills.

Be courteous - Treat your classmates and teacher with respect.

Display mature and respectful behavior.

Purchase a binder that allows you to add pages.

Homework will be assigned daily.

It is due the next day.

Homework should be neat and legible.

All sentences should be written out unless otherwise specified.

Make-up work is the responsibility of the student.

The homework will be posted on the whiteboard and on-line.

Students participating in school-sponsored activities are to request work in advance.

Homework, tests and quizzes which are not made up within a week are scored with a 0.

(Student/Parent handbook)

The grade given to a project or essay is lowered each day the work is late.


Books and notebooks mustbe brought to class. (detention begins with the 3rd offense)

Be in class and seated when the bell rings. (detention begins with the 3rd tardy)

Keep a grade tally. Record all quizzes and tests.

Use Spanish as much as possible!

Participation is expected and those who areconsistent earn bonus points for their efforts.

NEED HELP? Just ask.

If you are unable to do an assignment because you do not understand the material, I

shall be happy to meet with you after school to compete itfor credit.

  • Parents, please feel free to contact me if you have concerns.
  • You may access my class page for updates on classroom activities and games that are fashioned to practice current vocabulary and grammar. From there you may also access the homework page to see the current assignments. See or
  • You may also e-mail me from my class page.

Finalmente...¡Muy buena suerte! Sra. Andrews


Grades will be calculated using the standard scale of the CarlisleAreaSchool District.

The following means of assessment will be used to determine grades:






Consistent participation and extra-credit possibilities are also factored into the total.

Tests, quizzes and homework which are not made up within the allotted time (1 week) will be entered as a 0.

The percentage-to-grade equivalents are as follows:

A = 95 –100 B+ = 89 –91 C+ = 80 –82 D+ = 71 – 73 F = 64 and below

A- = 92 – 94 B = 86 –88 C = 77 –79 D = 65 – 70

B- = 83 – 85 C- =74 – 76

This scale is also found in the Student/Parent Handbook.


Frequently, I will incorporate games, music and culture into the lessons.

A tape series is available for pronunciation practice with native speakers.

We will sample Spanish foods during the holidays.

Guest speakers, Spanish students and videos are used whenever possible to enhance the experience.


It is my sincere hope that my students enjoy, as well as learn the Spanish language.

Thank you, in advance for your cooperation. I look forward to a rewarding year.

Patricia Y. Andrews

student signature ______

parent/guardian ______

date ______