Martinez MountainMeyer, George

Martinez MountainMeyer, George


10 Years Later - Death Valley National Park

Early suggestions of Park status, appreciation of current Park status, by a superintendent of the park. Ed Rothfuss (Article), Fall 2004 p.7

100 Million $ Mesquite Landfill Moving Forward

In Imperial County. (Current Issues), June 15, 2007 p.11

100 Years of Preserving America's Past

Centennial of the Antiquities Act. Dwight Young (Article), Sep 16, 2006 p.10

1872 Mining Law

Proposed expansion of 5ac mine dump limit

Mining (Senator Craig's proposed modification of 1872 mining law.) (Issues Update), Summer 1999 p.2

Still at Risk Without Mining Law Reform (The 1872 Mining Law - outdated. HR3968 Rahall-Shay-Inslee bill.) Terry Weiner (Article), Summer 2006 p.12


22 Years of Keeping Nevada Wild

Friends of Nevada Wilderness. Judy Anderson & Brian Beffort (Article), March 15, 2007 p.10


3809 mining regulations

Miners go to Kindergarten (3809 mining regs being revised.) Stan Haye (Article), Spring 1999 p.1


440,000 Acres of Wilderness

Clark Co., NV, SB 2612. John Hiatt (Article), Fall 2002 p.1

49 Palms Canyon Ridge Dayhike, Joshua Tree National Park

(Outings Notice), Winter 2003 p.20


5th Annual Ruby Rendezvous

(Outings Notice), Spring 2004 p.17


A Matter of Words

Legal interpretation of regulations concerning motorized access to guzzlers in wilderness. (Sidebar), March, 2008 p.16

ABDSP - abbreviation for Anza Borrego Desert State Park

Abele, Rich

Angeles Chapter's "Little Hikers" Explore Death Valley

Families with children. (Article), Winter 1998-1999 p.17

Access to Public Lands

Personal history by the author of involvement with public land access. Ed Waldheim (Article), Sep 2008 p.22

ACEC - abbreviation for Area of Critical Environmental Concern

ACHP - abbreviation for Advisory Council on Historic Preservation


ABDSP - Anza Borrego Desert State Park

ACEC - Area of Critical Environmental Concern

ACHP - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

AML - Appropriate Management Level

AMP - Adaptive Management Plan

ARR - Alliance for Responsible Recreation

ATCC - Area of Traditional Cultural Concern

BLM - Bureau of Land Management

BOR - Bureau of Reclamation

CAA - Clean Air Act

CAASP - California Archaelogical Site Stewardship Program

Carissa Plains - Carrizo Plain

CBD - Center for Biological Diversity

CDCA - California Desert Conservation Area

CDD - California Desert District

CDEM - Consejo Desarrollo Economic de Mexacali

CDFG - Californial Department of Fish & Game

CDMG - California Desert Manager's Group

CDPA - California Desert Protection Act

CEC - California Energy Commission

CEQ - Council on Environmental Quality

CEQA - California/Environmental Quality Act

CERCLA - Superfund Law

CNRCC - California Nevada Regional Conservation Committee

COW - Community ORV Watch

CRIT - Colorado River Indian Tribes

CURE - Citizens United for Resources and the Environment

Current Issues - News Items

CWHC - California Wild Heritgage Campaign

DAC - Desert Advisory Committee

DMG - Desert Manager's Group

DOI - Department of the Interior

DVNP - Death Valley National Park

DWP - Department of Water and Power (Los Angeles)

EA - Environmental Assessment

EIR - Environmental Impact Report

EIS - Environmental Impact Statement

Energy - Wind Energy

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

ESA - Endangered Species Act

FEIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement

FLPMA - Federal Land Policy Management Act

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

FOMC - Friends of Minietta Cabin

FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact

FWS - Fish & Wildlife Service

GBUAPCD - Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District

GMP - General Management Plan

HMA - Herd Management Area

IBLA - Interior Board of Land Appeals

IID - Imperial Irrigation District

JTNP - Joshua Tree National Park

LADWP - Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Land Management - Public Land Management

LORP - Lower Owens River Project

MMPA - Marine Mammal Protection Act

MNP - Mojave National Preserve

MSCP - Multi-Species Conservation Plan

MWD - Metropolitan Water District

NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement

NAWS - Naval Air Weapons Station

NCA - National Conservation Area

NECO - Northern and Eastern Colorado Desert Plan

NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act

News Item - Current Issues

NHPA - National Historic Preservation Act

NLCS - National Landscape Conservation System

NM - National Monument

NPCA - National Parks Conservation Association

NPS - National Park Service

NWR - National Wildlife Refuge

OHMVRD - Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division

OHV - Off-Highway Vehicles

OI - Owyhee Initiative

ORV - Off-Road Vehicles

OSNHT - Old Spanish National Historic Trail

OSTA - Old Spanish Trail Association

Parks - National Parks, State Parks

PCT - Pacific Crest Trail

PEER - Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

POO - Plan of Operations

RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RETI - Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative

RMP - Resource Management Plan

ROD - Record of Decision

SCA - Student Conservation Association

SCML - South Coast Missing Linkages

SEEP - Sand Canyon Environmental Education Program

SHPO - State Historic Preservation Office

SLAPP - Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation

SMARA - Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (CA)

SMGB - State Mining and Geology Board

SNWA - Southen Nevada Water Authority

TPL - Trust for Public Land

TWC - The Wildlands Conservancy

USBP - US Border Patrol

VFHCP - Valley Floor Habitat Conservation Plan

Wild & Scenic Rivers - Rivers

YDP - Yuma Desalting Plant

Acronyms and Familiarity with Issues

Elden Hughes (View from the Chair), April 1997 p.2


BLM Adopt-A-Cabin Program Makes for Rewarding Experience (Minietta Cabin.) Don Peterson (Trip Report), Spring 1999 p.17

El Paso Mts Adopt-A-Cabin Exploratory and Primitive Carcamp (Outings Notice), Spring 2003 p.21

Panamint Valley BLM Adopt-A-Cabin Program and Carcamp (Outings Notice), Fall 1998 p.8

Sierra Club Adopt-A-Cabin Project (Minietta Mine Cabin.) Lygeia de Jesus (Article), Spring 2000 p.22

Sierra Club Members Adopt-A-Cabin (Minietta Mine Cabin.) Lygeia deJesus (Trip Report), Summer 1999 p.18

After the Cows Go Home

Subtitle: A Natural History and Study of Grazing Impacts in the Granite Mountains. Letty French (Article), Spring 2000 p.14

Afton Canyon

Cady Mountains WSA (Viewed from Afton Gorge.) Elden Hughes (Photo), Summer 2000 p.Centerfold

East Mojave Carcamp at Afton Canyon (Outings Notice), Spring 2001 p.18

Afton Canyon ACEC

(Outings Notice), Summer 1999 p.16

Afton Canyon Exploratory

(Outings Notice), July 1997 p.13

Afton Canyon, East Mojave Carcamp

(Outings Notice), Summer 2001 p.21

Aglodones Dunes, Service and Hiking

(Outings Notice), March 15, 2007 p.21

Air Pollution in the Mono Lake Basin

Subtitle: Status of Control Efforts. Jim Parker & Theodore Schade (Article), Winter 2004 #2 p.1

Air Quality

Mercury Emissions from Mines Under Pressure Great Basin Mine Watch's efforts to control mercury emissions from Nevada mines. Dan Randolph (Article), June 15, 2007 p.6

Regulations on Dumping Sewage Need to Include Enclosure Open-air sludge dumps in the Mojave Desert. (Current Issues), March, 2008 p.11

Air Quality at Risk in Salton Sea Water Transfers

Effect on air quality of water transfers resulting in lowering Salton Sea water level. Theodore Schade (Article), Spring 2004 p.1

Air Quality in the High Desert

(Current Issues), Dec 2007 p.15


Dramatic Change for Ivanpah Valley Planned Las Vegas overflow airport on a dry lake in Ivanpah Valley. Deborah DeMeo (Article), Dec 15, 2006 p.11

Ivanpah Airport Land Grab Elden Hughes (Article), Fall 1998 p.1

Mammoth-Yosemite Airport: The Judge Asks Questions Proposed Mammoth Lakes airport. (News Item), Winter 2004 #2 p.5

Mojave Preserve Threatened by Airport Legislation Airport for Clark Co., NV, serving Las Vegas, close to Mojave Nat'l Preserve. NPCA (Article), Summer 1999 p.11

Use of Publicly Owned Land Potential Las Vegas airports on public land. Mathew Christian (Article), Summer 2004 p.3

Alabama Hills

Lone Pine Lake, Alabama Hills, Manzanar (Outings Notice), Spring 2006 p.20

Alabama Hills, Manzanar, Lone Pine Lake

(Outings Notice), Winter 2004 #1 p.17

Alegretti Farms

Imperial County Water Grab. (News Item), Spring 2003 p.18

Algodones Dunes

(News Item), Fall 2003 p.9

Dune Buggies at the Algodones Dunes El Centro Field Office BLM (Photo), Spring 2000 p.16

Imperial Sand Dunes ORV Impacts Geoffrey Smith (Article), Spring 2000 p.16

Listing Sought for Algodones Dune Species (Continuing efforts, by CBD, Sierra Club. 16 species.) Daniel Patterson (Article), Winter 2006 p.14

North Algodones Dunes Wilderenss Area - Service and Hiking (Outings Notice), Dec 15, 2006 p.16

Algodones Dunes (South)

Thanksgiving weekend report. (News Item), Fall/Winter 1999 p.11

Algodones No One Knew

Larry Hogue (Article), Summer 2002 p.20

Aliens in the Desert

Non-native grasses, mustards and other plants replacing native plants. John Hiatt (Article), Summer 2005 p.12

All American Canal Brings International Litigation

Issue of canal seepage, related to proposed concrete-lining the canal. David Czamanske (Article), Winter 2006 p.1

Allen, Edwina

Sierra Club Works to Protect Owyhee Canyonlands

Sierra Club's official position on the Owyhee Initiative. (Article), June 15, 2007 p.12

Allen, Harriet

Harriet Allen, Desert Queen (Profile.) Judy Anderson (Article), Summer 2001 p.9

Allen, Kate

Bird Guzzlers in Wilderness

(Article), March, 2008 p.16

Alternate Energy

Environmental Justice Short Circuited Eagle Mountain environmental situation. Donna Charpied (Article), Sep 2008 p.12

Proposition 7: More than Meets the Eye Green energy proposal - deeply flawed. (Current Issues), Sep 2008 p.15

Solar in the California Desert Siting solar facilities in the CA desert, with maps. Ileene Anderson (Article), Sep 2008 p.4

Wind Turbines (News Item), Fall 2003 p.9

Amargosa River

Beatty Area Land Release Still on Hold (5400 acres, oasis, critical habitat. Old RMP out of date.) (Current Issues), March 15, 2007 p.13

Fire in Amargosa River (Arson suspected.) (News Item), Spring 2002 p.9

New Proposal for the Amargosa River (History and current status of caring for the Amargosa.) Miriam 'Mim' Romero (Article), Fall/Winter 1999 p.4

Protecting a Desert Jewel (The Amargosa Conservancy.) Susan Sorrells (Article), Sep 16, 2006 p.18

Report on the Lower Amargosa Miriam 'Mim' Romero (Article), Summer 2000 p.3

Thoughts on the Amargosa River Country Miriam 'Mim' Romero (Article), Fall 2001 p.3

Water Wars and the California/Nevada Dilemma (Border area issues created by differing state rules and regulations.) Greg James (Article), March 15, 2007 p.3

Wild and Scenic Amargosa (Outings Notice), Sep 2007 p.21

Amargosa River Carcamp and Hike

(Outings Notice), Winter 2001 p.18

Amargosa River Country

(Outings Notice), Spring 2001 p.18

Amargosa River Proposal

Wild and Scenic River designation. Brian Brown (Article), Fall 2003 p.5

Amargosa River Study Hikes and Carcamp

(Outings Notice), Fall/Winter 1999 p.15

Amargosa River, Hike the

(Outings Notice), Winter 2003 p.21

Amargosa Wild & Scenic River Exploration

(Outings Notice), Dec 15, 2006 p.16

American Lands Sage Grouse Conservation Project

Mark Salvo (Article), Spring 2000 p.11

AML - abbreviation for Appropriate Management Level

AMP - abbreviation for Adaptive Management Plan

Ancient Bristlecone Pines and Barcroft Lab Open House

(Outings Notice), Spring 2002 p.21

(Outings Notice), Summer 2003 p.16

Anderson, Greta

Ecological Health and Livestock Grazing

In Southern California deserts. (Article), March 15, 2007 p.4

Anderson, Ileene

Lane Mountain Milkvetch - Under Siege

(Article), Summer 2001 p.10

More Unaffordable Housing… Or a New State Park

Tejon Ranch potential housing development. (Article), Sep 2007 p.14

Rare Plants Competing with Rare Minerals

Protection of endemic species growing on high quality limestones in the San Bernardino mountains. (Article), Fall 2003 p.4

Solar in the California Desert

Siting solar facilities in the CA desert, with maps. (Article), Sep 2008 p.4

Anderson, Judy

22 Years of Keeping Nevada Wild

Friends of Nevada Wilderness. (Article), March 15, 2007 p.10

Celebrating the Volunteers

Volunteers working for passage of the CDPA. (Article), Fall 2004 p.10

Everything is Still Hitched to Everything Else

Defending the Endangered Species Act. (Article), Summer 2005 p.3

Harriet Allen, Desert Queen

Profile. (Article), Summer 2001 p.9

Hiking the Desert Trail

Several segments of the Mexico-to-Canada desert trail. (Article), Fall 2005 p.4

Judy Anderson Wins John Muir Award Frank Wheat (Article), Fall/Winter 1999 p.1

Maris Valkass, 1936-2001

(Obituary), Summer 2001 p.1

Meet Outings Chair Jim Kilberg

(Interview), April 1997 p.9

Preserving the Best of the Rest of the American West

The National Landscape Conservation System - an assessment of current condition. (Article), Dec 15, 2006 p.1

Remembering Frank Wheat

(Article), Fall 2000 p.11

Salton Sea, North Lake Proposal

(Article), Summer 2003 p.10

Andre, James M

Cultivating Research at Granite Mountains

Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center. (Article), Winter 2002 p.3

Recent Botanical Discoveries

In the Eastern Mojave Desert, 90 new species. (Article), Winter 2004 #1 p.1

Angeles Chapter's "Little Hikers" Explore Death Valley

Families with children. Rich Abele (Article), Winter 1998-1999 p.17


Antelope Protection Carcamp (Outings Notice), Fall 2004 p.16

Anza Borrego Bighorn Sheep Count Up a Bit (News Item), Spring 2004 p.7

Bighorn Sheep Again Seen in Jacumba Wilderness (News Item), Spring 2006 p.7

Burros Burros Everywhere Burros on desert lands. Stan Haye (Article), Winter 1998 p.4

Burros in DVNP To Bruce Babbit, Sec'y of Interior, requesting control of burros in DVNP. Edgar Wayburn, M.D (Letter), April 1997 p.9

Carrizo Gorge Poses Risk to Peninsular Bighorn Sheep David Hogan (Article), Winter 2004 #1 p.1

Desert Tortoises on the Move Considerations when relocating desert tortoises. Michael J O'Conner, Ph.D. (Article), Summer 2004 p.1

Federal Protection for Peninsular Bighorn (Article), Winter 1998 p.1

Grazing in Anza-Borrego Threatens Bighorn Sheep Subtitle: Recovery plan says no grazing. Elden Hughes (Article), Spring 2004 p.14

Home on the Peninsular Range Returning bighorn sheep from near extinction. Mark C Jorgensen (Article), Fall 2001 p.8

Invasive Species from Tamarisk to Burros Burro removal status, efforts, …. George Barnes & Steve Tabor (Article), Spring 1999 p.9

Lawsuit to Protect Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Palm Springs 'urban sprawl'. (News Item), Fall 2004 p.13

Peninsular Bighorn Need Endangered Species Listing Joan Taylor (Article), July 1997 p.1

Peninsular Bighorn Sheep at the Brink of Extinction Jonathon Cook (Article), Fall 2003 p.4

Politics of Predation Prey-predator relation, mountain lions and bighorn sheep. Christopher N Papouchis (Article), Spring 2002 p.12

Pronghorn on the Carrizo Plain National Monument Subtitle: Success Despite Manmade Obstacles. Alice Koch (Article), Spring 2005 p.3

Sheephole Valley Wilderness Guzzlers Subtitle: Guzzlers Put Bighorn Sheep at Risk. Elden Hughes (Article), Fall 2003 p.10

Voracious Long-ears Threaten Wildlife Refuge Burros, Imperial National Wildlife Refuge. Renee L Robichaud (Article), Fall 2001 p.7

What's Happening to the Mojave Ground Squirrel Decline in apparent population since 1980. Phil Leitner (Article), Spring 2002 p.10

Antelope Protection Carcamp

(Outings Notice), Fall 2004 p.16

(Outings Notice), Summer 2005 p.17

Carrizo Plain. (Outings Notice), Winter 2004 #2 p.16

Antelope Protection Carcamp (Nature Study / Work Party)

(Outings Notice), Winter 2006 p.17

Antiquities Act

100 Years of Preserving America's Past (Centennial of the Antiquities Act.) Dwight Young (Article), Sep 16, 2006 p.10

Protection of Cultural and Historic Resources (History of law, regulation, policy.) Wanda Raschkow (Article), Sep 2007 p.1

Anza Borrego Bighorn Sheep Count Up a Bit

(News Item), Spring 2004 p.7

Anza Borrego Desert State Park

Conservation Victory in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Defeat of proposal to re-open Coyote Canyon and re-introduce feral horses.) David Hogan (Article), Fall 2004 p.18

Fight is On Against 'Sunrise Powerlink' (Proposed transmission line through Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. A serious threat to the natural environment.) David Hogan (Article), June 15, 2007 p.1

Lucky 5 Ranch (Purchase connects Anza-Borrego and Cuyamaca Rancho State Parks.) Diana Lindsay (Article), Winter 2002 p.13

Mason Valley Extends Anza-Borrego Diana Lindsay (Article), Fall 2002 p.14

Sunrise Power Link Threatens State Wilderness (Would de-designate CA state wilderness in Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego County.) (Current Issues), March 15, 2007 p.13

Tamarisk Removal Work Party, Anza-Borrego Desert Hike (Outings Notice), Spring 1999 p.12

Thanksgiving at Anza Borrego (Outing report.) Lois Grunwald (Article), Spring 2001 p.7

Vallecito Ranch (Subtitle: Pristine Desert Habitat. (Acquisition opportunity).) Linda Carson (Article), Fall 2003 p.8

Anza Borrego Desert State Park Receives Increased Protections

Bryn Jones (Article), Spring 2005 p.13

Anza Borrego Desert State Park Sampler

(Outings Notice), Fall 2000 p.22

(Outings Notice), Fall 2001 p.18

(Outings Notice), Summer 1999 p.15

Anza Borrego Natural History Easter Carcamp

(Outings Notice), Winter 2006 p.17

Anza Borrego State Park

Mark Jorgensen promoted to Superindendent. (News Item), Winter 2002 p.14

Anza Borrego State Park Exploration

(Trip Report), April 1997 p.6

Archaeological Site Stewards

The California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program. Beth & Chris Padon (Article), Summer 2003 p.8


Archaeological Site Stewards The California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program. Beth & Chris Padon (Article), Summer 2003 p.8

China Lake NAWS, Good Steward of Material Culture Historic resources of a restricted area, by its chief archeologist. Russell L Kaldenberg (Article), Sep 2007 p.4

Christmas Canyon Archaeological Surprises Russell L Kaldenberg (Article), Spring 2003 p.3

Cultural Metaphors Embody Running Man Quechan sacred area. Lorey Cachora (Article), Spring 2003 p.7

Are ATVs Dangerous for Youth

Stats and stories of dangers of ATVs. Pat Flanagan (Article), Sep 16, 2006 p.8

Are the Benefits of Guzzlers Understood?

(Sidebar), March, 2008 p.18

Argandoña, Monica

Renewable Energy from the California Deserts

(Article), Dec 2007 p.8

Argus Range


Minietta Cabin Work Party and Argus Range Exploratory (Outings Notice), Spring 2001 p.19

Argus Range Backpack and Tamarisk Bash

(Outings Notice), Winter 2006 p.17

Argus Range Small Tamarisk Removal

(Outings Notice), March, 2008 p.21

ARR - abbreviation for Alliance for Responsible Recreation

Arrow-weed, Preston

First People of Imperial Valley, The

Personal story by a Native American. (Article), March 15, 2007 p.7

Arrow-weed, Preston Jefferson

Whirlwind Warrior (By Preston Jefferson Arrow-weed.) Elden Hughes (Book Review), Winter 1998-1999 p.11

Arsenic Contamination

near Red Mountain, CA