Update Monday 29 July

Week 2!!!! And what an interesting week we had last week!


Please note that some of the yard gates (to the bike track, the park and to the garden) seem to have dropped slightly. When you close these gates, please check that they are locked. You may need to lift the gate a little so the lock meets the hole. Thank you.

Gates and Windows

Just a reminder to lock classroom courtyard gates and windows on Thursdays and Fridays, this will help T. Bestwick to remain outside during recess and lunch. Thank you for your assistance.

New garden learning area

Work is continuing at a steady pace. Windows have been moved, toilet reconfigured to accommodate a change table and the kitchen in. Appliances purchased. The fridge is currently being used by white class (relocated to music room).

Thank you

On behalf of teachers in the school, I would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the Teacher Assistants who worked during the holiday break to make resources, tidy up areas and reorganise store rooms. In particular, thank you Leigh for your effort in the PE stores and art stores. Well done !!!!

New relief staff

Welcome Debbie Obrien, who started today. She is relieving in purple class.

Also, Jennifer Oak will be working in Yellow class Mons – Weds.

Medical Students

August 2 and August 9, medical students are visiting from 8:30 – 10:30. This community rotation is historical, however, it provides opportunity for prospective medical physicians to gain wider perspective of services outside acute medical care. The visit provides opportunity for us to place high value on education for students with disabilities and present this in a positive and valued way. It provides us with the opportunity to talk about educational options and opportunities, the lack of post school opportunities and the impact of disability on families. They also get a small picture of the importance of intervention and education. I know it is inconvenient to have visitors in the class, however, for many medical students, this is their first encounter with students with disabilities. If they gain even a little understanding it could be of enormous benefit for special school students in the long run. I appreciate your tolerance in this regard.

White Class

Many would now be aware that ¾ of the White class have moved into the music room and that music sessions will now occur in classrooms. This was our last resort following many changes in tables/staffing/ routines and was unavoidable in the end. Cameron and Steven have remained the White class and their programs are operating as usual, with less disruption and independent of other class members. At this stage Terry and Simon working across the group on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Simon and Louise are working on Thursday and Friday. Gold class has temporarily been moved into other classes, girls into Purple and Tom Direen into Blue. Thomas Bestwick is currently in White class. This arrangement will be reviewed again this week.

PiTE students

University students on scholarship in Education will be visiting 6 and 13 of August. These will be small groups of about 4-5 students. Students will be in the school for the entire day. Please help them to feel welcome. Their visit will involve introduction information about school and students, class visits, class programming, differentiating and planning with IEPs followed by more class visits. More information next week.

Happy Birthday to:

Dawn Pritchard on 1st August

Libby Heard on 2nd August

Louise Griffiths on 4th August

Mid year Reports

Mid year reports are due to sherry on August 5. The template is in Rdrive/templates/ IEP/2013 (I think)