Here you will find all of the training opportunities provided by the Church in Wales, including your diocesan courses.
IME Courses:
IME A1: Training for Training Incumbents
IME A2: Training for Curates and their Training Incumbents
IME A3: Reflection on Priesthood
IME A4: Reflection on Eucharist
IME A5: Buildings, Schools and Community
IME A6: Preparation for Post of First Responsibility
Continuing Ministerial Development
Ministry Refresher Course
Annual Reader Conference
Transforming Conversations
Making Peace with Conflict
Transforming Church Conflict
Organising Work and Time
Make Meetings Work
Leading Successful Change
Appreciating Emotional Intelligence
Mental Health First Aid
Developing an Appreciative Approach to Ministry
Safe Church – Safeguarding in the Church in Wales
MTh Programmes
MTh in Theology
Additional Courses
Bridge Builders: Meditating Interpersonal Conflicts
Coming Soon in 2015
Legal issues within parish ministry
Keeping People Safe – Safe Environment
Stewardship, Finance and Budgeting
IME Courses:
IME A1: Training for Training Incumbents
Aims: To give encouragement, support and stimulation to training incumbents and to introduce participants to key principles, practices and issues in the training of the newly ordained/licensed.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module participants shall be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
- The Church's expectation of the training incumbent
- The theological principles underlying collaborative ministry
- Some key practical considerations in preparing for the arrival of the newly ordained/licensed
- The college report and its place in the formation of the newly ordained/licensed
- The Working Agreement
Date: 20th – 22ndApril
Location: St Michael’s College, Llandaff
Training Provider: Stephen Adams
Suitable for: Training Incumbents
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
IME A2: Training for Curates and their Training Incumbents
Aims: To establish the basis for a close working relationship between the training incumbent and the newly ordained/licensed.
Learning Outcomes (these will vary for incumbents/curates)
Upon completion of this module, all participants
- Will understand the settling-in period
- Will have developed a plan for Learning Agreements between training incumbent and the newly ordained/licensed
- Will have shared knowledge of the practicalities of church organisation
- Will appreciate the need for team building, collaborative ministry, group working and effective communication in enabling the full development in ministry of the new colleague.
Date: 14th – 16th September
Location: St Michael’s College, Llandaff – 14 September
West Wales – 15 September
North Wales – 16 September
Training Provider: Stephen Adams
Suitable for: New Curates and their Training Incumbents
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
IME A3: Reflection on Priesthood
- To reflect on the theology of priesthood
- To offer support in preparation for ordination
- To analyse and understand the role of the priest
- To address practical issues associated with priesthood
Learning Outcomes:
- The participants will have a deeper understanding of the role of the priest
- They will better be able to combine practical and theoretical consideration in the life of the priest
- They will better be able to contextualise the priesthood within the church's mission in the world.
Date: 11th – 13th May
Location: St Michael’s College, Llandaff
Training Provider: Stephen Adams
Suitable for: Curates in their first year of curacy.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
IME A4: Reflection on Eucharist
- To celebrate and live the Eucharist
- To integrate priesthood further into daily life
- To reflect on individual goals
- To reflect on vision and practice in ministry
Learning Outcomes:
- On completion of this module, participants will have reflected and shared together their own stories, their strengths and weaknesses. They will have understood that their own spiritual life is central to their priestly vocation, and that living the life of a priest is fully enacted in eucharistic celebration.
Date: 5th – 7thOctober
Location: St Michael’s College, Llandaff
Training Provider: Rev’d Stephen Adams
Suitable for: Curates in their second year of curacy.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
IME A5: Buildings, Schools and Community
Aims:To engage with those who have specialist knowledge in the areas of ministry of work concerned with Schools, Buildings and Community.
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate working understanding of the practices of Christian ministry in a range of public settings, agencies and faith communities.
- Participate in and reflect on the mission of God, identifying and engaging in issues of mission and social justice in the context of ministry.
- Demonstrate an ability to nurture others in their faith development.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate gospel truth effectively in the context of ministry with different groups in church and community.
Date: 29th June – 1stJuly
Location: St Michael’s College, Llandaff
Training Provider: Rev’d Stephen Adams, Mr Alex Glanville, Mrs Carol Wardman, Rev’d Edwin Counsell
Suitable for: Curates in their second/ third year of curacy.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
IME A6: Preparation for Post of First Responsibility
- To give encouragement and support to those preparing for the first post of responsibility
- To provide the information necessary for successful transition to the first post of responsibility
- To enhance the practical skills required in a post of responsibility
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- The Church's expectations of newly appointed personnel
- Communication and relationships in the management of people
- Their position within a post of responsibility in the Church
- Parochial administration and its place within diocese and province
- Time management in the context of the first post of responsibility
- Practicalities of the move
- How to read the context
Date: 12th – 14thJanuary
Location: St Michael’s College, Llandaff
Training Provider: Rev’d Stephen Adams
Suitable for: Curates in their third year of curacy.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Continuing Ministerial Development
MinistryRefresher Course
The course is designed for clergy who have been in post for some years and would like to reflect on their experience and future direction. In a supportive and prayerful context you will be challenged to review your journey in ministry so far and encouraged to renew your vision and set practical goals for the future.
Date: 2nd – 5thNovember
Location: St Michael’s College
Training Provider: Rev’dStephen Adams
Suitable for: clergy who have been ordained for some years.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
The 24 hour residential, pre-retirement course is offered to clergy in the year of their 60th birthday. Spouses are also invited and the course aims to offer a mix of practical and spiritual help in preparing for retirement.
Date: 8th – 9th June
Location: St Michael’s College
Training Provider: Rev’d Stephen Adams, EIG, amongst others
Suitable for: Clergy over 60 years old and thinking of retirement.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Annual Reader Conference
Date: 10th – 12th July 2015
Location: Trinity St David’s University of Wales, Lampeter
Speaker: TBC
Suitable for: Readers
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Transforming Conversations
- Training incumbents, chaplains, religious educators, parish teams and spiritual directors will find this course particularly relevant to their work.
- However it’s also relevant to anyone who wants to use a coaching approach in their ministry. It lays foundations for many of the skills of collaborative leadership.
- Whether you are a beginner or have experience, Coaching for Excellence will develop and stretch your ability to coach.
- Do you want to be able to develop expertise and independence in those around you and help them develop the capacity to solve their own problems? Coaching for Excellence is for you.
Dates: Days 1&2 - November
Days 3&4 - December
Location: St Michael’s College
Training Provider: 3D Coaching
Suitable for: Training incumbents, chaplains, religious educators, parish teams and spiritual directors
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Making Peace with Conflict
This two day course gives an introduction to Bridge Builders’ methods of transforming church culture. Bridge Builders take the view that conflict is normal and inevitable in the church and is often a sign that people care deeply about issues. That said, churches often do not do conflict well and there is much to be learned in transforming our practices.
On their website Bridge Builders state that they want to see
- “local churches that have a Biblically-grounded culture of peace-making, reaching out to offer life to the world
- church leaders who model this way of living and foster healthy relationships in the Body of Christ
- peoplelooking on curiously at the church and saying, "So that’s what reconciliation looks like in practice."
This course will give an introduction to some of their methods and provide new insights into a difficult subject.
Date: Date and location will be arranged once the minimum number of 8 has been reached. The earlier the course is filled the earlier in the year the course will run.
Training Provider: Rev’d Stephen Adams
Suitable for: All Clergy
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Transforming Church Conflict
The course includes:
- teaching
- group work
- guided practice
- role-plays based on the kinds of conflicts encountered in the church
- prayer &worship
Expect anintensive and busy time!
- To increase your self-awareness as a leader facing conflict, so that you become clearer about how others experience you and more confident about some of what you have to offer, and where you may need to grow
- To transform your attitude towards conflict and engaging with conflict, so that you are able to face conflict more constructively
- To equip you with practical skills for working with conflict, so that you can engage with conflict more confidently in future
By the end of the course we expect that you will have:
- Developed greater awareness about your communication style and its impact on others
- Reflected on Biblical resources related to conflict
- Enhanced your skills for communicating effectively in times of conflict
- Experienced and practised skills for facilitating meetings
- Learnt ways of building consensus and working with resistance in groups
- Developed your ability to analyse conflict and to identify what intervention may be most appropriate, such as mediation
- Considered ways to nurture a culture of creative engagement with conflict
- Reflected on the type of leadership needed in times of anxiety and tension
- Discovered ways that conflict can offer opportunities for growth
Date: 22nd – 27thNovember
Location: St Michael’s College
Training Provider: Bridge Builders
Suitable for: All Clergy and others training as Mediators.
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Organising Work and Time
This course is designed to show you how to clearly define goals and break them into key tasks, eliminate unnecessary activities, reducing stress and balancing work and life priorities. We will help you identify your key time management issues, understand how to plan to your strengths and achieve your priorities.
Maximum of 12 participants on this course, please register early.
Date: Date and location will be arranged once the minimum number of 8 has been reached. The earlier the course is filled the earlier in the year the course will run.
Training Provider: QA
Suitable for: All clergy
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Make Meetings Work
Productive meetings are vital for purposeful work and communication. Focused meetings with clear objectives save time, increase motivation and solve problems. Well structured and managed meetings create new ideas and initiatives, achieve buy-in, and can demonstrate the importance and value of the contribution from those attending. This course will review the effective behaviors and skills necessary to help you to make significant and relevant contributions that make a real difference.
Maximum of 12 participants on this course, please register early.
Date: Date and location will be arranged once the minimum number of 8 has been reached. The earlier the course is filled the earlier in the year the course will run.
Training Provider: QA
Suitable for: All clergy
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Leading Successful Change
Leading successful change requires unfaltering commitment, skill and technique. Whether you want to learn how to manage organisational change or are in a position of restructuring or reorganising, this interactive and highly participative learning event will ensure that you get support and commitment from your people right from the start.Delegates will enhance their skills in order to lead both transformational and incremental change using simple, easy to apply and highly effective tools.
Maximum of 12 participants on this course, please register early.
Date: Date and location will be arranged once the minimum number of 8 has been reached. The earlier the course is filled the earlier in the year the course will run.
Training Provider: QA
Suitable for: All clergy
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Appreciating Emotional Intelligence
A landmark study has found that our Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the single biggest factor for long term success. People with well developed EI tend to achieve more, have greater influence and are generally happier in what they do. The great news is that EI is a skill not a gift and we all have the capacity to develop this skill.This course has been designed to provide an introduction to the core concepts of EI, with practical examples of how to use it in the professional environment, and is suitable for individuals of any level.
Maximum of 12 participants on this course, please register early.
Date: Date and location will be arranged once the minimum number of 8 has been reached. The earlier the course is filled the earlier in the year the course will run.
Training Provider: QA
Suitable for: All clergy
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Mental Health First Aid
Most people don't know what to do in a mental health crisis. Take the course and you will be one of the few who knows what to do and is confident about putting that knowledge into action.
You will learn how to recognise when a person might need help and the best way to approach them.
You could save a life by learning basic suicide intervention skills.
You will learn what protects your own and other people's mental health.
You will learn new skills that are useful in every part of your life
Dates & Location:
St Michael’s College, April
Bangor Management Centre, October
Training Provider: Mind Cymru
Suitable for: All Clergy & Lay
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Developing an Appreciative Approach to Ministry
All too often we seem caught between looking to a ‘golden’ past to which we cannot return or describing, in glowing and overly optimistic tones, a future which is always just out of reach. What if we paid attention to the generative stories of what God is doing in the lives of individuals, churches and communities? How might we, together, discern what God is calling us to do and take action that is also generative and hopeful?
Appreciative Inquiry is a series of conversations and activities that can help us talk about and build on the most life-giving forces in our churches. It is a highly collaborative narrative-based method which can help form vision and set direction by engaging in the Christian practices of thanksgiving and lament. This course will introduce Appreciative Inquiry and explore its use as a tool in parish development.
Date: Tuesday 19th May
Location: St Michael’s College
Training Provider: Rev. Stephen Adams
Suitable for: All Clergy and Lay
For further information contact Ffion Williams
Phone: 029 2083 8007
Safe Church – Safeguarding in the Church in Wales
The course has been designed and will be delivered by NSPCC and Llamau to assist in promoting better procedures for working with children and young people and vulnerable adults in the Church in Wales.
Raising awareness and providing guidance on the implementation of the procedures will give children and young people and vulnerable adults the care and protection they deserve. It will give parents and guardians reassurance that their children are safe when participating in Church activities; It should help to safeguard staff and volunteers from false allegations arising out of misunderstanding; it should also reduce the risk of the Church being found liable in litigation arising from circumstances of abuse.
To book: Contactyour Diocesan Office
Suitable for: All
Training Providers; NSPCC and Llamau
Tuesday 27th Jan, Beaufort Park Hotel, Mold (St Asaph)
Wednesday 28thJan, Y Ganolfan, Llanbedrgoch, Anglesey LL76 8SX (Bangor)
Thursday 29thJan, St Michael’s Churchsie chapel, Laura Placem Aberystwyth SY23 2AU (St Davids)
Monday 9thFeb, Christ Church, Lake Rd North, Roath Park CF23 5QN (Llandaff)
Wednesday 11thFeb, Three Wells Hotel, Howey, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5PB (Swansea & Brecon)