Board Meeting 1/16/2015 – Presidents Update Joe Bellantoni

Frank Hood has a plaque to be given to Joe Caffrey to honor and thank him for all of his many years of community service as Chairman of the GAC and also Chair of the Grievance Committee plus over seeing all other GAC subcommittees. If it were not for health reasons, Joe would still be doing all he could for the betterment of our community. We wish Joe and his wife Carol all of the best!

We are still awaiting Tamiment to execute the final Gatehouse Agreement. Isent e-mails and received a response from John Wolfington who said he would contact his attorney to see what the holdup is. Since I get no real action I asked our attorney to followup.

Regardless, we are proceeding with the operation of the gatehouse.

The phone number for the gatehouse is # 570 431-7200 and it is currently operational as training for our security guards for the first and second shifts only and to shake out any problems, especially problems caused due to the freezing of moving parts.

Also, there has been a problem with newly issues key-cards not working however; the office staff simply re-issues the card to have it work the gates arms but not the compactor. A fix for this problem will be installed when the keypad is made operational.

The insurance company mandates that once we go live we must keep the gate arms down at all times for liability reasons. I stated this at the last meeting but it needs repeating:

We are in the process of making ready and installing a software package from TEM which will allow residents to access a website, enter a pre-assigned temporary sign-on and password then create a unique sign-on and password to obtain a pass-code to be given to your visitor(s) or used yourself.

The gatehouse security guard will be present most of the time but if on that rare occasion visitors can use the property-owners’ entranceway on the right where that pass-code will be entered into a keypad which will open the right gate.

Please make a note that the keypad will be operational only when the guard is absent. This keypad can be used by property-ownersif their key-cardsare unavailable or deactivated by the office due to non-payment but again only when the guard is absent.

If the guard is present a property-owner not having a key-card or a working key-card will need the guard’s assistance and will have to go into the left entrance lane,the same as a visitor.

There will be a phone present to call the security guard if necessary but it will not be configured to make ordinary phone calls.

This was the exception process not the rule.

The rule will be that you contact the guard in the gatehouse usually by phone and list your expected visitors who may be temporary or permanent visitors meaning someone who visits frequently. Frequent visitors or visitors with permanent status need to be registered only once since we will keep them on file in our data-base.

Once the security guards and property owners gain the experience, the office will send out another letter to All property owners giving more details about the exception process and indicating the unique temporary sign-on and password to access the website. If a property owner has no access to a computer they will simply contact the security guard at the gatehouse and the guard will have the ability to make the necessary arrangements for them.

The Board and the Office Staff wish to thank our property owners for their patients during this time of transition and hope to have the gatehouse totally operational by the end of February.