Greek Mythology

Research Project

Your job is to become a specialist on your research topic for the class. The rest of us will only experience what you research through your wiki publication, marketing presentation, and visual representation.

You have choices for what you want to research – gods, goddesses, heroes, Helen of Troy, the Trojan War, ancient Greek life, the underworld, etc. You will work collaboratively or independently to research that topic.

First, you will research your topic. Two days in the library will be provided for this. You will read about your topic with a purpose in mind, and that is to provide an overall knowledge for fellow students to gain about your topic. You will take notes accordingly. Find two sources which need to be cited. Record the information you will need for your works cited entry, MLA style.

*Remember, we want to learn new information about your character, so dig a bit. You may need to use more than two sources to find good stuff.

Second, you will synthesize those notes into a typed summary about your topic. You will include a works cited page to note where your information came from.

Third, you will develop a marketing presentation (1-2 minutes) to sell your topic’s information to the class. This will include a visual aid (could be the image PowerPoint described below or something else you create) and three unique things about your topic that will hook your audience (your peers) into learning more about your topic. Practice your presentation to be sure it is well-rehearsed and falls within the time requirements.

Fourth, you will develop a PowerPoint that highlights the visual imagery associated with your topic and short bullet points to describe the images. This PowerPoint will be linked to on your wiki page.

Fifth, you will post your written summary of information to a publication on a class wiki page. This will be done after your summary has been edited by the teacher or peers. At this time, you should also add the link to your PowerPoint.

The final step will be giving your marketing presentation to the class that is meant to hook them into reading your wiki publication first. Each group will give this marketing presentation, and then we will all read about each topic and take notes for our own learning and understanding.

Day One: research in the library and take notes for purpose, including works cited

Day Two: research in the library and take notes for purpose, including works cited

Day Three: type synthesis and works cited in lab and turn in printed copy to teacher. Also work on image PowerPoint and marketing presentation

Day Four: finish any work and make wiki publication

Day Five: give marketing presentations and begin reading of wiki pages & note taking

Day Six: finish reading of wiki pages and taking notes

Day Seven: quiz over the characters presented & begin Odyssey background information

Grading Points: 70 total

Notes & works cited 10 pts.

Typed Summary 15 pts.

Marketing Presentation 10 pts.

PowerPoint 10 pts.

Proficiency 15 pts.

Wiki Page Set-up 10 pts.

Grading Rubric:

10 pts / Purpose-driven notes over topic. Must include minimum of two MLA cited sources. / Some notes over topic and has at least one cited source. / Notes were not turned in or did not include cited sources.
Typed Summary
15 pts / Purposeful content describing topic. Minor grammatical errors. / Information was limited in content over topic. A few grammatical errors. / Information lacked substance and many grammatical errors.
Marketing Presentation
10 pts / Good eye contact and knows information by memory. Hooks audience into topic. Significant effort given. / Some eye contact and did not know information thoroughly. Gave some effort in presentation. / Was not prepared and/or read completely off notes. Did not take presentation seriously.
10 pts / Visual images well-chosen to highlight important details of topic. Included pertinent notes. / Some thought was given to selection of images and notes. Better choices could have been made. / Visual images chosen were not purposeful. More notes and thoughts were needed.
15 pts / Worked hard throughout class periods to achieve a positive team result. / Worked most of the time to achieve positive results with the team. / Hardly worked during class periods and did not contribute to team effort.
Wiki Page
10 pts / Page is laid out nicely, easy to see, with all links and information provided / Page might be difficult to read or navigate; one or more parts is missing / Page is not set-up and is either missing entirely or missing project components