Thursday, December 12, 2013

District Office, Small Conference Room, Room 2 – 5:00 PM


Mark Huddleston, Chairman
Community at Large
Term expires 2013 (can extend to 2015) / X / Cheryl Harvat
Parent Representative
Term expires 2014 (can extend to 2016) / X
Audrey Stock
Senior Citizen’s Org.
Term expires 2013 (cannot extend) / X / Vacant
Taxpayers Assn.
Tara Pires
Parent Club
Term expires 2013 (can extend to 2015) / X / Richard Hallert
Community at Large
Term expires 2014 (can extend to 2016)
Don Foster
Chamber of Commerce
Term expires 2014 (can extend to 2016) / X

I. Welcome, Introductions and Roll Call

Called to order at 5:05pm by Mark Huddleston.

Others present: Adam Lee and Diane Maxfield

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 12, 2013

The minutes were approved (Pires/Foster) Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

III. Chairman’s Report

a.  Recognition of committee members and current terms

Ms. Nowlin informed the committee that a new bill was passed allowing for the terms of Oversight Committee Members to be extended to 3 terms instead of 2.

Mr. Huddleston presented certificates of appreciation to Audrey Stock and Tara Pires for their participation in the committee. Both members’ terms are expiring and neither will extend. Also, Ms. Nowlin presented a certificate of appreciation to Mark Huddleston as he will not renew his term either. The current meeting is the last for Mr. Huddleston, Ms. Stock, and Ms. Pires.

b.  Consideration of new member applications

The Committee moved to approve Diane Maxfield to the Measure S Committee (Stock/Foster) Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Absent: 1

The Committee moved to approve Adam Lee to the Measure S committee. (Stock/Foster) Ayes: 5 Nayes: 0 Absent: 1

IV. Review Facility Reports Provided by GVUSD Staff

a.  Update – New and Future District Projects

b.  District Measure S Expenditures

The Committee reviews current financial reports from Measure S projects. LeAnn Nowlin updated the Committee on the current balance of the bond fund and completion of the Sierra View Modernization project. Ms. Nowlin stated that all final invoices had been paid except for one outstanding invoice from DSA from inspection and the project was completed prior to the last board meeting. There will be no funds left in the bond fund since the project ran over budget, requiring a general fund contribution.

V. Review Current Financial Information – Measure S Interest

a. Changes / Disbursements / Potential Future Allocations

b. Open

VI. Old Business

a. Community Comments

b. Committee Member Updates

Ms. Nowlin informed the committee that, after speaking to the Superintendent, it is clear that the tax payer’s association cannot be changes; however, it was discovered that the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association accepts new members with just a donation of $15.00. The district is willing to pay the fee for membership if there is interest. Mr. Foster said he would bring it to the Chamber of Commerce for interest.

Mr. Foster asked if a member can fill 2 position. Ms. Nowlin said no, but if a current member is interested that member can move to the taxpayer’s association position and the committee would just need to fill that member’s position, which is typically easier than filling the taxpayer’s association position.

Ms. Harvat asked if the membership required attendance to meetings. Ms. Nowlin said the she would get an answer and send an email to those interested.

c.  Open

Ms. Pires told the committee that the Sierra View Parent Teacher Club picked up a $5,000 check from the Chowchilla Woman’s Prison for a donation to the playground. She mention the Golden Ticket Drawing that is being held to raise money for the playground.

VII. New Business

a. Requested New Reports from District Staff – If Any

d. Open

VIII. Next Meeting – March 13, 2014 (5:00 PM)

IX. Adjournment

The Committee adjourned at 5:20 p.m.