Timeless Overview

There are two questions that most pastors ask themselves on Sunday afternoons.

1. How was the offering?

2. What am I going to preach on next Sunday?

Those are important questions. By the way, doesn’t it feel like Sunday comes every five days??

Both of these questions reflect something at the heart of trying to lead a church. Money and preaching. Without the adequate funding, the reach of our church will be limited. And, as Thom Rainer pointed out in his survey, preaching is the #1 reason why people come back to church, or the reason they don’t.

You don’t need me to convince you of this. What you might need though, and I think we all do, is some help with answering these two questions. As our team thought about more and more ways to help you with giving and preaching, we had this idea -> What if we could create an idea that could help you answer both questions at the same time? What if we could increase giving and help answer the question about what to preach on at the same time?

This is why we created the Timeless series. This is a series created with two goals in mind:

1. To increase giving in your church.

2. To provide you with three weeks of sermon content.

In this series, you will find outlines for three sermons all packaged for you and ready to preach.

Here’s what we are providing you:

1. Three outlines.

2. An overview video explaining the goal and purpose behind each sermon.

3. Series elements such as logos, emails, and social media posts to invite your church to the series.

One of the many reasons I’m excited you have decided to preach this series is because of the impact I think you will have. I preached the Timeless series at our church and we saw a significant increase in giving at our church. So, let’s get started.

The first step is to watch the overview video detailing the bottom line of the series, the direction of each sermon and best practices on how to leverage Timeless.