Final Project check-off sheet

Frank Schneemann, National University

How would you plan for technology at a school.. Imagine you are a technology committee and planning for technology at a school. Read each section of the Technology Roadmap and complete the writing sections below. If you use existing information from your school, expand on what your school has done to make the plan better.

The idea is to familiarize you with the technology planning process. You may find that your school technology does not include all of the steps below. You have an opportunity to revise and improve on it.

Use the table below to check completed work. Each of these items should be a part of your final Technology Plan. This plan is about equal to the research papers you are required to write for your classes at National. Make sure every page has a header and is numbered.

Your project will be graded on the basis of professional presentation, attention to detail, creativity, and imagination. Take your time and feel free to ask for help. This is your final project and you have till the end of the course to turn it in. If you need a short extension, let me know and I will work with you. Have fun.

Check P /


Tech Roadmap Introduction
(Read for Background)
Tech Roadmap 1
Introduction (Read for Background)
Tech Roadmap 2 Getting Started
Creating a technology planning group requires some thought and planning. The success of the committee and your tech plan depends on the way the group is organized.
Show in some detail the strategy you would use to create an effective technology committee. Explain who, why an how you would go about inviting members to join the committee
Write a sample persuasive letter inviting people to join the committee.
Tech Roadmap 3
Develop the Vision and Mission Statements
Explain what research you would do before writing a Vision Statement for your school
Write a Vision Statement
Outline a publicity campaign for communicating your Vision for technology to the school, district and community
The idea is to establish buy-in from staff, administration and community
Include a sample newsletter, web page, etc that you might use to communicate
Tech Roadmap 4
Planning the Technology Program
Explain how technology will support your technology vision
Explain how you intend to use technology to improve administration
Examine the technology resources at your school and explain what you have on hand in the following areas.
(refer to the Technology Roadmap for explanation)
Other Considerations
Write a Timeline for your tech project.
Identify Milestones
Pilot Projects
School/District Implementation
Community Implementation
Tech Roadmap 5
Planning the Technology System:
What plans do you have for the following components – Explain
Hardware/Software systems
Productivity Software
Special Applications
Network Plans for the following groups
Tech Roadmap 6
Planning the Infrastructure
Plan for the school infrastructure and include plans for the infrastructure of at least one classroom
Talk to the technology coordinator at your school. Have him or her take you on a tour of the school to examine your school network.
How is the school cabled?
Explain the topology used (Bus, Star or Ring)
Does your school have internet. How is it set up
Does your school have internet. How is it set up
Draw a schematic of the school network infrastructure
You can download a free drawing program at
Include a floor plan, that shows cabling, hubs, routers, switches, other NW devices, computers, POP, MDF, IDF’s

Tech Roadmap 7

Window on the Platform

What types of computers would you use and why (MAC, PC, etc)
What kind of servers and other NW hardware would you use
System Software (NT, Novell, etc)
Explain why you chose the system software
Tech Roadmap 8
Planning the Network
Tech Roadmap 9
Window on Administration
Write a plan for centralized data administration
Write a plan for Remote access
Explain how you intend to use Intranet at your school
Explain how you intend to use the Internet at your school
Write a plan for electronic communication (email, etc)
Explain how you intend to centralize data management
What kind of productivity software do you intend to use
Tech Roadmap 10
Window on the Classroom
Develop some ideas for using computers in the classroom.
Develop a plan for productivity software to be used in the classroom
What kind of multimedia hardware and software will be available in the classroom
Tech Roadmap 11
Engaged Learning
Write a Computer Usage Policy
Write an Acceptable Internet Use Policy
Develop a plan for integrating technology into the current curriculum of the school
Tech Roadmap 12
Ensuring Equitable Access to Ed Technology
Develop a plan for ensuring equitable access to all students in your school

Tech Roadmap 13

Support and Staff Training

Create a technology support system for your school (Techs, etc.)
Create a Staff Training Program
Tech Roadmap 14
Planning Technology costs
Use a spreadsheet and use the skills you have learned in the MS Office, Excel lesson to itemize the costs of your technology plan
Tech Roadmap 15
Securing Funding and Support
Does your school have a plan to secure funding? How might you improve on it
Outside sources, state, federal, grants, etc.
Tech Roadmap 16
Evaluating the Technology Plan success
Set Evaluation Criterea
Create a plan for Evaluating the Success of your plan
Tech Roadmap 17
Realizing the Vision
Read for motivation
The Final Technology Plan
Assemble the technology plan in MS Word format
Make sure it is complete
Spelling, punctuation and grammar count.
Each page should have a header with page numbers
The plan should be separated into sections
Your plan will be graded on the basis of completeness, creativity, imagination, amount of detail and professionalism
Good Luck!!!