Poetry Out Loud

National Recitation Contest

Information Packet

To pray you open your whole self

To sky, to earth, to moon,

To one whole voice that is you.

-Joy Harjo

Contest Structure

Poetry Out Loud is an oral recitation contest. It uses a pyramid structure that begins at the classroom level. (Think National Spelling Bee.) Winners advance to a school-wide competition, then to a regional or state competition, and ultimately to the National Finals.


School Prizes: Certificate of Achievement and

$20 gift certificate to Amazon.com or BAM

State Prizes: All expense-paid trip to DC to compete in national championship and $200. Plus the school receives $500 toward purchasing poetry books.

National Prize: $20,000 college scholarship for the National Champion

CYHS Competition

Date: December 7, 2017

Time: 7:00 pm

Location: The Black Box Theater

Regional Competition (the school winner will compete at this event)

Date: February 1, 2018

Location: Majestic Theater, Gettysburg


1.  Interested students must visit the website www.poetryoutloud.org to pick 2 poems for performance. (Poems must come from the Poetry Out Loud selections to qualify.)

2.  The rules state that the state competitor must recite 3 poems. Of those, one poem must be fewer than 25 lines in length, and one must predate the 20th century. Keep this in mind if you have aspirations of moving on to the more advanced competition so that you need not memorize new poems.

3.  Students should meet with one of the English teachers or Mrs. Guise as part of his or her preparation for the competition. Mrs. Sands will offer weekly flex time to practice and prepare.

4.  Prep time for the competition will be held on Tuesdays during Flex in room 428. You need not attend every week, but it is highly recommended you attend at least twice.

5.  No music, costumes, or props may be used.

6.  Students must memorize the poems.

7.  Each student competing will introduce him or herself and announce both the title and author of the poem.

8.  If interested, please fill out the attached form and return it to Mrs. Sands by November 30 at the latest!

9.  See Mrs. Sands if you have any questions or concerns.

10.  We want you to participate! If scheduling conflicts or transportation is/are an issue, please be sure to let Mrs. Sands know so that we can try to find a solution.


Intent To Participate

Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Competition

(Please print neatly and turn in by November 30, 2017 to your English teacher or Mrs. Sands)

NAME: ______

GRADE: ______




Poem Selection 1:

Title ______

Author ______

Poem Selection 2:

Title ______

Author ______

·  I will need 2 printed copies of each of your poems, labelled with your name and the order you intend to performm them by

November 30! (Which poem will you do 1st? Which Poem 2nd?)