April 22, 2014

6:00 p.m.

Board of Education Office

Regular Meeting

This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting school district business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for limited public participation during the meeting as indicated in agenda item IV.

I. Call to Order...... Board President

II. Roll Call...... Treasurer

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Adjustment and Adoption of the Agenda

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

IV. Introduction of Guests and Hearing of Public(limit of 30 minutes)

Please state name and address for the records.

*At this point in the meeting, time is provided for visitors to make brief comments regarding school matters. Participants must be recognized

by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name. Persons wishing to participate in this part of the meeting will be limited to five (5) minutes (limit of 30 minutes). All statements should be directed to the presiding officer. Persons with specific questions should direct those questions to a district administrator or a board member prior to or after the meeting. This process will allow the administrator or board members to properly review the issues related to your question and personally provide you with an accurate answer.

V. Student/Staff Presentations “Third Grade 1:1 Computing”

Mrs. Karen Gruber & Mr. John Knapp

VII. Committee Reports

VIII. Approve the minutes for the following meeting: March 18, 2014

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

IX. Treasurer’s Report

A. Recommend the approval of monthly financial reports. (Exhibit A-white)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

B. Recommend the Board approve the provided contract with Julian & Grube, Inc. to perform the Agreed Upon

Procedures for the Medicaid School Program. (exhibit B-yellow)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

X. New Business

A. Personnel – the Superintendent recommends the following:

1) Recommend the Board approve Carrie Roob as a substitute bus driver to be effective on April 7, 2014, and pending the completion of all necessary requirements.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

2) Recommend the approval of one year contracts for the following as technology assistants for the 2014-15 school year. Said employees will work at the discretion of the superintendent, or designee, for a maximum of 2,080 hours (July 1-June 30) combined at their hourly rate of pay, and pending the completion of all necessary requirements.

Keith Kirby

John Pratt

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

3) Recommend the Board approve the following job description: (Exhibit C-yellow)

Maintenance Assistant #2

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

4) Recommend the Board approve the following classified contracts, and pending the completion of all necessary requirements:

2-Year Contracts

Billy BranchBus Driver

Matt ChasteenAssistant Mechanic

Sabrina CherryChildcare Prog. Asst.

Pam EilrichBus Driver/Cook Asst.

Nadine KarstenBus Driver

Cindy KinseyBus Driver

Kay MaguireR.C. Waters Library Assistant

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

5) Recommend the Board approve the transfer of Elizabeth Malik from Art Teacher at R.C. Waters Elementary School to Art Teacher at Oak Harbor High School (1.0 FTE), effective with the 2014-2015 school year, and pending the completion of all necessary requirements. (This position is being filled due to a retirement.)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

6) Recommend the Board approve the following as a volunteer grant writer:

Joan Hany

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

7) Recommend the Board approve the transfer of June Beard from 2nd grade teacher to reading teacher at

R.C. Waters Elementary School effective with the 2014-2015 school year, and pending the completion of all

necessary requirements. (This position is being filled due to a retirement.)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

8) Recommend the Board accept the resignation of Courtney Kihlken as 3rd grade teacher effective July 31, 2014.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

9) Recommend approval of the transfer of Janene Lattimore from reading teacher at Oak Harbor Middle School (.70 FTE) to first grade teacher at R.C. Waters Elementary School (1.0 FTE) effective with the start of the 2014-2015 school year, and pending the completion of all necessary requirements. (This position is being filled due to a retirement.)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

10) Recommend the Board approve the following as 2014 summer maintenance employees, and pending the

completion of all necessary requirements:

Tim LaderachWanda Sautter

Ed Jordan (retroactive to 3/28/14)Barb Lorensen

Robin SutkusGina Warnke

Sheri MagrumBrenda Dunn

Pam EilrichSandy Young

Cheryl LaughlinCrystal Lipstraw

Rachel MenchacaNick Thorbahn

Lisa RauchSam DeWalt (part-time)

Jenny FochtWilliam Rauch (part-time)

Sue WeidnerTom Witt (part-time)

Iris WinerJon Overmyer (part-time)

Jeannie BehnkenRick Humphrey (part-time)

Michele SteinmanBob VanHorn (part-time)

Pat Lemon

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

11) Recommend the Board approve the transfer of Cathy Lajti, head cook at Oak Harbor High School, to the position of maintenance assistant #2 for B-C-S Schools Maintenance Department to be effectiveApril 28, 2014, and pending the completion of all necessary requirements.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

12) Recommend the Board approve the following as life guards, and pending the completion of all

Necessary requirements:

Sean Peters Tracy Hanf

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

C. Recommend the Board accept with gratitude the following donations:

$500.00 from the Oak Harbor Area Merchants Girls Softball League to the

Softball Camp Account.

$1,000.00 from Leslie Avery & Don St. Clair for improvements to the softball facility.

Audio System and MP3 player with calming music, sensory nook curtains and a canvas cover

for the sensory may all to be used in the sensory reset room at R.C. Waters from an anonymous


$2,125.00 from the Oak Harbor Athletic Booster Club for half of the new volleyball training machine.

$250.00 from the Oak Harbor Athletic Booster Club to the Oak Harbor Softball Camp Account

For expenses incurred during the Ohio Invitational that the varsity team played in.

$500.00 from the Oak Harbor Athletic Booster Club to the Oak Harbor Boys Soccer Camp Account

to offset summer team camp expenses.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

D. Recommend the Board approve the following food service fee schedule for the 2014-2015 school year:

Breakfast at all buildings: ...... $1.50

Lunch Prices:

R.C. Waters Elementary School ...... $2.25

Oak Harbor Middle School ...... $2.50

Oak Harbor High School ...... $2.75

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

E. Recommend the Board approve a Memorandum of Understanding with WSOS Community Action for the purpse of collaborating and coordinating Head Start programming. (ExhibitD-blue)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

F. Recommend the Board approve a service contract and funding agreement with the United Way of Greater

Toledo for Acorn Alley/Rocket Overtime childcare programming for the 2014-2015 school year.

(Exhibit E-green)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

G. Recommend the Board of Education affirm its intention to add four (4) additional calamity days that do not need

to be made up; and to further excuse graduating 12th grade students from attending any days they would otherwise

be required to attend as a result of calamity days after the district’s scheduled graduation ceremony in the 2013- 2014 school year, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code, effective March 31, 2014.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

H. Recommend the Board approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Oak Harbor Education Association

effective March 31, 2014. (Exhibit F-green)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

I. Recommend the approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the B-C-S Classified Employees/OAPSE

Local #437. (Exhibit G – pink)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

J. Recommend the Board approve the following 2014 Summer Acorn Alley Fee Schedule serving students in grades K—7 at R.C. Waters Elementary School:

Registration Fee: $25.00 per child

All fees for the week shall be paid the Friday before services are delivered.

Summer Camp: 9 AM—3 PM$110/wk

Additional services available:

--Early camp child care: 6:30—9:00 AM$30/wk

--Afternoon camp child care: 3—6:00 PM$45/wk

--Summer Camp with either Early Camp

childcare OR Afternoon Camp childcare$135/wk

Note: 2014 Summer Acorn Alley programming may be cancelled at the discretion of the superintendent if it is determined that registration levels will not allow the program to be self-supporting. The parent/guardian shall be required to sign a contract to secure services.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

K. Recommend the Board approve a revised childcare fee schedule for the Acorn Alley program (grades K-3) and Rocket Overtime program (grades 4-7) for the 2014-2015 school year:

Registration Fee: $25.00 per child

All fees for the week shall be paid the Friday before services are delivered.

Menu of Programming:

1) Morning Session: 6:30 AM until the start of school $22.50/wk

2) Afternoon Mini-Session: school dismissal until 4:00 PM $22.50/wk

3) Afternoon Full Session: school dismissal until 6:00 PM $45.00/wk

4) Morning and Afternoon Full Session (option 1 & 3 combined) $65.00/wk

5) Delay Day: 8—10 AM $ 6.00*

6) Calamity Day: 8 AM—3 PM $ 27.00*

7) Part-time option for programming (defined as 1--2 days per week): will be provided based on available openings as determined by district staff at the rate of $5.00 per hour. Please notethat there is no guarantee whatsoever that the part-time option will be available.

*Only open to students who have registered and are currently participating in options 1—4; payment is due on the upcoming Friday.

Note: All childcare programming may be cancelled and/or altered at the discretion of the superintendent if it is determined that registration levels (or other circumstances) will not allow the program to be self-supporting.

L. Recommend the Board approve a Memorandum of Understanding with “Renewed Mind” for counseling services. (exhibit H-pink)

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

M. Recommend the Board adopt the following resolution recognizing Bus Driver Appreciation Day which is

May 5, 2014.

Whereas, bus drivers must be ready to handle any emergency situations that might occur; and
Whereas, bus drivers are valuable employees. Without them, the school system would not run properly and smoothly because many of our students could not get to school; and
Whereas, school bus drivers spend many hours learning new rules, regulations and safety procedures to keep our transportation system great; and
Whereas, the superintendent and school board greatly appreciate their commitment and dedication of our school bus drivers and wish to honor them for their service to our school system.
Now, Therefore Be It Known,the Benton-Carroll-Local School Board of Education recognizes May 5, 2014 as Bus Driver Appreciation Day.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

N. Recommend the Board adopt the following resolution recognizing National Teacher Appreciation Week

which is May 5-9, 2014.

Whereas, Benton-Carroll-Salem School teachers make public schools great; and

Whereas, Benton-Carroll-Salem School teachers work to open students’ minds to ideas, knowledge and dreams; and

Whereas, Benton-Carroll-Salem School teachers help keep American democracy alive

by laying the foundation for good citizenship; and

Whereas, Benton-Carroll-Salem School teachers fill many roles, as listeners, explorers, role models, motivators and mentors; and

Whereas, Benton-Carroll-Salem School teachers continue to influence us long after our school days are only memories;

Now, Therefore Be It Known, the Benton-Carroll-Local School Board of Education recognizes May 6-12, 2014 as National Teacher Appreciation Week.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

O. Recommend the Board adopt the following resolution recognizing National School Nurse Day which is

May 7, 2014.

Whereas, children are the future and, by investing in them today, we are ensuring

our world for tomorrow; and

Whereas, all students have a right to have their health needs safely met while in the school setting; and

Whereas, children today face more complex and life-threatening health problems requiring care in school; and

Whereas, school nurses have served a critical role in improving public health and in ensuring student’s academic success for more than 100 years; and

Whereas, school nurses act as a liaison to the school community, parents, and health care providers on behalf of children’s health by promoting wellness and improving health outcomes for our nation’s children; and

Whereas, school nurses understand the link between health and learning and are

in a position to make a positive difference for children every day, therefore

Be It Resolved, that the Benton-Carroll-Salem School District & Board of Education celebrates and acknowledges the accomplishments of our school nurse as well as school nurses everywhere and their efforts of meeting the needs of today’s students by improving the delivery of health care in our schools and offers gratitude for those who contribute to our local communities by helping students stay healthy, in school and ready to learn, and keeping parents and guardians at work, not just on this day but every opportunity throughout the year.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

XI. Discussion

1. Mrs. Sherri Parent “Race to the Top Grant Update”

XII. Next Regular Board of Education Meeting: May 27, 2014at 5:30 p.m. in Oak Harbor High School Media Center

for a reception honoring retirees. The Board Meeting will begin at

6:00 p.m.

XIII. Executive Session to consider the employment and compensation of a public employee.

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

XIV. Adjournment

____ Mrs. Tooman ____ Mrs. Dusseau ____ Mrs. Dewitz ____ Mr. Rhodes ____ Mr. Dornbusch

Committee Assignments for the 2013-2014 School Year

Committee / Board Member / Board Member
Facilities / Kim Dusseau / Steve Rhodes
Evaluation (Supt.Treas.) / Jeff Dornbusch / Heather Dewitz
Nursing / Jamie Tooman
Athletic / Kim Dusseau / Jamie Tooman
New Teacher Evaluations / Heather Dewitz / Kim Dusseau
Communications / Jamie Tooman / Jeff Dornbusch
Finance / Steve Rhodes / Heather Dewitz
Board Policy / Jeff Dornbusch
Intra-district goals / Heather Dewitz

Board Goals for 2013-2014

1. Develop a comprehensive district-wide academic, facility, and communication plan.

2. Enhance community engagement through informing, consulting and involvement.

3. Expand intra-district service projects and peer mentoring.

4. Be effective stewards of taxpayer dollars

5. Strive to achieve the highest rating on the state report card.

6. Redesign the district website to be user friendly with information to be continually updated.

Student Academic Performance / Stakeholder Engagement / Athletic/Extra Curricular / Support Services/
Operations / Finance / Facilities
*Increase value-added scores for students in lowest 20%, students with disabilities, and gifted students
*Cultivate a culture that puts a priority on rigorous and relevant instruction and a student-centered school environment that respects all learners
*Innovatively weave technology into the fabric all learning events / Objectives:
*Continuously reflect on and improve the effectiveness of multiple stakeholder communication and engagement platforms that are timely and relevant
*Respect and value the voices and contributions of all through volunteerism and other means to build capacity for student learning / Objectives:
*Foster meaningful and memorable opportunities that cultivate the social, physical, civic, and academic development of youth
*Through adult leadership, promote sportsmanship and positive behavior that generates pride and respect within and for the school and community / Objectives:
*Cooperatively review and improve the effectiveness and efficiencies of maintenance, custodial, food service, and transportation services
*Deliver staff development to ensure we provide safe and welcoming spaces that foster student learning
*Celebrate the success of support staff / Objectives:
*Create long-term financial stability by being good stewards of district resources
*Maximize the capacity, effectiveness, and efficiency of all our current and future resources
*Communicate financial operations of the school district to the community through multiple media sources / Objectives:
*Maintain an effective long-range plan for facilities development and maintenance, which effectively utilize taxpayer dollars
*Develop and implement comprehensive security measure solutions, from hardware to communication systems, which are consistent with the A.L.I.C.E. concept