Angler Mountain Ranch HOA

Executive Board Meeting

May 23, 2017

Angler Mountain Ranch HomeownersAssociation

Annual Meeting of Membership Meeting

Saturday June 10, 2017, 3:00pm – 5:30pm MDT

DRAFTPage 1 of 24April 22, 2017

Angler Mountain Ranch HOA

Executive Board Meeting

May 23, 2017

Physical Location

Angler Mountain Ranch Yacht Club

367 Fly Line Drive

Silverthorne, CO 80498

Conference Call Information*

Phone: 515-604-9949

Access Code: 930087#

DRAFTPage 1 of 24April 22, 2017

Angler Mountain Ranch HOA

Executive Board Meeting

May 23, 2017


As per the Angler Mountain Ranch Homeowners Association governing documents, and Colorado statue, let it be known that the Executive Board of Directors has called a meeting to be held at the time and location noted above. All members are invited to attend and/or speak at this meeting after being recognized by the chair.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Introduction of those present and determination of quorum (20%) .
  3. State of the Association report.
  4. Adoption of New Bylaws
  5. Adding a 5th member to the Executive Board(Exhibit A)
  6. Changing the quorum requirement to majority (Article 7.3 & 14.02) (Exhibit B)
  7. Change Wildernest to the words “Property Manager” (Article 10.3)
  8. Changing FY to July to June (Article 18.1)
  9. Eliminate last sentence (Article 14.03)
  10. Change official address to YC (Article 1)
  11. Agent to Danny Teodoru
  12. Introduction of Neighborhood Committee Representatives
  13. Define Terms of each member
  14. Election of Two (2) At-Large Executive Board Representatives
  15. Introduction of each person wanting to serve and 3 minute presentation
  16. Election of two (2) year term member
  17. Election of three(3) year term member
  18. New Executive Board determines Officers
  19. President. VP, Secretary, Treasurer, At Large, At Large(Exhibit G)
  20. Summary Review of YTD financials & Adoption and Ratification of the fiscal year 2018 budget.
  21. Commons (Exhibit C)
  22. Town Homes (Exhibit D)
  23. Cabins (Exhibit E)
  24. SFH (Exhibit F)
  25. Other Business by Members
  26. Member Damage List Update and discuss next step.(Exhibit H)
  27. Regular Business
  28. New Property Manager and new Website in July
  29. Schedule JOINT Executive Board Meeting –Tuesday, July 11th, 2017 2PM to 5:30PM
  30. Reminder that Fishing Seminar starts at 10 AM in the morning. Bring a rod
  31. Adjournment

Exhibit A

Amendments to Article VI of the AMR Bylaws

Article VI to be replaced in its entirety by the following

Article VI

Executive Board; Selection; Term of Office

Section 6.01 Number and Qualification The affairs of the Association will be managed by an Executive Board consisting of five (5) Executive Board members. The Executive Board members will be Class “A” Members of the Association or the delegates of Class “A” Members appointed by proxy.

Three (3) Executive Board members shall be from each of the Three (3) Neighborhood Boards, one Neighborhood Representative for each of the three Neighborhoods referenced in the Supplemental Declarations (Cabins, Townhomes, and Single Family Homes). The Neighborhood will select another Member to serve as an alternate Neighborhood Representative on the Executive Board. In the event a Neighborhood Representative is absent from any Executive Board meeting or otherwise unable to participate in Board functions, the alternate Neighborhood Representative will be entitled to serve as an Executive Board member. Two (2) Executive Board Members shall be At Large Members to represent all Members. At Large members shall initially be elected at the FY2017-2018 annual meeting. Both At Large members cannot be from the same neighborhood. The number of Members on the Executive Board will be established from time to time by amendment to these Bylaws.

The following Sections are deleted in its entirety:

Section 6.02 Executive Board Members During Class “B” Control; Section 6.03 Voting Groups – Election of Executive Board Members as Lots Close; Section 6.04 Relinquishment of Declarant Control; Section 6.05 Term of Office of Executive Board Members After Period of Class “B” Control.; Section 6.06 Removal of Executive Board Members; Section 6.07 Vacancies; Section 6.08 Compensation.

The following Sections are NEW

Section 6.02 Term of Office of Executive Board Members The three Neighborhood Representatives shall be appointed by their Neighborhood Committee and serve their Executive Board term coincident with their Neighborhood term. Each Neighborhood Representative shall have a different Neighborhood term.One At Large member shall initially serve for a term of two (2) years, the other for a term of three (3) years. After the initial two (2) year term, both At Large Terms shall be three (3) years.

Section 6.03 Removal of Executive Board Members. Any at large Executive Board member other than one appointed by Declarant may be removed, with or without cause, at any regular or special meeting of the Association by a majority of the Voting Members. Any Neighborhood Representative or alternative may be removed by a majority of Neighborhood Owners. A successor to any Executive Board member removed may be elected at such meeting to fill the vacancy created by removal of the Executive Board member. An Executive Board member whose removal is proposed by the Members will be given notice of the proposed removal prior to the date of such meeting and will be given an opportunity to be heard at such meeting.

Section 6.04 Vacancies. Any vacancy of an at large seat occurring on the Executive Board, other than removal by the Members, may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Executive Board members, though less than a quorum of the Executive Board. Any vacancy of a Neighborhood Representative seat on the Executive Board will be filled by the alternate Neighborhood Representative, and a new alternate will be appointed by the Neighborhood Committee to serve for the balance of the term of the replaced Neighborhood Representative.

Section 6.05 Compensation. No Executive Board member will receive compensation for service as an Executive Board member unless approved by a majority vote of the Members. However, any Executive Board member may be reimbursed for actual, reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the Association. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Association from compensating an Executive Board member, or any entity with which an Executive Board member is affiliated, for services or supplies furnished to the Association in a capacity other than as an Executive Board member pursuant to a contract or agreement with the Association, provided that such Executive Board member’s interest was made known to the Board prior to entering into such contract and such contract was approved by a majority of the Executive Board, excluding the interested Executive Board Member.

Exhibit B

Amendment to Article VII of the AMR Bylaws (DRAFT)



The following section is changed from two-thirds (2/3) to majority.

Section 7.03 Quorum. A quorum is deemed present throughout any meeting of the Executive Board if persons entitled to cast majority of the votes on the Board are present at the beginning of the meeting.



Section 14.02 Amendment by the Board. The Board may amend these Bylaws by a vote of not less than a majority of Executive Board members at any regular or special meeting. A statement of any proposed amendment will accompany the notice of any regular or special Board meeting at which such proposed amendment will be voted upon.

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Dues Increase $15/Townhometo $275/MO

Exhibit E

Dues Increase $100/Cabin to $470/MO

Exhibit F

NO Dues Increase $370/YR

Exhibit G

Duties. The duties of the officers are as follows: (Bylaws Section 9.08)

(a) President. The President will preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board; see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried out; sign all leases, mortgages, deeds and other written instruments; co-sign all promissory notes; cause to be prepared and execute, certify and record amendments to the Declaration on behalf of the Association; and exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required of the President by the Board.

  • Be EB representative to Neighborhood Boards
  • Yearly negotiate Property Management Contract and sign
  • Yearly meet with Property Management Company Executives and provide yearly Performance Evaluation; Discuss Plan of Action to improve performance if necessary.
  • Be Lead Arbiter for all Neighborhood disputes
  • Sign Tax return

(b) Vice-President. The Vice-President will act in the place and instead of the President, in the event of his absence, inability or refusal to act, and will exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required by the Board.

  • Be EB Representative to Yacht Club Committee
  • Be EB Representative of future EB Committees as assigned
  • Be Liaison to HOA lawyer

(c) Secretary. The Secretary will record the votes and keep the minutes of the meetings and proceedings of the Board and of the Members; keep the corporate seal of the Association and place it on all papers requiring the seal; serve notice of meetings of the Board and of the Members; keep appropriate current records listing the Members together with their addresses; and perform such other duties as required by the Board.

  • Be EB representative to Neighborhood Board Secretaries
  • Be EB Representative to Communications Committee
  • Be EB Representative of future EB Committees as assigned
  • Be EB representative to Webmaster
  • Prepare yearly evaluation of Property Manager for EB President with regards to Website management, Meeting minutes and Notices management, HOA documents management, HOA membership management
  • The Secretary or authorized officer of the Association will complete the annual report received from the Colorado Secretary of State with the name of the registered agent and registered office with both the physical and mailing address of the Association for notification by the Secretary of State and for service of process. BYL 12.1
  • Prepare all Documents required to change and update By Laws and other HOA documents
  • Monitor Town Of Silverthorne Meetings
  • Identify Neighborhood responsibilities that are delinquent and affect the HOA
  • Maintain Commons O&M manuals and Warranties

(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer will receive and deposit in the appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Association and will disburse such funds as directed by resolution of the Board; sign all checks of the Association unless the Executive Board specifically directs otherwise, and co-sign all promissory notes of the Association; keep proper books of account; at the direction of the Board, cause an annual audit of the Association books to be made by a public accountant at least once in every three fiscal years; and prepare an annual budget and a statement of income and expenditures to be presented to the Members at their regular annual meeting, and deliver or make copies available to each of the Members.

  • Be EB representative to Neighborhood Boards Treasurers
  • Prepare yearly evaluation of Property Manager for EB President with regards to management of financial documents
  • Maintain Property Manager Scope of Work for EB president
  • Yearly review Reserve Study and Reserve funds usage for Commons
  • Yearly review Reserve Study and Reserve fund usage with Neighborhood Treasurers
  • Every 3 years, determine if HOA Reserve Study by independent specialist is necessary
  • Yearly review Insurance with Provider
  • Yearly review all EB contracts for EB President signature
  • Yearly review Neighborhood Budgets with Neighborhood Treasurers
  • Yearly create Commons Budget
  • Yearly create dues amount required by Neighborhood units
  • Yearly prepare HOA Tax Return for EB President
  • Monthly manage Commons Reserve Investment Funds rate of return
  • Monthly review Commons financial reports and correct with Property Manager
  • Monthly sign all invoices prior to payment that exceed $3,000.
  • Monthly inform Neighborhood Treasurers when Neighborhood Financial Reports are available
  • Every five (5) years, conduct an Audit of Commons finances with independent Auditor

(e) At Large Members

  • Be EB Representative to Members that have complaints
  • Be EB Representative of Lake Management Committee
  • Be EB Representative of Wildlife Compliance
  • Be EB Representative of future EB Committees as assigned
  • Be responsible for recruiting HOA volunteers
  • Be advisor to EB on issues of Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Declarations
  • Be responsible for bring up issues to the EB about General Appearance of Neighborhoods and Commons
  • Perform duties as assigned by EB

Exhibit H

AMR Damage List for Compass Homes5/31/17, 6PM

COMMONS: From Bob Cardwell

A. YC parking places opposite YC require gravel or paving. Very muddy and not usable

B. Lake Trespassing sign is down at 483 Fly Line, Lake side.

C. Five Additional Trespassing signs are required.

D. Street cover missing on Fly Line just south of 105 FL

E. Install 20 ft Heat tape on Condensate Line under YC

AMR Damage List for Compass Homes


A. Al Barhorst email wrt the crack found in front of 52 Buckskin Ln

B. Al Barhorst email wrt crack found at 148 Stonefly

C. A drainage issue at Stonefly and Bald Eagle. I fear Compass needs to redo the drain under the road to increase the drop.

D. David Servinsky emailed Compass replaced the top board (railing) on our decks as an “experiment.” The stain would fall off that board every year so Tim replaced the boards with a composite. He said if that worked, he’d replace the boards in other units. IT WORKED, but I don’t know if he replaced the railings on other units.

E. Steve Smith 160 Stonefly emailed: Two items which I believe should be addressed by Compass before a turnover: 1. Natural Gas main line (yellow gas pipe)into 148(?)Stonefly is exposed on the surface. I believe this is a big safety issue. 2. Water main line (black water pipe) into 58(?) Stonefly is exposed on the surface.

F. Dan Stone254 Stonefly Dr:Several instances of “unfinished” look to utility terminations at streetside and houseside.

G. David Servinski emailed The town engineer said that the crack on our driveway (30 Stonefly) going over the drain was caused by not having enough coverage (depth) between the pipe and the driveway. Then heavy equipment used to build the cabin next to ours was too much for the structure. I’d like to add that item to others we are requesting resolution before turnover.

H. Dan Stone 10 Stonefly Poor drainage design for the ditch on Stonefly in front of 10 Stonefly.South end not low enough (where it goes under Bald Eagle) resulting in standing water:Very poor drainage design in the retention pond between Stonefly and Bald Eagle. Lots of standing water, algae. Mosquito breeding ground.

I. Dan Stone 50 Stonefly Irrigation piping exposed in the ditch in front of 50 Stonefly Dr:

J. Dan Stone Hare Ear Ln Irrigation piping exposed in the ditch below Hare’s Ear Ln:The entire ditch situation below Hare’s Ear is appalling. It runs constantly as it’s connected to an underground stream uphill. The pipe coming in to the ditch at the upper end of Hare’s Ear is an ugly cracked PVC pipe. The ditch is full of silt and algae. The curb cut at the street is a quick fix, barely adequate and unattractive. It needs to be cut out completely and re-poured as a built-for-purpose smooth flow path to the grating. In my opinion since this ditch runs full time it needs to be either fully rocked or poured concrete. If it ever breaks through, the uphill cabins on Buckskin will get flooded. Very disappointing aspect to what’s supposed to be a “high-end” development/neighborhood.

K. Dan Stone The ditch along the upper side of Bald Eagle below Stonefly Dr badly needs to be cleaned out of all silt and construction debris as well as the retention pond between Bald Eagle and Stonefly Dr. Exceptionally unattractive and inefficient in current state.

L. Mary Hennen 53 Stonefly Missing rocks around exterior of homeRetaining walls have deteriorated and many of the stones washed down the slope Brick pavers outside the lower level patio door have sunk & are uneven

M. Dan Stone 1246 Bald Eagle Several instances of “unfinished” look to utility terminations at streetside and houseside. Not sure if Compass should get this taken care of with the utility companies? Couple instances…..

N. Jeanine Kennedy 65 Buckskin Lane I want to report our missing siding on the east side of our house.

O. Steve Gandy Drainage ditch from Hare’s Ear and down Stonefly should be rocked/graveled. It is obviously going to run continually and needs to be more than a dirt bottom ditch. I agree with the request to redo the concrete at the drain on Stonefly, it looks amateurish.
Large, long black pipe ( I think unconnected ) is laying on the hillside along Bald Eagle just up from Flyline. It is on the right as you drive up.
Clean up soil erosion rolls just uphill from Stonefly and Bald Eagle.
Clean up gravel pile at the Bald Eagle and S. Angler Mountain intersection.
The retention pond between Buckskin and Stonefly is so slow that algae has been growing this spring. I don’t know how fast these are supposed to run but I don’t remember seeing algae last year.Perhaps it is partially plugged up
The snow storage area at Stonefly and Bald Eagle should have some top soil and seed spread. It has been a construction parking lot for the duration of the project as well as snow storage and looks bad and is very compacted. In fact the whole Stonefly corner could use some cleaning up.

P. John O’Brien; When we purchased our home the sales brochures showed a planned trail from the end of Hare’s Ear to the open space to the North, up to the ridge and accessing the trail through Hamilton Creek. This soft ground pedestrian trail still needs to be constructed.

Q. Marc & Jamie Johnson 83 Hares Ear Lane:Dead plants in landscaping, Clean out in drive way is loose and not securely sealed, Landscape stakes are bent and damaged (from snow removal?), Still a lot of trash and debris in “open space” hill at end of Hares Ear Lane.

R. Harry Raduege230 Stonefly Drive Space between exterior beam and house siding (near left side of garage door) needs to be sealed. (Picture 1). Front porch is missing a flooring piece. (Picture 2). Roof needs to be checked and repaired over right front of cabin. (Picture 3) Outside foundation needs to be sealed/finished in numerous locations. (Pictures 4-12). Exterior hasn't been painted properly in spots, including the walls of the back deck. (Pictures 13 & 14). Sap is running from exterior siding in numerous locations. (Picture 15).

S. Stonefly where the edge of the road was damaged by heavy equipment during construction. The damage is on the right side of the road before the switchback to upper Stonefly. Tim observed the damage last fall. Several homeowners were unhappy with the patching (vs a complete repaving.