Washingtonville High School

Course Information: Regents Earth Science

Mr. Williams

Hello! Welcome to Regents Earth Science. This is a vigorous, challenging science course and your assistance and cooperation are necessary in order to ensure your success! With a combination of hard work in class/at home and working together as a team, I am sure you will have an enjoyable and academically rewarding experience.

Grades: Grading will be based on-

Tests: 33.3%

Quizzes: 25%

Classwork/Activities: 20%

Homework: 5%

Labs: 16.7%

Parents/Guardians: Please complete the student information sheet given to each student. This is a requirement, and will assist in our communication. I like to leave the lines communication open with both students and parents so please feel free to contact me for anything! In addition, I may be sending tests, quizzes, and other assignments home to be signed by you in order for you to get a general idea of student progress in the class. Progress reports will also be issued for your review.

If you need to contact me, there are a few ways:

School Phone Number: 497-2200


Tests/Quizzes: Tests and quizzes are VERY important. Tests will always be announced in advance, but quizzes will be both announced AND unannounced. So students should keep up on their studies! Missed tests and quizzes due to an excused absence must be made up ASAP within one week of the absence. Students with unexcused absences will not be able to make-up tests and quizzes.

IMPORTANT!! Students must make arrangements with Mr. Williams to stay after school or to use study halls to make up tests or labs. It is the student’s responsibility to make those arrangements! Class time cannot be utilized because other important work will be missed!

Homework: Homework is also very important, and will always be due the next class day unless told otherwise. You may hand it in 1 day late for half credit. After that, homework will not be accepted and the student will get a zero. Students with excused absences will be exceptions to this rule.

Class Activities: Throughout this class, students are required to participate in the numerous class activities that will take place. These activities may include lab work, class presentations, reports/papers, and other assignments.

Class Participation: Student class participation is required in this class. Class participation will help make the class more interactive and enjoyable for everyone!

Materials: Students will NEED to have the following materials available at EVERY class. Students themselves are responsible for these items. Students who forget their materials will have points deducted from their class participation grades. The following materials are needed: A notebook and folder (a 3 ring binder may be used in place of the notebook and folder), pen, pencil, textbook, and most important – students’ brains!!

Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments will not be given, however certain tests/quizzes will contain bonus questions in which bonus points may be earned.

Do Now: Upon entering the classroom, look for a DO NOW assignment and start it IMMEDIATELY. Failure to do so will result in point deduction from students’ class activities grade.

Classroom Rules: Mr. Williams has certain classroom rules that are necessary in order to ensure a quality learning environment for all. These rules will be given to the students by Mr. Williams the first day of class. The students will sign the bottom of the rules sheet, acknowledging that they have read, understand, and will follow them. In addition, students will bring these rules home for parents to read and sign. These rules will be STRICTLY enforced.

To Parents and Students: After you have reviewed and discussed this course information and requirements, please sign and return the student information sheets. Thank you and I look forward to working with all of you throughout this class!

Mr. Williams

Washingtonville High School Science Dept.

Last Name______First Name______

Do you have a study hall? YES NO

If yes, what days? A B C D

What is your favorite movie or TV show?

What is your favorite band/music artist?

What is your favorite food?

What is one thing you would like to know about earth science?

What do you like to do for fun/what are your hobbies?

What is the craziest thing you have ever done (keep it clean please)?

What other classes are you taking?

Please feel free to write anything else about yourself!

Classroom VALUES

Mr. Williams

1)  When you enter the classroom, look for the “Do Now” assignments and start immediately. Failure to do so will result in lost points from your class participation grade. By the way, these assignments can only help you!

2)  The School Code of Conduct says that all students MUST be in the classroom and seated by the bell. This is a value we all must abide by. Don’t be late!

3)  RESPECT!! You are all REQUIRED to show respect for 3 things in this classroom…..what do you think those 3 things are? Let’s talk.

4)  This is a learning environment, and acting disrespectfully or inappropriately is going to ruin the class for everybody! You’re all in high school now, so you should know how to act. Maturity and discipline is a definite VALUE that you ALL should abide by!

5)  You’re all in school in order to learn – this way you can go on to college, get a job, and start your life in the “real world”. Don’t consider this class a class, consider it TRAINING. You all need to take a Regents exam, and this class is preparing you for that. It would be best if you do ALL the work, and you do it well! Think about this…how do professional sports players or famous musicians get so good at what they do? That’s right….by PRACTICING!

6)  ANY person that is up in the front of the room talking is there for a reason. Talking while they are up there, or acting inappropriately is rude and disrespectful. So don’t do it!

These aren’t RULES per se, but they are everyday values that you ALL should abide by not only in here, but in every aspect of your life. I want you all to be successful in this class, and in the future as well. If we all abide by these values and work together, this class will be challenging, fun, and extremely worthwhile! So, here we go….

I have read, understand, and will abide by the classroom rules written above.

Student’s Signature______

Parent’s Signature______