Kool: Kiviõli 1. Keskkool

Projekti pealkiri: Culture in a Box!

Kontaktisik: Tiina Kilumets

Projekti sisukokkuvõte:

The whole project has been designed in order to foster an attitude
of tolerance and respect towardsthe different types of culture of the countries taking part in the project.

The ultimate aim of the project is to create a feeling of coming together, free of prejudice, hostility, intolerance or xenophobia among students, teachers and the participating school communities. We believe that people can get together to discuss in a respectful way, reflect and share ideas and experiences. The project will last for two years

The partner schools in this project propose to carry out a “Culture in a Box” project for the first of the 2 years and in the second year the students will create online “Blogs”.

Year 1 – “Culture in a Box”

Children will gather information about their own country and send it to their partner school, which will be responsible for producing the box on their partner country’s cultural assets. The boxes can then be exchanged and follow-up work carried out in school, learning about the culture of another country. The box might include: PowerPoint presentations on local issues (history, monuments, churches etc), traditional tales, postcards, photographs, school newsletters, stories, sport information etc. Children will research, classify, discuss, share, write, compare and present information on their culture and that of their partner.

Year 2 – BLOGS!

Children submit their contributions and update content, sharing a global view of the published articles on the blog. By taking partin the development of a blog, children discover the culturaldifferences and similarities between their environment and that of their partner. Subjects covered could be on an environmental theme; raising awareness of the issues in each country. We will also create ‘language learning’ sound files to exchange which will be used as a teaching and learning tool.

Projektis osalejad:

·  Publiczne Gimnazjum NR1 w Mlodowie (Poola)
·  Sambayadi Ilkogretim Okulu (Türgi)
·  Valhúsaskóli (Island)
·  “Hadzhi Dimitar “primary school – Byala (Bulgaaria, koordinaator)
·  Kiviõli 1. Keskkool (Eesti)