The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. in the Airport Conference Room. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Thomas W. Hurley, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present was Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc, and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Disclosure: These minutes are not verbatim - they are the secretary's interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A§22.
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: December 1, 2016 Minutes – Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
December 14, 2016 Minutes – Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept the minutes. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion subject to some changes. Vote was unanimous.
January 5, 2017 Minutes - Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept the minutes. Commission Smith suggested a spelling correction. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion subject to the change. Vote was five in favor and two abstentions, Chairman Fosdick and Commissioner Hurley.
January 19, 2017 Minutes - Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept the minutes. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion subject to the changes discussed. Vote was unanimous.
7:00 PM Meeting with Jeff Adler, DuBois &King, Inc. (D&K) regarding
1) Runway extension project – Closeout paper work is complete and has been submitted. AGIS survey is complete and has been submitted to the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) for approval.
2) Conservation restriction – Epsilon Associates and the Army Corp of Engineers are reviewing and finalizing the conservation restrictions.
3) Environmental Assessment
a) Natural Heritage grassland bird study – No update.
b) Delta taxiway – Mr. Adler, D&K, advised the Commission that they are ready to file the Environmental Notification Form (ENF) and are targeting the end of February. The deadline is February 27, 2017. The Commission inquired as to what could be discussed at the public meeting for the ENF process. Mr. Adler responded that only things covered by the ENF should be discussed which involves all of the items listed here. Mr. Adler anticipated permitting in 2017 and construction in 2018. Mr. Adler presented the prepared Grant Application for approval. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the Grant Application. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
c) Re-designation of stop way to displaced threshold – Chairman Fosdick asked Mr. Adler when the stop way could be painted for a displaced threshold and did it have to wait for the Construction of the Delta Taxiway. Mr. Adler replied that it did not have to wait for Construction to start and could be painted as soon as the permit was issued. The Commission discussed the draft white paper (memo) for the Board of Selectmen and the draft message for advertising that the respective committees completed. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve both documents as presented. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and requested that both documents get titled and dated. Vote was unanimous. The Commission requested that the memo be sent to the Board of Selectmen as soon as possible.
4) Tank farm project – Manager Maher advised the Commission that he is waiting to hear from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding Phase I which is design, remove the old tank and purchase the new tank. Additionally, Manger Maher advised that he has applied to Mass DOT for funding assistance for the current fiscal year relative to this project.
1. Review report concerning New Hangar Construction, Mike Orla - Manager Maher advised that the construction has not started and suggested that the Commission request Mr. Orla to attend the next meeting to update the Commission.
2. Review reports concerning new construction, Ben Bailey – Mr. Bailey advised the Commission that he would construct a 200’ x 75’ building and presented modified plans eliminating the loading docks and incorporating overhead doors based on the market analysis he had done. Additionally, the Town of Plymouth did require groundwater treatment for drainage which needed additional engineering. Mr. Adler requested to review the drainage plan. Commissioner Burke made a motion to create a lease based on the plans presented subject to Mr. Adler’s review of the drainage plan and a permit being issued. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Mr. Bailey advised the Commission that he could potentially construct additional buildings. Cape Cod Community College (CCCC) has discussed construction of another bay for their electronic and diagnostic classes and additional pavement for increased parking. They have also discussed constructing housing and approached Mr. Bailey about building modular units to house students. Their initial thought is 25 units consisting of 350 SF each. Manager Maher advised that the airport’s lease restricts construction to not exceed the maximum limit of 150 gallons per day into the airports wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Mr. Bailey indicated that there wouldn't be any laundry or dishwashers and that this was just FYI and that if there was an actual request he would present a proposal at that time.
Mr. Bailey also advised that there was a Request for Quote (RFQ) from the Plymouth County Mosquito Control regarding a building for their plane, trucks and chemical storage. He is proposing a small hangar at the end of his hangar and another building behind the road for the vehicles. He will get more information for the next meeting.
3. NexAir, lighting- parking email – Manager Maher briefed the Commission on the email received from David Fetherston, NexAir Avionics, requesting financial assistance for additional parking and to add lighting to the backside of the South side hangars. The Commission discussed the request, which has come up in the past, and deferred to the lease agreement which states that the hangar owner is responsible to design, construct, repair and maintain their improvements at their own expense.
4. Review Noise/Safety Complaints - None reported for January. Commissioner Hurley advised that the Aero Club newsletter did a shout out for noise abatement with spring approaching.
5. Genesis Radio Request – Request to use the conference room from 9 AM to noon twice a month for 3 months for a training course on the digital component of amateur radio. Chairman Fosdick requested that notice be given in advance of the meeting in the future. Commissioner Hurley made a motion to approve the request. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
1. New Admin building status – No additional information.
2. Boys Scouts Aviation Camporee – Manager Maher met with the planning committee again and they have an ambitious agenda but Manager Maher thinks it will be well received.
3. Industrial Foundation master plan non-aviation –Manager Maher advised that Economic Development in conjunction with the Industrial Foundation will present a proposal to the Commission for a non-aviation master plan that is appropriate for the airport.
As there was no further business at this time Commissioner Hurley made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick