Phase II – Transition to Scale

Last Updated: July 11, 2013


Please refer to the Full Proposal Instructions before completing this form. There is a 20-page limit for the proposal. Contact Information, Table of Contents, Citations, Letters of Support, and Appendices sections, are not counted towards the page limit.

By submitting a proposal to Grand Challenges Canada for Phase II – Transition to Scale, each applicant (and their collaborators, if any) will be acknowledging its understanding of the Grand Challenges Canada Global Access Policy and the Grand Challenges Canada Ethics Policy.


Institution/organization name:
Country of institution:
Project title:
Principal Investigator(s):
Country of primary affiliation of Principal Investigator(s):
Country of primary affiliation of the collaborator(s):
Funding partner(s):
Country of primary affiliation of the funding partner(s):
Primary contact:
Email address for primary contact:
Phone number for primary contact:


A: Business plan template

I.Executive Summary

II.The Health and/or Development Impact of Your Innovation

III. The Innovation

IV.Integrated Innovation

V.Value Proposition

VI.Market Analysis

VII.Scalability and Growth

VIII.Financial Strategy


B: Scaling Innovations

C: Project Management Capacity and Facilities

Management and Staffing Plan


Citations ......


Appendix A: Project Framework and RMAF Table……......

Appendix B: Budget Spreadsheet and Budget Notes

Appendix C: Biographical Information

Appendix D: Financial and Tax Information......

Appendix E: Letters Of Support for Matching Funds

A: Business plan template

The template below is to be used in developing a business/development plan forthe Phase II Transition to Scale Program. This template is intended to be applicable for all proposals, ranging from products, services, and/or policy changes. Please address all sections that apply to your proposal.


Phase II Transition to Scale – Full Proposal Form

I.Executive Summary


Phase II Transition to Scale – Full Proposal Form

Briefly summarize the innovation, how it has achieved proof of concept and describe how Phase II will enable its transition to scale. Describe the role of Integrated Innovation in Phase II that will enable the scaling up of your project. Please give a brief summary of the proposed business or implementation plan, highlighting the health impact and your value proposition. For private channel innovations, please outline the target market, financial data, projected gross sales and profits, and financial requirements to reach scale in a two- to four-year timeframe. For public channel innovations, please outline the intended decision-makers/organizations that this innovation will target, the path to implementation and requirements to reach scale in a two- to four-year timeframe. Briefly describe the partnerships that you have and the specific matching partner(s) that will finance and enable the scaling of your innovation towards the anticipated outcome and big impact. This summary should be no more than one page.

II.The Health and/or Development Impact of Your Innovation

  1. Please describe the global health problem or barrier to good health that you are targeting.
  1. Please describe the health and/or development impact of your innovation. Include the population that will benefit, the geographical location of the proposed activities, the projected number of people to be served, andthe forecasted percentage reduction in burden of problem/disease, including time to achieve a measurable impact.

III.The Innovation

  1. Describe your innovation. Describe how the innovation works. What is the competitive or unique feature(s) of this product/service to achieve the projections you have identified above? Why do you think the idea is bold? Why do you think it is affordable?If the innovation is social or business orientated, is it conceptual, has it been discussed by stakeholders or adopted by a health system?
  1. Describe the intended path to scale that will result in commercialization/implementation within two to four years. If the innovation is something tangible (such as educational content, a manual, a report, a portal, software, a patent or prototype), please describe whether any copyrights, patents, or industrial design protections have been obtained or whether you anticipate applying for any such protectionssoon. Is any aspect of the innovation a trade secret? Please indicate whether any intellectual property, legal opinion, or advice has been obtained, such as a ‘freedom to operate’ or ‘patentability’ opinion.
  1. Briefly elaborate on the technical/scientific/experimental approach of your proposed scale up activities. Please provide a detailed, step-by step approach in the project framework table in Appendix A.
  1. Can your innovation be sufficiently used alone? Is it a component of another product/service or system? Do you have licenses to use all necessary background intellectual property?
  1. Describe any potential barriers (such as legal, policy or regulatory requirements) that you have accomplished or need to accomplish before the innovation can enter the market or be adopted by a health system. How do you intend to overcome these barriers?

IV.Integrated Innovation

In the table, please briefly outline how your proposed solution takes an Integrated Innovationapproach.

  1. Scientific/ Technological Innovation: Outline briefly how your proposed solution focuses on the development and application of innovative ideas and/or technologies grounded in scientific data or evidence.
  1. Social Innovation:Outline briefly how your proposed solution considers elements such as health systems, determinants of health, ethical/social/cultural/legal frameworks, public policies and human resources, among others, that will be necessary to bring the solution to scale in local communities.
  1. Business Innovation:Briefly outline how your proposed solution considers appropriate models and systems (e.g., public-privatepartnership, creative financing mechanisms) that will be necessary to enable the development and delivery of the solution affordably and sustainably to people in low- and lower-middle-income countries. What is the profile of the potential end-user? (Who is your target? The end-user,a business intermediary, a policy maker, etc.?)

V.Value Proposition

  1. Clearly state the value proposition of your innovation. Describe why an individual, organization, or government would purchase/implement/use your innovation versus other alternatives?Is it affordable? What specific needs does your innovation address?
  1. Provide a justification for your value proposition using a cost-benefit and/or cost effectivenessanalysis (i.e., quantify your value proposition). Definition: Cost-benefit is valuation of benefits and costs gained over potential loss if the product or service was not implemented. A cost-benefit analysis must be expressed in monetary terms. Cost effectivenesscompares the costs and outcomes of an intervention expressed in non-monetary terms, such asDisability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) or Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), etc.
  1. Additionality and leverage is an important evaluation criterion. Please outline the role of Grand Challenges Canada’s contribution and how it is seen as a critical leveraging feature in enabling the scaling up of innovations through partnerships.Is this a proposal where Grand Challenges Canada's funding provides additional value over and above what could be funded by existing traditional funding sources?

VI.Market Analysis

  1. Describe the total size of the market in terms of population served and/or purchasing power? Indicate if you did amarket validation (i.e., did you discuss sales or perform testing that includes user responses to price, features, satisfaction, and market relationships developed?).Also, please indicate whetheryou conducted a survey of customers resulting in data that supports your proposal, including projected sales volumes and price points? (Note that not having market validation does not disqualify proposals.)
  1. Describe either(a) yourcustomer acquisition strategy (private channel) or (b) key decision-maker/policy engagement (public channel) and your ability to execute it. What is the marketing strategy (i.e., promotion, distribution, pricing and supply chain management)?Do you have or plan to file for any trade-mark protection as part of a branding strategy? Is there a plan to integrate the product/service/policy into the current market environment, including whether it requires market education or user education? (Requiring user education does not reduce the chances of funding.)
  1. Describe your major competitor(s) and what competitive advantage you have over them.

VII.Scalability and Growth

  1. Describe the reasons why you think this innovationwould be scalable.
  1. Beyond the immediate market described in the Marketing Analysis section, do you envision any other applications for your innovation?

VIII.Financial Strategy

  1. Describe briefly in narrative form, the planned "Use of additional funds". (Do not reproduce the budget.)
  1. Outline a best case, worst case, and expected case five-year projection using a simple income statement, balance sheet, and cash-flow statement. Projections of volumes using prices should be supported by solid marketing information.
  1. For private channel innovations, describe whether the innovation is likely to generate revenue or not. If it generates revenue, is it likely to be profitable? (Lack of profitability does not disqualify proposals but is a guide to the type of funding that may be required.)
  1. Describe any milestones which, if achieved, will change the value of the project relative to operational strategies and use of investment funds (i.e., FDA approval, etc.).


  1. Give a brief overview of the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities andThreats (SWOT)of your innovation.
  1. What potential changes in market or policy conditions could lead to no longer having a need for this innovation? Examples might include new competitors, demographics, access to emerging solutions/cures, change in government, etc.

B. scaling innovations

  1. Please describe the 50% matching funding through partnerships. Matching funds should be ‘new cash’. Matching through in-kind contributions is not preferred.(Please include letters of support from matching partners in Appendix F.)
  1. Describe any potential alliances or partnerships (e.g.,host governments, joint ventures, marketing alliances, licensing arrangements, selling/distribution agreements, channel partnerships, software agreements, etc.).

C. Project management Capacity and Facilities

(Maximum two pages)

1.Management and Staffing Plan– Describe the management and staffing plan here. (Do not include resumes here. These should be included in Appendix D.)

2.Facilities – Describe the facilities available to the project management and staffing plan here.

3.Citations – List cited references here.


Phase II Transition to Scale – Full Proposal Form

Appendix A:Project Framework and results-based management accountability framework (RMAF) tables

Include completed Project framework, RMAF table, and risk management plan here or in a separate attachment. Please use the provided Excel file to complete these and be sure to read through the attached instructions.

Appendix B: Budget Spreadsheet and Budget Notes

Include completed budget spreadsheet and notes here.

Appendix C: Biographical Information

Provide biographical information of key personnel here.

Appendix D: Financial and Tax Information

Paste or include a copy of the organization's original incorporation documents here.

Appendix E: Letters Of Support for Matching Funds

If applicable, please include letters of support from partners, collaborators and funders outlining their commitment to provide financial support for this project. Each letter should be no more than one (1) page in length. Note: Maximum of up to two (2) letters of support.

Phase II Transition to Scale – Full Proposal Form1