How to Create a Video with an Online Exam

Q: I have a video that I want people to watch. What are my options?

Option A – Video in Apex, tied to an on-the-job assessment. See instructions below.

Option B – Video and test inside the same online lesson. Contact the Education team to help you create this.

Option C – Video separate from test, each with its own content item in Apex. See instructions below.

Procedure for Options A or C:

You will create 2 Content Items – the video and the exam. You will link the two, so that:

-Users will be assigned both video and test;

-Users must view the video before taking the test;

-The video won’t be marked complete until the user passes the test.

Step One: Create the Video

1. In the Content area, click Add New Content.
2. Content Type =Online Training
Category = Videos /

3. General Information:

Title – The name of the video as it will appear in the Apex Catalog.

Description – Details about what the video is and why people need to watch it.

Content Code – Create a code. It should start with “V”, followed by the date and time you are creating the content. Use the format yyyy+mm+dd+hhhh.
Example: V201110051347 is the code for a video uploaded on Oct. 5, 2011, at 1:47pm.
Search Keywords – any word that is not already in the Content Title, that will help users find it in the catalog.
Est. Duration – Video length, in minutes.
List In Content Catalog – Check. Users can search the catalog for this video.
Allow students to self-assign – Leave this un-checked if you want to assign it to people (thereby making it mandatory).
Show on Student Transcript – Uncheck. Only the test will appear on their permanent record.
Allow UG-Admin to assign this content – Managers can assign this content, as well as Administrators. /

4. Prerequisites.

Skip this step, unless there are any Apex items that the users must complete before they can watch the video.

If there are pre-requisites, drag them from the right column and drop them into the left column.

5. Content Options
Tracking Type = None
Auto-archive on Completion = Check
Lock Course Completion Records= Check /
6. Web options.
  • If you are going to upload a video file, skip this step.
  • If you the video is posted on another website, and you want Apex users to see a hyperlink to the video, then copy the web address (or “URL”) from the site where the video is located, and paste it into the “Enter the URL…” field.

7. Email Options.

Skip this step, unless you want to notify someone every time that a user views this video.

8. Associated Resources.

Skip for now. You will come back to this step later, after you create the online exam.

9. Confirmation.
Verify that the course information is correct.
Upload Content:**Currently, the Browse function is not working. The Education team can get your video file uploaded for you. Just click Finish on this step, then contact .
* Note: if you copied/pasted a web address into the URL field in Step 6, don’t Browse or upload anything.
Thumbnail: You can upload a picture that will users will see next to the title of this course on their home page.
Certificate: You can upload a new certificate document, or you can use a certificate that has already been uploaded.
When you are done, click Finish. /

Step Two: Create the Online Exam

1. On the Administrator home page, click Content., then click Add New Content.

2. Content Type/Category. /
a. / Content Type = Online Test/Questionnaire
b. / Category = Video.
Note: If you are going with Option C – using an on-the-job assessment, instead of an online test – then select Classroom Training as the Content Type, and choose the Classroom Training category. Then, create the content item the same way you would create a Competency or Inservice.
2. Course Info.
a. / Content Code – Create a code. Formula: OLA (the three-letter identifier for an online assessment), plus a hyphen (with no spaces), followed by the date and time you are creating the test.
For example: OLA-201201051332 is an on-line test created Jan. 5, 2012, at 1:32 pm.
b. / Search Keywords – any related word, not already in the title, that will help students find the assessment in the catalog. /
c. / Description – The objectives for this exam: what the learner will be expected to do on the job as a result of passing the assessment.
d. / Est. Duration – Number of minutes it will take to complete the assessment.
e. / List In Content Catalog – Un-check. It doesn’t need to be searchable: it will be visible to students who are assigned the lesson.
f. / Allow students to self-assign – Un-check. Students could un-enroll themselves.
g. / Show on Student Transcript – Check.
h. / Allow UG-Admin to assign this content – Un-check. It doesn’t need to be assigned separately.
3. Prerequisites.
Drag the videofrom the left-hand column and drop it into the right-hand column.
Now, the users will have to view the video before they can launch this assessment. /
4. Tracking Options. /
a. / Passing Score – The minimum score required to pass.
b. / Auto-archive on Completion – Moves the content to the Archive tab automatically.
c. / When a User Completes this Content… – Choose the video that this test is for. When they pass the test, the video will be marked “Complete”, too.
d. / Show Summary on Submit – At the end of the assessment, the user will see a list of questions that they got wrong (with no answers).
Show Score on Submit – At the end of the assessment, the user will see their score.
5. Questions.
a. / Click Add Question. Type the question text and click OK. /
b. / Click the question to highlight it, then click Add Answer. Type the answer text and click OK. /
c. / Click the correct answer to highlight it, then click Mark Correct. A green checkmark will appear next to it.
When you have entered all of the questions, click Next. /

6. Email Options.

Skip this step.

Only complete this information if you want the system to send an email to someone (the student, and administrator, an instructor, etc.) each time a user completed this assessment.

7. Associated Resources.

Skip this step.

The video is already associated with this test, because it’s a prerequisite for the test.

8. Confirmation.

You can choose to add a certificate and/or an image thumbnail.

Confirm that the course information is correct, and click Finish.

Step 3: Go back to the video and associate the assessment with the video.

  1. Click Content, find thevideo and open it to edit.
  2. Click the Associated Resources tab.
  3. Click once on the Online Assessment.
  4. Click Save.

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