Anatomy 32

Study Guide for Lecture Exam #1

The following study recommendations are for the first lecture exam. The exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions. Information covered in the exam will include that found in your lecture notes and related textbook material from chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. You will need one #882 scantron and a #2 pencil for the exam.

Chapter 1: Human Body Orientation – Know the following

- Hierarchy of structural organization of the body, from molecules to organism.

- Four classes of macromolecules that form cells.

- Definitions of cell, cytology, tissue, histology, organ, and body system.

- The 11 major body systems and their general functions.

- What is meant by anatomical position, the various directional & regional terms, and body planes & sections.

- Terms related to surface body regions, including the 4 body quadrants, 9 abdominal regions, body cavities, and the organs found therein.

- Locations, composition, and functions of mucous, serous, and synovial membranes.

Chapter 2 – Cells

- Define metabolism, anabolic & catabolic reactions.

- Describe the composition and functions of the cell’s plasma membrane.

- Differentiate between simple & facilitated diffusion, active transport, and vesicular transport.

- Describe the structures & functions of cellular organelles mentioned in lecture.

- What are the phases of the cell cycle and what occurs during each phase?

- What types of cell junctions connect cells, and what are their characteristics?

Chapter 4 – Tissues

- Describe the 4 principle body tissue types.

- Know the structure and functions of epithelial tissues, the different types, and where each type is found in the body.

- Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands.

- Know the characteristics of connective tissues, the various types, and where each type is found in the body.

- Describe the 3 major types of muscle tissue. Where are they found? How are they similar and how do they differ?

-What are the two main types of cells found in nervous tissue?

Chapter 6 – Bones and Skeletal Tissues

- Know the general organization of the skeletal system (axial & appendicular components)

- Describe the three types of cartilage and where they are found.

- What are the functions of bones?

- Differentiate between long, short, flat, and irregular bones. Give examples of each.

- Describe the structure of a typical long bone, as well as the composition of bone tissue.

- Differentiate between spongy and compact bone tissues.

- What is an osteon? Describe the components of an osteon.

- Know the terms for the various types of surface bone markings.

- Describe how bones develop, grow, are remodeled and repaired, including the hormones involved.

- Know the bone disorders and types of fractures mentioned in lecture.

Chapter 7 – Axial Skeleton

- What are the three main regions of the axial skeleton?

- What are the two major sets of skull bones?

- Describe the cranium, including its cavities, fontanels, sutures, and 8 bones with associated structures.

- Describe the 12 facial bones (and hyoid bone) and their locations. Which are paired or unpaired?

- What are the 4 main regions of the vertebral column? How many bones is each composed of?

- Differentiate between cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae, as well as sacrum & coccyx.

- Know the general features of a typical vertebra and what is meant by a ruptured disc.

- What bones compose the bony thorax? What major function does it serve?

- Describe the features of the sternum and ribs.

- Know the disorders of the axial skeleton mentioned in lecture.

Chapter 8 – Appendicular Skeleton

- What are the major components of the appendicular skeleton?

- Describe the two bones that comprise the pectoral girdle, along with their structures.

- Describe the humerus and its parts, where it is located, and what it articulates with on its proximal and distal ends.

- Describe the two bones of the antebrachium, their parts, and what they articulate with.

- Know the 8 carpal bones - proximal and distal from lateral to medial- as well as the palm and finger bones.

- Describe the bones that comprise the pelvic girdle, along with their structures.

- How do male & female pelves differ?

- Describe the femur and its parts, where it is located, and what it articulates with on its proximal and distal ends.

- Describe the patella, tibia, and fibula, their parts, and what they articulate with.

- Know the 7 bones of the ankle, as well as the foot and toe bones.

Chapter 9 – Joints (articulations)

- Compare and contrast the 3 functional joint classifications with the 3 structural classifications. Give examples of each.

- Know the general structure of a synovial joint, the different types of these joints, and their common movements

- Differentiate between muscle origin vs. muscle insertion.

- Know the basic structures (articulations, ligaments, tendons, etc.) of the major joints mentioned in lecture, especially the knee.

- Know what is meant by a sprain, strain, dislocation, bursitis, tendonitis, as well as the different types of arthritis, and joint disorder treatments.