Key to the LLM Credential Assembly Service Law School Report Revised 7/15/13

This is a master copy of the report that will be sent to each law school to which the candidate applies that has elected to use the LLM Credential Assembly Service. Upon review of this report, a candidate may request a reevaluation of his or her credentials. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of the reevaluation.

The top line of the report contains the candidate’s full name, the LSAC-assigned account number, and a barcode for identification purposes.

Field Name Explanation & Source of Data


This section contains information specific to the first degree in law. Note: If this section is blank either the evaluation has not been completed, the minimum required degree will not be earned, or the report was generated for an “accepts transcripts only” school.

Institution Name of the institution attended which awarded or will award the first degree in law, as reported during registration.

Country Country in which the institution is located.

Degree date Month and year title was conferred, as confirmed by AACRAO

Grade average at this institution

Overall grade for complete period of study, in indigenous terms, as calculated by AACRAO

US-comparable education completed at this institution

Levels are listed by AACRAO as follows: undergrad—one year; undergrad—two years; undergrad—three years; undergrad—four years; bachelor’s degree; master's degree; doctoral degree; first professional degree (the first academic credential that is required to become qualified to practice that profession in the country in which the credential was earned); graduate-level study; non-degree study; other

Quality of academic record for this institution

Levels of quality are listed by AACRAO as follows: Superior (A-level work), Above average (B-level work), Average (C-level work), and Below average (D and below-level work)


The information listed in this section is provided by Educational Testing Service (TOEFL) and/or the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS). Data may or may not appear in this section, depending upon whether the candidate was required to take the test, or whether the test scores were received before or after assembly of the LLM Credential Assembly Service Law School Report. Scores received by LSAC after the completion of the initial report will automatically be forwarded to the law school(s) in an update report.

TOEFL Most recent official TOEFL score(s) received, up to five

IELTS Most recent official IELTS score(s) received, up to five


The total amount of United States-comparable education completed. Levels are listed by AACRAO as follows: undergraduate—first year; undergraduate—second year; undergraduate—third year; baccalaureate degree; master's degree; doctoral degree; other


School code, program type (L1, L2...), year and term will be listed

Initial Report The date the authentication and evaluation was completed by AACRAO or the date the first report was generated

Documents Included Academic documents that have been included in the report

Credential Evaluation = C; Transcripts = T1, T2, T3, etc;. Letters of Recommendation = L1, L2, L3, etc.; English proficiency scores= S1, S2, etc.

Last Update The date a change was made to the candidate’s credentials, evaluation and/or English Proficiency score. Updates may also be produced in the rare event a score or letter of recommendation is deleted from a candidate account.

Documents Included New/updated documents that have been added to the report


LSAC Account Number Unique identifier assigned by LSAC

First (given) name First name as reported during registration

Middle name Middle name as reported during registration

Last (family) name Family name as reported during registration

Other name(s) If applicable, other name(s) as reported during registration

Date of birth Month, day, and year of birth as reported during registration

Gender Male or female as reported during registration

Country of citizenship Nationality as reported during registration

Secondary citizenship If applicable, for candidates with dual citizenship, second country as reported during registration


Current Location to which any mailings should be sent, including name of street, city, state (if applicable), country, and postal code as reported during registration

E-mail Electronic mail address as reported during registration

Primary telephone Telephone number at which the candidate can most often be reached, including country code (as applicable), city code (as applicable)/area code (as applicable), and the telephone number, as reported during registration

Secondary telephone A different telephone number at which the candidate can be reached, including country code (as applicable), city code (as applicable)/area code (as applicable), and the telephone number, as reported during registration

Fax Number to which facsimile communications can be sent, as reported during registration


The symbols that appear in the box on this page will appear in front of their corresponding institution, as applicable and assigned by AACRAO if an international credential evaluation has been completed. If no evaluation has been completed the symbols represent the information reported by the applicant during registration.

Transcript identifying number T1, T2, etc.

Institution Indigenous name of the institution(s) attended after secondary school, as reported during registration.

Indigenous Degree Pursued/Awarded

Title conferred/to be conferred at completion of program of study, as confirmed by AACRAO

Dates attended Beginning and ending month/year of attendance at the institution, as confirmed by AACRAO


This section provides detailed information about each of the institutions listed in the Postsecondary Summary section. The institution where the first degree in law was earned will be listed first. Other schools will be listed in reverse chronological order. The country where the institution is located will be listed at the top of the page along with the institution’s name. Each institution attended will appear on a separate page.

English name of postsecondary institution

Name of institution in English, if available.

Degree, title, diploma, or certificate awarded

or pursued (in indigenous terms)

Title conferred at completion of program of study, as confirmed by AACRAO

Degree translation Name of degree in English, if available.

Field of study Field of specialization, as reported during registration

Attended from - to Beginning and ending month/year of attendance at the institution, as confirmed by AACRAO

Degree awarded Month and year title was conferred, as confirmed by AACRAO

Actual/standard number of years of study

Number of years of study versus the customary number of years of study for the degree listed, as confirmed by AACRAO. "Varies" or “Not indicated” may also appear here.

*Grade average Overall grade for complete period of study, in indigenous terms, as calculated by AACRAO

*Verbal rating Written evaluation rather than numerical, as confirmed by AACRAO

*Rank in class Position of standing within the class compared to the total class size, as confirmed by AACRAO

*Other indices of quality Other notations expressing the caliber of work completed, as reported by AACRAO

* = An entry is required for only one of these fields. However, more than one of these fields may contain data.

Comparable amount of US education completed

Levels are listed by AACRAO as follows: undergrad—one year; undergrad—two years; undergrad—three years; undergrad—four years; bachelor’s degree; master's degree; doctoral degree; first professional degree (the first academic credential that is required to become qualified to practice that profession in the country in which the credential was earned); graduate-level study; non-degree study; other

Quality of academic record for this institution

Levels of quality are listed by AACRAO as follows: Superior (A-level work), Above average (B-level work), Average (C-level work), and Below average (D and below-level work)

Grading scale, if available, in

Indigenous terms

Series of measurements used to rate the student's achievement in different subjects on a scale used by the issuing institution. A description and suggested US grade equivalent may also be reported here, as may a national grading scale. This is provided by AACRAO.

Grading scale source The source of the information appearing in the grading scale; e.g., transcript, publication, database, etc. This is provided by AACRAO.

Comments Explanatory notes provided by AACRAO


The candidate might not list his or her secondary school when registering, consequently there may or may not be any data in this section. Some assumptions may be made by AACRAO based upon the postsecondary information provided.

Name of secondary institution

Name of the secondary school attended, as reported during registration

City City where secondary school is located, as reported during registration

Country Country where secondary school is located, as reported during registration

Type of secondary school Types are listed by AACRAO as follows: General, Vocational-technical, Teacher training, Other (specified)

Country's standard number of years of

elementary and secondary education

Customary number of years of study at the elementary and secondary level in the country where the student received the education, as confirmed by AACRAO

Type of secondary certificate or diploma

(if known)

Award conferred at completion of program of study, as confirmed by AACRAO

Date secondary certificate or diploma


Month and year secondary certificate or diploma was awarded, as confirmed by AACRAO


The data in this section is provided by AACRAO to convey any additional information about the candidate’s academic record that cannot be displayed in other sections of the report, as well as to cite the sources referenced to complete the evaluation.

General comments Other pertinent information about the candidate's academic record

Resources used in this evaluation

List of sources other than the transcript, such as publications, databases, etc., used to summarize the candidate's academic credentials


The information listed in this section is provided by Educational Testing Service (TOEFL) and/or the British Council, IDP:IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (IELTS). Data may or may not appear in this section, depending upon whether the candidate was required to take the test, or whether the test scores were received before or after assembly of the LLM Credential Assembly Service Law School Report. Scores received by LSAC after the completion of this report will automatically be forwarded to the law school(s) to which the candidate applies. Each test score received will be reported on a separate page. For more specific information about the TOEFL, please visit the TOEFL Website at For more specific information about the IELTS, please visit the IELTS Website at

Native Language Name First language

Date of Birth Month, day and year of birth

Number of times taken Number of English Proficiency exams taken, as reported by candidate

Test type TOEFL or IELTS

Administration date Month, day and Year on which the test taker took the test

Registration/appointment number

Unique identifying number issued to the test taker by the testing agency

Test method or Test center number

For TOEFL, type of test administered I=IBT (Internet-based test) or P=P/B (Paper-based test). For IELTS, test format module A=Academic module.

The following fields are only used for IBT.

Reading Scale score on the reading section of the TOEFL, which measures the test takers’ ability to understand and analyze the meaning of passages that have been read. Score = 00 to 30

Listening Scale score on the listening section of the TOEFL, which measures the test takers’ ability to understand a speaker’s attitude or meaning in a conversation or lecture setting. Score = 00 to 30

Speaking Scale score on the speaking section of the TOEFL, which measures the test takers’ ability in: topic development-show they understand and can make connections, and convey relevant information; delivery-use clear, smooth, sustained speech for overall intelligibility; and language use-demonstrate control of grammar and word choice, and respond coherently. Score = 00 to 30

Writing Scale score on the writing section of the TOEFL, which measures the test takers’ ability to demonstrate an understanding of the material, as well as write clearly, accurately, and in a well-organized manner. Score = 00 to 30

Total score The sum of the four skill scores = 00 to 120

The following fields are only used for P/B.

Listening Section 1 – Listening Comprehension. Scaled score which measures the ability to understand English as it is spoken in North America. P/B=31 to 68


Section 2 – Structure and Written Expression. Scaled score which measures the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. P/B =31 to 68


Section 3 – Reading Comprehension. Scaled score which measures the ability to understand non-technical reading matter. P/B =31 to 68

Essay Rating or P/B converted TWE (Test of Written English) Score

The essay rating is part of the structure/writing score, but is reported separately, and it is not a scaled score. It measures the ability to write in English on an assigned topic. The Test of Written English is required of everyone taking the paper-based test. P/B =1.0 to 6.

Total score The raw score for each section is converted by statistical means to a number on what is called the TOEFL test scale. The total paper-based test score is reported on a scale that ranges from 310 to 677.


Listening A variety of question types is used to test a wide range of listening skills.

Reading A variety of question types is used to test a wide range of reading skills.

Writing Candidates must demonstrate their ability to write a response which is appropriate in terms of content, vocabulary and the organization of ideas.

Speaking Each candidate has a face-to-face oral interview with an examiner.

Total score Overall Band Score.

Results are reported as band scores, on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest). The results from the four parts then

produce an Overall Band Score. All parts of the test and the Overall Band Score can be reported in whole and half bands,

eg 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0.