M. J. Kaufman Elementary School Plan


To achieve high academic standards:

·  Every student will read on or above grade level as measured by the DIBELS reading assessment and STAR Reading Test.

·  Every student will be proficient in mathematics as measured by common grade level assessments.

·  Every student will be proficient in writing as measured by common grade level rubrics.

·  Every student will be proficient in science and social studies as measured by common grade level assessments.

·  Kaufman students will achieve a 97% attendance rate.

To increase stakeholder satisfaction:

·  Faculty and staff will create a marketable image to improve community perception by promoting student and staff accomplishments through a variety of resources.

·  Faculty and staff will enhance stakeholder involvement by offering a variety of activities for parents and community members to contribute and work in the school environment.

To manage all processes efficiently and effectively:

·  Faculty and staff will identify and align all school processes.

School Information:

School Hours

Teachers & Staff sign in 7:30

Teacher & Staff sign out 3:15

Instruction Begins 7:45

Car Riders & buses 727 & 556 2:50

Walkers, bike riders 2:55

Day Care & bus students 3:00

School wide Processes:

Teacher Duty:

·  Morning duty begins at 7:10-It is your responsibility to be on time for your duty. If you can’t e on time call your Duty Buddy.

·  Recess Duty – grade levels will decide who has duty on what day. There should be at least two teachers on duty.

·  Teachers are responsible for monitoring all students. Teachers must be walking around and monitoring student activity.

·  Substitutes will not do duty.

Afternoon Dismissal:

·  2:50 (1st bell, early bus students and car riders) Teachers will escort students to the cafeteria and car line.

·  2:55 (2nd bell walkers and bike riders) Teachers will escort students to the lobby.

·  3:00 (3rd bell remaining bus students) Teachers will escort students to the cafeteria.

Cafeteria Procedures:

Enter: All students must enter the cafeteria through the north door (closet to the playground) Students will pick up their fork and straw. After receiving their plate, they must check in at the desk with the manager. Then students proceed to their assigned tables. Teachers will supervise this process.

Emptying Plate: Student will be dismissed one side at a time in a single file line after having cleaned their area. They are to walk to the trashcans and scrape the contents of their plates into the trashcans, place fork in dishpan and plates in the window. After emptying their plate, they should line up in front of the stage in single file line.

Exit: Students will walk in a single file line, (zipped and flipped) down the hallway to their class.

Student daily lunch count: Lunch count must be turned into the cafeteria by 8:30 each morning.

Lunch payments: According to CPSB policy, students must now prepay all lunch money. Each teacher should send the students with lunch money before 8:30.

Lunches from home: Canned or bottled soft drinks for students are not allowed. Fast food (McDonald’s, Popeyes, etc.) may not be brought into the cafeteria by anyone unless wrapped in unidentifiable paper.

Sitting with students: Teachers must sit with their class. The behavior of your students during lunch time is your responsibility.

Visitors for Lunch: Parents are welcome to eat with their child during lunch time. Please encourage parents to contact the cafeteria (217-4740 ext 6009) before 9:00 a.m. to make sure they are prepared to accommodate additional meals. Parents are required to sign in through the office.

Corporal Punishment:

Our school uses Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS). Discipline expectations, processes, and procedures are outlined in the “Discipline” section of this handbook. Referral to the office is a last resort (unless it is a severe disruption) No child will be seen in the office without an office discipline referral (ODR) form having been completed.


Teachers and staff members should make sure not to touch students in such a way as pinching, pulling, squeezing or hitting. The only time you should touch a child is when hugging them or praising them.


Should it be necessary for you to be absent from school, please do the following:

1.  Call a substitute from the list provided to you (posted on Blackboard)

2.  Do not rely on the office to find a sub for you.

3.  Choose a certified teacher first.

4.  If you are scheduled for duty on a day that you will be absent, please make arrangements for your duty buddy to cover your duty. Substitutes don’t know the children, they don’t know the procedures, and they are not to cover duty.

5.  Call the office immediately after 7:15 a.m. @ 217-4740 or text Mrs. Hamilton or Mrs. Dietz.

Each teacher is expected to have a special substitute folder prepared that will be kept on your desk in a highly visible place. This folder should include a class schedule, a duty schedule, seating arrangements, lunch procedures, class roll, fire drill procedures, pertinent information, about special needs students and any other information you feel will insure an orderly, productive day will occur in your absence.

Field Trips:

1.  Decide on one or two appropriate trips per year, usually discussed as a grade-level team. Field trips are an extension of the curriculum.

2.  Call the Transportation Office regarding bus availability and cost.

3.  Complete the appropriate forms online and get required signatures – a) Field Trip Request Form (online), b) Parent permission for field trip, c) Appropriate Medication forms if needed, d) Check request form for admissions

4.  Once confirmed, please make sure to notify the office of the date, place, and time of departure and return.

5.  All money collected must be given to the bookkeeper for safekeeping. Money cannot be kept in the classroom.

6.  Please collect all monies well in advance of the trip so that our secretary will have adequate time to write out a check for the total cost of the trip. (remember check request form)

7.  No child may be denied a field trip as a means of discipline. A field trip is not a reward for good behavior and it is not limited to those students who follow procedures. If a grade level is approved to take a field trip, it is expected that all students will participate.

8.  Only students in the participating classrooms will be allowed to attend the field trip. (No school age siblings)

9.  New procedures allow administration to withhold a child from a field trip if substantial fees are owed to the school. Teachers will assist by informing Mrs. Hamilton in advance so that parents have the opportunity to resolve the fees owed.

Financial Matters:


All monies collected must be turned in to the bookkeeper on a daily basis by 9:30 a.m.. No exceptions! You cannot hold cash for any reason--including party money. The official CPSB receipt book must be used for logging all money receipts.

Check Requests: Complete check request form (in office) and turn in to bookkeeper. Receipts cannot be older than 3 months. (Do not hold receipts until the end of the year.)

Purchase Orders: Pick up form from secretary, who will assign a purchase order number to you. Give to Mrs. Hamilton for approval. After approval she will return it to you so you can place the order yourself and turn in completed P.O. to the bookkeeper.

Lunch Counts:

Absentee forms will be sent to the cafeteria in order to determine the proper number of lunches to prepare. Remember: Should your class be on a field trip and not eating at school, please notify the cafeteria personnel in advance.

School Safety:



There are five basic drills with which you should be familiar:

Hurricane Drill: Upon the issuance of a hurricane warning, students should be dismissed and school closed. If time does not permit dismissal of students, they should be kept in the areas of the building least exposed to the dangers of broken glass, flying debris, and possible flooding. The principal will dismiss students only when notified to do so by the CPSB or when parents arrive at the school.

Tornado Drill: If a tornado is spotted, the warning will be made on the intercom. Be prepared in the following manner:

1.  Open all windows and doors.

2.  If a classroom is next to a restroom or vacant room, the student in the second seat from the door shall check that room. If anyone is in the room, instruct them to proceed with the group to the assembly point. Teachers should account for children who might be in the classroom.

3.  The student in the seat nearest the classroom door will open it and lead the others to the tornado shelter area along the interior hallways. The teacher will accompany the group and take the classroom grade book with them.

4.  Move quickly, without running; quietly, without talking. Keep calm, regardless of the situation. Listen for instructions.

5.  Assume positions of best protection along the wall of the hallway – sitting down with knees up, head down, and hands over head.

6.  Teachers should check the roll as soon as possible.

7.  The group shall stay together until authorized to move back to the classroom or elsewhere.

Fire Drill: When the fire alarm rings, immediately proceed to leave the building. Follow the evacuation route diagram which should be posted near your door. Follow this procedure:

1.  One student should lead the class in an orderly, single file line out. Doors should be closed as the teacher is the last one to exit the room. Silence is necessary.

2.  Teachers must take grade books with them when they exit the building. Attendance should be checked once everyone has exited to be sure that no one is missing.

3.  Teachers next to a restroom should insure that everyone in there has received the warning and is evacuating. Upon reaching the assembly point, the student should be sent to joint his/her own class.

4.  Remember: Expect the unexpected—for example, a doorway may be blocked, or a drill may take place during lunch. Remember that you need to think quickly and reroute your children should this occur. Once outside, immediately check that each child is accounted for.

5.  Enrichment teachers should escort their classes to the evacuation area.

Shelter in Place: Follow these instructions:

1.  When the alarm is sounded, go inside the nearest building.

2.  Close all doors and windows.

3.  Turn off ventilation.

4.  Seal cracks on all outside doors with duct tape or wet paper.

5.  Turn on the television or radio for more information.

6.  Wait for an all-clear signal before going outside.

7.  Open shelter and turn ventilation system back on to remove any contaminated air that may be in shelter.

Intruder- addresses armed individuals, hostage situation, intruder/hostile persons, and shots fired. Remain in your classroom until all clear is announced.

If you spot an intruder do not confront them. Notify the office using the intercom and give their location. Clear all students from the hall. If possible, quietly alert teachers next to you. Wait for instructions from the office.

If Intruder is announced, teachers should follow these instructions:

1.  Clear any students from hall into classroom.

2.  Lock your door.

3.  Turn off the lights.

4.  Close blinds, curtains, etc.

5.  Move students away from windows and doors. If possible, they should be out of the line of vision from all windows/doors.

6.  Have students take cover – seated on floor, under desks, with knees drawn close. Attempt to have your classroom appear unoccupied.

7.  If you have safe access to a phone, without leaving your room, call “911” for help.

8.  Assist any injured and maintain silence and stillness until help arrives.


Risk Management requires that all gates be kept locked during the school day. There is only one entrance open to visitors and that is through the front doors.


Please report any and all accidents to the office immediately after attending to the child, then complete the necessary accident form. If a student is injured under your supervision, please contact the parent even if the student appears to be OK. This covers you and allows the parent to make the decision as to the seriousness of the injury. If you are injured, you must notify Mrs. Hamilton immediately. You will need to fill out an employee accident report.


Whenever a visitor comes to our school, he or she is required to sign-in in the office. They will receive a visitor’s badge which signifies that the person has been approved to be in the building. Please STOP any adult who does not have a visitor badge and ask that person to please go to the office and sign in. Security is vital. If you are met with an unpleasant or confrontational attitude, you should use your intercom and notify the office.

The administration will do everything possible to protect instructional time! Parents and/or visitors will not be allowed in your classroom during the school day without permission.

Faculty and Staff Focus:


Remember that every word you speak, every action you take, every greeting you give or fail to give is noticed by students, parents, and members of the community. Kaufman Elementary is a happy place with warm, caring staff and we want to convey that message in all that we do.

Cell Phone Policy:

There is a telephone in the main lobby for student to use when they are ill, etc. Cell phones are not allowed to be in the possession of students. Teachers may use any of the phones available around school. Teachers may also use cell phones but they are not allowed to be used at any time when students are being supervised (during instruction, while on duty, recess etc.) according to CPSB policy. If you are waiting on an important call or have an emergency, please direct the call to the office. You will be notified immediately of the call if so requested by the caller.