“A Safe Environment for the Protection
of Children and Young People”
Diocese of Lafayette
For Continuing Education, Parent/Other Adult Education, and
Child/Youth Education Programs
- The following is a list of suggested persons/organizations to contact for guest speakers/resources for your “Safe Environment” continuing education program(s).
Stuller Place (Prevention Education/Reporting Child Abuse/Etc.)
Contact:Ms. Jessica Savoy or Ms. Anne M. Cunningham
St. Landry/Evangeline Parish(es) Sexual AssaultCenter
Contact:Ms. Nicole Krafve
Project Wellsprings
Contact:Mrs. Beverly Mire (Diocese of Lafayette)
Edmund Bergeron, PhD (Adolescent Psychology)
Bill Richard (CounselingCenter of Acadiana, Eunice)
Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana (Prevention Education/Reporting Child Abuse/Etc.)
Contact:Ms. Maegan Feerick
Michael Normand (DRE, St Joseph, Rayne)
SNAP – Safety Net for Abused Persons
Contact:Ms. Renee’ Rogers, Children’s Director
- (Recommended) criteria for speaker approval:
- The speaker must have professional credentials that support his/her knowledge of the subject matter - AND -
- The speaker must have professional experience in dealing with cases of abuse.
Revised 10/2005
“A Safe Environment for the Protection
of Children and Young People”
Diocese of Lafayette
Children (Pre K - 6th grade)
Break the Silence – Kids Against Child Abuse
Recommended for Ages 6 and upCost:$149.00
Jist Life Publishing Company
Narrated by Jane Seymour actress and child advocate, this exceptional video tells the story of four former victims of abuse and neglect who were able to tell someone they trusted about their situations and get the help they needed. Break the Silence explains the dynamic of child abuse, examines its effects on the child and family, and shows the positive effects of counseling. 28 min.
For Pete’s Sake Tell! Keeping Children from Sexual Abuse
Recommended for Ages 4-7 Cost:$29.99
Oblate Media & Communications
Vital information for children and appropriate for use by parents, teachers, clergy and professionals – available in English and Spanish.
Storybook animation character, Peter Mouse’s experience helps the young child become alert and assertive when personality is at stake. No one has the right to touch them in their “private places.” Leader’s guide included (English only). 10 min.
I Am the Boss of My Body
Recommended for Ages 5 to 8Cost:$95.00
Jist Life Publishing Company
Designed to empower children to recognize and protect themselves from sexual abuse, this video introduces children to “being the boss” and taking ownership of the right to keep themselves from others. Includes a facilitator’s guide. 20 min.
It Happened To Me
Recommended for 6 – 9 year old boysCost:$19.50
Boy Scouts of America
This video is a video with a different approach to help prevent sexual abuse of young boys. Through the video, boys can recognize and identify sexual abuse much easier. 30 min.
It’s Not Your Fault - A Guide for Children to Tell If They’re Abused
By Judith A. JanceCost:$2.95
Recommended for ages 4 to 11
Jist Life Publishing Company
Its Not Your Fault illustrates the common feelings of shame and self blame a child may have when they again encounter someone who has previously abused them sexually.
Revised 10/2005
Children (Pre K - 6th grade)
It’s Not Your Fault - A Guide for Children to Tell If They’re Abused
By Judith A. JanceCost:$2.95
Recommended for ages 4 to 11
Jist Life Publishing Company
It’s Not Your Fault illustrates the common feelings of shame and self blame a child may have when they again encounter someone who has previously abused them sexually.
“Keeping My Body Safe” Workbook
Channing L. BeteCost: $1.75
Teaches young children to practice health-enhancing behaviors, how to reduce health risks, to identify responsible and harmful behaviors, and to use decision-making skills.
Kid’s Guide to Who You Can Trust: Protect yourself at Home, at School, and on the Internet
By Catalina Herrerias, MSW, PhD Cost:$18.95 pkg. of 10
Jist Life Publishing Company
Teaches kids how to stay in common situations and about appropriate touching and that it’s ok to tell.
“Know What? Your Body is Yours” Workbook
Channing L. BeteCost: $1.75
Expands the subjects covered in the kindergarten “Keeping My Body Safe” workbook.
Little Bear
Recommended for Ages 4 to 9Cost:$119.00
Jist Life Publishing Company
Teach young children to recognize and protect themselves against sexual and physical abuse with the Little Bear video. The video helps children recognize uncomfortable touching, know what to say to potential offenders, know what to do in threatening situations, and know how to tell someone if they have been abused. Accompanying Leader’s Guide gives teachers and counselors valuable guidance for discussions. 20 min.
My Body Belongs To Me: Good Touch…Bad Touch
Recommended for PK-3rd GradersNo longer Available for Purchase
Stuller Place
Through the use of puppets and humor, the host enables young children to understand the difference between good touches and bad touches and what to do about bad touches. 25 min.
Safe at Last! Keeping Your Child from Physical Abuse
Recommended for Ages 4-7 Cost:$29.99
Oblate Media & Communications
A gentle parable available in English and Spanish.
Storybook animation characters tell the story and answers a child’s questions about how to seek help, find safety, and feel loved if they find themselves in a physically abusive situation at home or school. Leaders guide included (English only). 10 min.
Revised 10/2005
Children (Pre K - 6th grade)
“Safety Activities for Kids” Workbook
KidsrightsCost: $2.95
Helps children think about and prepare for events they encounter that might harm them.
Speak Up, Say No! Keeping Your Child from Sexual Abuse
Recommended for Ages 4-7 Cost:$29.99
Oblate Media & Communications
Tastefully presented and appropriate for use by parents, teachers, clergy and professionals – available in English and Spanish.
Storybook animation character in the story reveals how to tell a trusted adult and learn that sexual abuse (actual or attempted) is not the child’s fault and learn the difference between touching that is “okay” and “not okay”. Leader’s guide included (English only). 10 min.
“Stay Safe Around People You do not Know Well”
Recommended for ages 6 – 9Cost: $1.15
Channing L. Bete Co.
A coloring and activities book which helps children differentiate between people they feel they can trst and those they don’t know well. Youngsters learn to recognize unsafe situations, say no to strangers and get away, and report incidents to parents or the police.
Take Care with Yourself – A Young Person’s Guide to Understanding, Preventing, and
Healing from Abuse
By Laurie A. White and Steven L. SpencerCost:$5.95
Recommended for ages 6 to 10
Jist Life Publishing Company
Simple text and thoughtful illustrations help children understand what abuse is and that there are people who will help them take care.
“The Sly Fox and the Chicks”
By Carl Sommer
Available to Order through area bookstores.
To help protect our children from unscrupulous strangers in today’s society, Carl Sommer teaches the importance of trust, safety, and obedience to parents.
When Should You Tell? Dealing with Abuse
Recommended for 3rd – 6th gradersCost:$79.95
Sunburst Visual Media
This program helps abused children know they’re not alone, that what they’re experiencing is not the norm, and that they can be helped by telling an adult they trust. 15 min.
Revised 10/2005
“A Safe Environment for the Protection
of Children and Young People”
Diocese of Lafayette
Youth (7th – 12th grade)
A Time to Tell
Recommended for 6th – 8th gradersCost:$109.95
Boy Scouts of America
Shows some ways to prevent child molestation, intended for viewing by boys 11-14 yrs. old, valuable for families, youth groups, schools and churches. A unique approach to a sensitive subject. 30 min.
Breaking the Silence
Recommended for 9th – 12th grade
This DVD is a valuable resource in helping young people gain an understanding of the realities of sexual abuse in our society. Areas of focus include ■ Recognizing the “grooming” techniques used by sexual predators ■ Learning to trust one’s own instincts about inappropriate adult behavior that makes a teen uncomfortable ■ Exposing the widespread myths about sexual abuse and reporting the sexual abuse to authorities ■ Understanding the long-term effects of abuse (by hearing the candid testimony of a victim survivor’s mother)
Dear Elizabeth - A Diary for sexually Abused Youth
By Helen Swan, MSW and Gene Mackey, MA Cost:$9.95
Recommended for ages 10 and up
Jist Life Publishing Company
Dear Elizabeth is an 80 page diary written by Brenda, who has been sexually abused by her father. Brenda’s confrontation with the abuse offers a role model of hope for similarly troubled young people. Includes a detailed discussion of other specific therapeutic issues.
Don’t Touch
Recommended for 6th – 8th gradersNo Longer Available for Purchase
Phoenix Learning Group
Six year old Molly Stewart is sexually exploited in this video by a close adult friend of the family, Mike whom she and her parents had every reason to trust. This sensitive drama will stimulate discussion about a disturbing phenomenon and viewers will learn how children can be tricked into sexual compliance, realize how molesters are often respected and trusted persons known to the victim and learn what to do if they suspect a child is being molested. 31 min.
It Happens to Boys, Too
By Jane Satullo and Russell BradwayCost:$12.95
Recommended for Male victims of sexual abuse
Jist Life Publishing Company
Men in prison with first-hand experience as both victims and offenders of child sexual abuse share their stories in a way that offers boys the comfort of knowing they are not alone and relieves them of blame. Helps remove cultural pressures that keep boys from reporting victimization.
Revised 10/2005
Youth (7th – 12th grade)
Sexual Abuse of Children: Victims and Abusers
Recommended for 15 year olds and upCost:$89.95
Jist Life Publishing Company
Hard-hitting documentary takes a frank look at the impact of child sexual abuse, featuring candid interviews with therapists, victims, and recovering offenders. Explores how if a child is abused physically, emotionally, andor sexually the long-term ramifications for everyone involved - including society - can be devastating. 28 min.
So, What’s It to Me? Sexual Assault Information for Guys
By Gayle M. Stringer, Deanna Rants-Rodriquez, and KingCost:$5.95
Recommended for Teen Boys
Jist Life Publishing Company
Educates readers using vivid stories, practical examples of how to prevent assault, and essential information to increase awareness that males, too, can be sexual assault victims. This booklet also analyzes the male teenager’s role as a sexual aggressor, helping readers to explore their own motives and find ways of developing non-exploitative relationships.
Teen Health – Abusive Relationships
Recommended for 6th – 12th grade
This tape presents interviews with victims of abuse, abuse counselors, and an abuser. Each discusses his or her own experience(s), the brutal cycle of emotional and physical abuse, the warning signs of abusive relationships, and how to get help and legal assistance if you are in an abusive relationship. 30 min.
Teen Health – Child Abuse
Recommended for 6th – 12th grade
This program presents interviews with abuse victims, survivors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and legal counselors. Each helps to define the different types of abuse (physical, emotional/mental, sexual, and neglect) and how silences may be broken, healing may begin, and the cycle of abuse can be stopped. 30 min.
Teen’s Guide to Personal Safety & Preventing Sexual Abuse, Second Edition
By Catalina Herrerias, M.S.W., Ph.D. Cost:$4.95 single copy
Recommended for ages 13to 19
Jist Life Publishing Company
Jist Life is excited to announce this completely updated revision of the well respected “Teen to Teen: Personal Safety and Sexual Abuse Prevention. This interactive workbook encourages teens to protect themselves from sexual abuse and other dangers.
Top Secret – Sexual Assault Information for Teenagers Only
By Jennifer Fay, Billie Jo Flerchinger, and KingCounty Sexual AssaultResourceCenter
Recommended for Teen girlsCost:$5.95
Jist Life Publishing Company
Candid, heart-to-heart answers to adolescent girls’ most difficult questions about sexual assault. Written with the help of teens, the book uses a variety of effective ways to catch attention, such as experiences of true-to-life characters, letters and replies, challenging quizzes, and frank information about sexual assault.
Revised 10/2005
Youth (7th – 12th grade)
When Something Feels Wrong – A Survival Guide about Abuse for Young People
By Deanna S. Pledge, Ph.D.Cost:$14.95
Recommended for Teens
Jist Life Publishing Company
Written by a psychologist who has worked with abused kids and teens for more than a decade, When something Feels Wrong is for adolescents searching for positive ways to deal with their history of abuse. It emphasizes the need to talk about the abuse, get help, and know that abuse is never the victim’s fault. Covers physical sexual and emotional abuse and neglect, and includes checklists, examples, journaling ideas, and resources.
Why Me? Incest Prevention
Recommended for 5th – 8th gradersCost:$99.95
Phoenix Learning Group
Incest is a serious problem that affects a wide range of American families. It explores the problem from a child’s point of view. It shows that sexual abuse can happen in any family and it “empowers” children to seek help if they are being sexually abused or know someone who is. 15 min.
Youth Protection: Personal Safety Awareness: Acquaintance Rape, Internet and
Stalking, Peer Sexual Harassment
Recommended for 14 – 20 year oldsCost:$15.95
Boy Scouts of America
It is made up of a series of three vignettes dealing with the issues of acquaintance rape, Internet and stalking, and peer sexual harassment. After each scenario is presented, the tape should be stopped for discussion. 30 min.
Real People Violence Prevention: Don’t Be a Victim
Grades 7 – 12
Sunburst Visual MediaCost:
Presented as a workshop featuring teens, this video is designed to equip viewers with specific strategies for keeping safe at school, on the street, and on the Internet. Without using scare tactics, the video interweaves riveting comments by the on-screen teens about how violence and victimization have affected their lives, with realistic advice on staying safe from safety experts.
Revised 10/2005