The Office of Consumer Relations

and the Alabama Directions Council

are pleased to announce a


The conference is scheduled for April 7, 8, and 9, 2014 at Shocco Springs Conference Center near Talladega, Alabama.

The Annual Alabama Recovery Conference has become one of the highlights of the year for many consumers in Alabama. Over 800 attendees from around the state gather for three days of education and fellowship. The conference features nationally known speakers and a number of workshops on consumer issues and interests. Social activities include a talent show and dance. Most of the attendees are consumers, and the conference often includes consumers from other states and international attendees.

The Alabama Recovery Conference is planned and coordinated by consumers and is a project of the Office of Consumer Relations of the Mental Illness Division and Substance Abuse Services of the Alabama Department of Mental Health and the Alabama Directions Council. The Office of Consumer Relations, which is staffed by consumers, coordinates the conference with the assistance of the Alabama Directions Council. The Directions Council is made up of local support group leaders, drop-in center leaders, and statewide consumer organizations and is made up entirely of consumers.

Presentation Topics and Themes

While a few non-consumers attend, the sessions and workshops are aimed at
the interests of consumers and are focused on recovery and living in the community.

Presentation opportunities include plenary sessions and concurrent workshops. Concurrent workshops are presented twice. Each session is 60-90 minutes long. Audience participation is encouraged, especially in the concurrent workshops.

How to Submit a Proposal

Complete the attached proposal form. Feel free to use additional sheets if necessary and enclose any additional information you wish. Mail your proposal to:

Conference Proposals

The Office of Consumer Relations

P.O. Box 301410

Montgomery, AL 36130-1410


Fax to (334) 242-3025

Deadline for Proposals: February 20, 2014

2014 Alabama Recovery Conference


Type of Presentation

______Plenary Session

______Concurrent Workshop

Preliminary Title of Presentation: ______

Names, Addresses, and Telephone Numbers of Presenters:


Are Presenters Consumers? ___Yes___No

Please give a brief description and goals/objectives of your presentation: Use back of sheet and additional sheets as necessary. Please feel free to enclose any additional information.


Deadline: February 20, 2014