General…………………………………………….. 3

JROTC Cadre…………………………………. 3 3

TAC Officers and NCOs……………………… 4 4

Female Chaperones……………………………. 5 5

Non-JROTC Cadre……………………………. 6 6

Pre-JCLC Administrative Requirements…………. 6 7

Cadre………………………………………….. 6 7.a. & b.

Cadets…………………………………………. 6 7.c. & d.

Chaperones……………………………………. 7 7.e.

ITOs……………………………………………. 7 7.f.

Commercial Transportation (Buses)……………. 7 7.g.

Meals During Travel…………………………….. 7 7.h.

Heater Meals…………………………………. 8 7.i.

Required Documents…………………………….. 8 8

Cadet Information Sheet……………………... 8 8.a.

Covenant Not to Sue…………………………. 8 8.a.

Consent to Medical Treatment………………. 8 8.b.

Risk Factor In processing Sheet……………… 8 8.b.

Parental Consent for Helicopter Ride………… 8 8.c.

Parental Consent for Rappelling……………… 8 8.d.


JCLC Data Base……………………………….. 8 9

JCLC In processing/Out processing………………… 9

Arrival at JCLC………………………………… 9 1

Building Assignments……………………… 9 1.a.

Cadet Packets………………………………. 9 1.b.

Departure From JCLC………………………….. 10 2

Buildings……………………………………. 10 2.a.

Graduation Ceremony………………………. 10 2.b.

Out processing……………………………….. 10 2.c.

JCLC Suspense List…………………………………. 11



1. Camp Clark Attendees 12

2. Cadet/Cadre/Chaperonne Packing List 13

3. ITOs 15

4. Request for Credit Card or Convenience

Check Payment 18

5. Sample Travel Request 19

6. Heater Meal Request 22

7. Cadet Information Sheet 24

8. Covenant Not to Sue 25

9. Consent to Medical Treatment 26

10. Risk Factor Work Sheet 28

11. Parental Consent (Helicopter) 34

12. Parental Consent (Rappelling) 35

13. Emergency phone numbers and map 36

Camp Clark, Nevada, Missouri



The purpose of this handbook is to amplify and modify when necessary.

1. The Third Brigade ROTC Commander has overall responsibility for the JCLC Encampment.

2. The Camp Commandant has supervisory authority over JROTC Instructors, Female Chaperones and JROTC cadets.

3. JROTC Cadre

a. Your role as JROTC instructors at JCLC is twofold:

(1) As the representative of your school, you are responsible for the health, welfare, and discipline of your cadets. You are a surrogate parent or guardian for each of the cadets you bring to camp.

(2) As a JROTC instructor, you are responsible to set an example of military professionalism in your dress, deportment, bearing, and concern for your cadets.

b. Specific guidelines for JROTC instructors:

(1) All cadre, with the exception of the staff and, permanent Staff Duty must live in the barracks areas. No commuting or staying in motels. Keep your billet area neat and clean.

(2) Cadre are responsible for briefing all Cadets of the following:





(3) Monitor daily activities in the DFAC.

(4) Attend all training, including PT, with your cadets.

(5) Stay in the company area when cadets are there. You MUST be in the company area from "Lights Out" until Reveille. Authorized absences must be coordinated with the Camp Commandant/Camp SGM.

(6) Maintain accountability of your cadets at all times. Report any changes in status of your cadets to your Camp Sergeant Major or Camp S-1.

(7) If you must be away for any reason, for example, taking a cadet to the

hospital ensure the S-1/S-3 is informed. If you leave Camp Clark, sign in and out at the HQ on the daily staff journal DA 1594.

(8) Be responsive to the JROTC Instructor chain of command.

(9) Coordinate any special activities; i.e. school pizza parties, etc. with the

Camp Sergeant Major.

(10) Assist in establishing the daily cadet chain of command and conduct performance evaluations.

(11) Assist training cadre in all training activities. Authorized absences must be coordinated with and approved by the Camp Commandant/Camp SGM.

(12) Attend the final ceremony in ACUs uniform.

(13) Do not leave the campsite until all of the equipment has been turned in, the barracks have been cleaned/cleared, and the Camp Commandant has released you. A barracks commander will be appointed for each billet to include the Cadre and Chaperone billets to ensure, THAT THE BDE STAFF IS NOT LEFT CLEANING BUILDINGS AFTER ALL LEAVE.

(14) Maintain good order and discipline of your school’s cadets at all times.

(15) Take full responsibility of your cadets after they have been released by the TACs. (e.g. night before graduation)

(16) Instructors are responsible for ensuring that insurance claim forms have been completed and turned into the medical clinic for those cadets that have been treated prior to departing camp.

c. Uniform: ACUs.

4. JROTC (Training and Control) TAC Officers and NCO's

a. JROTC TAC Officers and NCO's will be assigned to each platoon. As a TAC Officer or NCO you are responsible for all cadets assigned to your platoon, regardless of the school the cadets are from, during the course of the training.

b. Specific responsibilities are:

(1) Monitor and correct any safety and or cadet disciplinary problems immediately.

(2) Supervise cadets during duty hours. (Generally from first formation until last scheduled training event of the day).

(3) Brief cadets on the next day’s training requirements. Mentor cadet leaders and insure all cadets are prepared for training.

(4) Ensure barracks/latrines are properly cleaned on a daily basis.

(5) Observe cadet leaders during their tour of duty, and complete cadet evaluation forms.

(6) Serve as an assistant instructor at training sites.

(7) Enforce appearance standards (Ref: AR 670-1 and CCR 145-2).

(8) Monitor order and discipline within your assigned platoon.

(9) Report any problems or conflicts to the Cadet’s SAI.

(10) Maintain a roster of platoon cadets by school. Provide any changes in daily status to the Company Commander, for submission for the S-1 daily report.

(13) Coordinate and cooperate with Training Support Group cadre in order to accomplish the mission. JROTC Cadre are in charge of all scheduled training.


c. Uniform: ACUs.

5. JROTC Female Chaperones

a. JROTC Female chaperones must be a female, 21 years of age or older, and are responsible for the health, welfare, and discipline of the female cadets from the school they represent. Chaperones are a surrogate mother for the girls from the time they leave the school grounds until they return from camp. A large part of the chaperone’s duty is just "being there when needed."

b. Some specific expectations of chaperones.

(1) Conduct spot checks of the billeting and latrine areas.

(2) Take your meals with the cadets in your assigned dining facility.

(3) Attend training with cadets.

(4) Stay in the company area when female cadets are there.

(5) Maintain accountability of your female cadets at all times. Report changes

in status of your females to the Unit Tac and Camp Sergeant Major.

(6) If you must be away for any reason, for example, taking one of your cadets to the hospital, arrange for another chaperone in your company to take temporary responsibility for your females. Ensure your female cadets, Unit TAC, and the Camp Sergeant Major knows who the individual is.

c. Uniform: Civilain clothes.

6. Non-JROTC Cadre.

a. Definition: Non-JROTC cadre are those individuals attached to your unit for attendance to JCLC as a photographer, counselor, etc. They are being paid by your school district to attend JCLC and fall under your unit’s Accident Insurance/School District’s Accident Insurance policy. These individuals are responsible for having their own Health Insurance.

b. SAI/AIs are responsible for their Non-JROTC cadre and are responsible for ensuring that the Non-JROTC personnel are added to the camp database.

c. Uniform: Civilian clothes.

7. Pre-JCLC Administrative Requirements

a. 3rd Brigade JROTC will conduct JCLC (JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge) 31 May 2009-5 Jun 2009 (1st Cycle) and, 6-11 June 2009 (2nd Cycle). All schools must email the following information NLT 15 Jan 09. Email these spreadsheets to 3rd Bde, Tyrone Middleton and cc the Camp S-1 MSG Ron Smith. ; See Encl 1, Camp Clark Attendees.

*number of cadets attending camp (male/female)

*name of instructors attending camp (male/female)

*name of female chaperone(s)

*staff duty volunteers

*cycle preference

*non-army schools (e.g. Air Force, Navy, and or Marines) sponsorship

b. SAI's must comply with CCR 145-2 (May 07) regarding cadet selection criteria. JCLC is intended to be safe and fun. It will be mentally and physically demanding. Cadets that are not prepared for the discipline and physical challenges of camp can detract from the training and cause embarrassment to themselves and the school. Be sure to warn cadets about prohibited items. Thoroughly screen and pre brief the cadets desiring to attend JCLC.

c. A shake down will be conducted by Cadre as soon as cadets arrive and prohibited items will be confiscated. See Encl 2, Recommended Packing List. Cadets should bring no more than $25.00 cash. Bring a lock for each cadre, chaperone and cadet . Cadre will maintain their cadets’ extra keys. Please emphasize security!

d. If a cadet elects to quit JCLC at any time, for less than a bona fide emergency, as determined by the Camp Commandant, they will return home at no cost to the U.S. Government.

e. Female Chaperones. One female chaperone is required for every 10-15 female cadets. No one other than Cadre and approved chaperones will attend camp. Cadre must use their best judgment when selecting chaperones. Cadres are responsible for their chaperones.

f. Invitational Travel Orders (ITOs). Cadre and chaperones will submit a completed Invitational Travel Order (ITO) MUST BE EMAILED: (See Encl 3, Sample ITOs) to 3rd Bde, Headquarters NLT 1 Apr 09. Copy and paste the example provided.

g. Commercial Transportation. (AR, MO, and OK schools only)

(1) Total Roundtrip Cost Less Than $2,500.00. Schools utilizing commercial transportation or re-imbursement for school provided transportation will email/Fax a completed Form, Request For Credit Card or Convenience Check Payment, (Encl 4 ) to Tyrone Middleton, 3rd Bde.

(2) Total Roundtrip Cost $2,500.00 or More. Schools must get 3 bids from 3 different vendors and include copies of the bids with the Transportation Request. Schools utilizing commercial transportation or re-imbursement for school provided transportation will submit a Memorandum (Transportation Request)(Encl 5), to HQ, 3rd Brigade JROTC, U.S. Army Cadet Command ATTN: Mary French, Bldg 73 Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, IL 60088 (Phone: (847) 688-3507), NLT 1 Apr 09 and a courtesy copy to 3rd Bde JROTC, Ft. Leonard Wood. The memorandum should include the following attachments/enclosures; DA Form 3953 and 3 bids from vendors (examples at Encl 3).

(1) Vendors must be an authorized carrier by the U.S. Government. Recommended bus vendors can be found at this website:

h. Meals During Travel (AR, MO, and OK schools only).

(1) Meals will be provided at no charge to the cadets shile traveling to and from JCLC if so desired. Heater Meals must be coordinated through 3rd Bde, HQs, POC Tyrone Middleton.

(2) Units may use a restaurant/fast food service in route to camp if all requirements are met IAW AR 145-2/CCR 145-2. Units may not use the GPC to pay for cadet meals during travel. Meals will be paid for telephonically by Mr. Tyrone Middleton, 3rd Bde. Units/schools must do all of the coordination (ie, contact a restaurant/fast food along the route of travel) with the vendor. Complete the Form, Request For Credit Card or Convenience Check Payment, (Encl 4 ) and email/Fax to Barry Vanden Berg, 3rd Bde. The receipt for the purchase of the meals must be turned in to Tyrone upon arrival at camp and upon completion of travel to home station, for any meals consumed during travel.

i. Heater Meals (IA, IL, KS, MN, ND, NE, and SD schools only). Heater meals may be used . Units/schools are NOT authorized to purchase Heater Meals with the GPC. A Memorandum, Request for Heater Meals (example at Encl 6) is submitted to HQ, 3rd Brigade JROTC, U.S. Army Cadet Command ATTN: Mary French, Bldg 73 Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, IL 60088 (Phone: (847) 688-3507), . Memorandums should be submitted at the same time as the Transportation Request. (NOTE: Information for Heater Meals is on the web at

8. Required Documents for JCLC. The following documents must be completed on each cadet attending JCLC and turned in during in processing:

a. Cadet Information Sheet (Encl 7) and Covenant Not to Sue (Encl 8). One for each cadet and stacked in alphabetical order. The Covenant Not to Sue for each cadet should be stapled to the back of the cadet’s Student Information Sheet.

b. Consent to Medical Treatment (Encl 9) and Risk Factor Inprocessing Worksheet (Encl 10). One completed form for each cadet stacked in alphabetical order by last name. One copy of the primary/supplemental Accident Insurance Policy and one copy of the Health Insurance Policy (the only pages needed for each policy is the one that has the Insurance Company’s name, Policy Number and POC) and 3-6 blank Claims Forms. If an insurance company policy covers multiple schools, then copies need to be in each school’s file. IF YOUR SCHOOL IS PIGGY BACKING ACCIDENT INSURANCE WITH ANOTHER SCHOOL, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING THE INSURANCE INFORMATION IN THE DATABASE. Instructors must check and ensure each cadet has Accident and Health Insurance prior to coming to camp. Cadets need to bring medical prescription cards to camp.

c. Parental Consent for Helicopter Ride (Encl 11). One for each cadet and in alphabetical order.

d. Parental Consent for Rappelling (Encl 12). One for each cadet and in alphabetical order.

e. Blank Forms are located at the following sites:

9. JCLC Data Base.

a. An updated blank data base file is located at the following sites:

b. Data bases must be completed and emailed back to S-1 MSG Ron Smith; prior to attending camp. Previous versions of this data base will not be accepted.

c. Databases will NOT be emailed. Units must go to either of the 2 sites listed above and download/save the database to their desktop.