Greek Embassies and Consular Offices

Find bellow all Greek missions abroad ordered alphabetically. As all your documents for your wedding on Santorini require translation only by Greek Authorities, we have created the following list for you. In the event that you do not have access to a Greek Embassy or Consulate, you can send the documents via register mail or courier and we will take care of the legal translation.




Embassy in Tirana
Address : Rruga Frederik Shiroka, Tirana
Tel. : (003554)223959,247897Fax : 234140, 235224
E-mail : Web Site :
Head of Mission : Konstantinos Kokossis
Consular office
Address : Rruga Frederik Shiroka, Tirana
Tel. : (003554) 234290-1, 233331, 247896Fax : 234443
E-mail : Web Site :
Commercial Section :
Address : Sky Tower Business Center, 10th floor, Tirana
Tel. : (003554) 228980, 221666 - Fax : 228979
E-mail :

Consulate General in Gjirokaster
Address : Pazari I Vjeter, Gjirokaster
Tel. : (00355846) 3804, 3091, 2010 - Fax : 2011
E-mail :
Consul General : Christos Mantelos

Consulate General in Korca
Address : Pavllo Katro 4, Korce
Tel. : (0035582) 51904, 45731, 45732 - Fax : 45052
Consul General : Panagiotis Partsos


Embassy in Algiers
Address : 60, Blv Colonel Bougara, 16030 El Biar, Alger
Tel. : (0021321) 921228, 923491, 928476- Fax : 923490Emergency phone: 0021321-921228
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Ioannis Neonakis


Address : Av. 4 deFeveiro 82, 2oAndar, Apt. 1, ZipCode 2177, Luanda, Angola
Tel. : 00244) 2396852 - Fax : (00244) 2396171
HonoraryConsul : GiorgiosDousopoulos


Embassy in Buenos Aires
Address : Arenales 1658 Cap. Federal 1061, B. Aires
Tel. : (005411) 48114811, 48110513, 48110768 - Fax : 48162600 Emergancy phone: 0054-91157343146
E-mail : -
Head of Mission : Alexios Cogevinas


Embassy in Yerevan
Address : 6, Demirchian Str. Yerevan, 37002
Tel. : (003741) 538051, 530051 - Fax : 530049
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Panagiota Mavromichali
Consular Office
Address : 6, Demirchian Str. Yerevan, 37002
Tel. : (003741) 536754, 530051 - Fax : 530049
E-mail :- Web Site :
Head: SocratesConstantinides
Commercial Section :
Address : 6, Demirchian Str. Yerevan, 37002
Tel. : (003741) 530446 - Fax : 530049
E-mail :


Embassy in Camberra
Address : 9 Turrana Street, Yarralumla, CamberraA.C.T. 2600
Tel. : (00612) 62733011, 62733158, 62733275 - Fax : 62732620 Emergency phone: 0061-408574392
E-mail :
Head of Mission :GeorgiosZois

Consulate General in Adelaide
Address : 1/300 Flinders Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
Tel. : (00618) 82322036 - Fax : 82323184
E-mail :
Consul General : Dimitrios Hatziopoulos

Consulate General in Melbourne
Address : 37-39 Albert Road, Melbourne 3004, Victoria
Tel. : (00613) 98664524-5 - Fax : 98664933
E-mail :

Consul General : Eleutherios Kouvaritakis

Consulate General in Sydney
Address : 15 Castlereagh Street, Level 2, Sydney N.S.W. 2000
Tel. : (00612) 92649130 - Fax : 92646135 Emergency phone: 0061-411161825
E-mail : - Web Site :
General Consul : Ioannis Raptakis
Commercial Section :
Address : 902/28, Margaret Str. Sydney NSW 2000
Tel. : (00612) 92624500 - Fax : 92624700
E-mail :

Consulate in Perth
Address : Level 9, 16 St.George's Terrace, Perth, W.A. 6000
Tel. : (00618) 93256608 - Fax : 93252940 Emergency phone: 0061-419286918
E-mail :
Consul : Theodoros Michalopoulos

Honorary Consulate in Brisbane
Address : 36, CentralPlaza 1, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia, G.P.. ox 1309, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia
Tel. : (00617) 32189700 - Fax : (00617) 32293709
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Dimitrios Raptis

Honorary Consulate General of Darwin
Address : c/-Kapetas&Associates, 13 THe Esplanade, Darwin N.T. 0810, Australia, G.P.O. Box 2151, Darwin N.T. 0801, Australia
Tel. : (00618) 89817979 - Fax : (00618) 89812375
Honorary Consul : Giorgos Kapetas

Honorary Consulate in Hobart (Tasmania)
Address : 37- Derwentwater Aveue, SandyBay, TS 7005, ustralia
Tel. : (00613) 62252825 - Fax : (00613) 62234611
Honorary Consul : Alexios Pittas

Honorary Consulate in Newcastle
Address : 215 Newcastle Road, East Maitland, N.S.W. 2323, Australia, P.O. Box 495, East Maitland (Newcastle), Newcastle N.S.W. 2323, Australia
Tel. : (00612) 49336467 - Fax : (006149) 341517
Honorary Consul : Andreas Antoniadis


Embassy in Vienna
Address : Argentinierstrasse 14, 1040 Wien
Tel. : (00431) 50615 - Fax : 5056217
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Theodoros Sotiropoulos
Consular office:
Address : Argentinierstrasse 14, 1040 Wien
Tel. : (00431)5127148, 5123142- Fax : 5054945
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head: Maria Monogioudi
Commercial Section :
Address : Bayerngasse 3/13, 1030 Wien
Tel. : (00431) 7132342, 7154168 - Fax : 7130700
E-mail :

Head: Julia Christou

Permanent Mission of Greece to the OSCE
Address : Wohllebengasse 9/12, 1040 Wien, Austria
Tel. : (00431) 5033930 - Fax : 5033920
E-mail :
Permanent Representative : Lisandros Miliaresis-Fokas

Honorary Consulate in Salzburg
Address : Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse 111, A-5020 Salzburg, Osterreich
Tel. : (0043662) 44845111, 44845112 - Fax : (0043662) 44845110

Honorary Consul : Aikaterini Pappa


Address : KichikGalaKuc.-MalayaKrepostnayaul.86-88,IcheriSheher, Baku 370004
Tel. : (0099412) 4920119, 4920175, 4924680 - Fax : 4924835 Emergency phone: 0099450-2254270
E-mail :
HeadofMission : ThemistoklisDimidis
CommercialSection :
Address :86-88KichikGalaKuc.-MalayaKrepostnayaul.,IcheriSheher, 370004 Baku
Tel. : (0099412) 4924680 - Fax : 4924645
E-mail :


Honorary Consulate in Nassau
Address : OlympiaBuilding, West Bay Street, P.O. Box N7682, Nassau, Tha Bahamas
Tel. : (001242) 3233495 - Fax : (001242) 3233523
Honorary Consul : Konstantinos Konstantakis


Honorary Consulate in Manama
Address : Office 1, Bigd 1455, Rd 256, Jannusan 502, P.O. Box 5632 Manama, Bahrain
Tel. : (00973) 17598800 - Fax : (00973) 17598801 E-mail:
Honorary Consul : Konstantinos Pallikaropoulos


Honorary Consulate in Chittagong
Address : Bangladesh (Pvt.) Limited, CDA Plot No 6, Shafi Bhaban (1st floor), Agrabad Commercial Area, Sheikh Mujib Road, G.P.O. Box No 935, Chittagong 4000, Bangladesh
Tel. : (0088031) 500943, 503998, 504477 - Fax : (0088031) 225575
Honorary Consul : Nurul Alam

Honorary Consulate in Dhaka
Address : Reliance Insurance Ltd, 11th Floor, 8 Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Tel. : (008802) 9557220, 9567825 - Fax : (008802) 9563297
Honorary Consul : Anwarul Huq


Address : 10, RuedesPetitsCarmes, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel. : (00322) 5455500, 5455501 - Fax : 5455585
E-mail : - WebSite :
HeadofMission :DimitriosTsikouris
CommercialSection :
Address : RuedesPetitsCarmesNo 10, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel. : (00322) 5455506 - Fax : 5455508
E-mail :

Head: Ioanna Sotirakou

Permanent Representation to NATO
Address : Blvd. Leopold III, 1110 Bruxelles
Tel. : (00322) 7076701 - Fax : 7268030
E-mail :
Permanent Representative : Ioannis-Alexios Zepos

Address : 25, rueMontoyer, Bruxelles
Tel. : (00322) 5515611 - Fax : 5515651
E-mail :
PermanentRepresentative : Vasilios-Styl. Kaskarelis

Permanent Representation to the Political and Security Committee of the E.U.
Address : Rue de Petits Carmes 10, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel. : (00322) 5455550, 5455560 - Fax : 5455566
E-mail :
Permanent Representative : Efstathios Lozos

Consulate General in Brussels
Address : 6, Rue des Petits Carmes, 1000 Bruxelles
Tel. : (00322) 5455510 - Fax : 5455528 Emergency phone: 0032-477614338
E-mail :
Consul General : Eleftheria Galathianaki


Honorary Consulate in Belize City
Address : 1416 Unity Blv, BelmopanBelize, C.A.
Tel. : (00501) 8220351 - Fax : (00501) 8222989
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : David Anthony Jenkins


Honorary Consulate in Cotonu
Address : P.O. Box 8116 Cotonu, R. Benin
Tel. : (00229) 901516 - Fax : (00229) 310043
Honorary Consul : Lamprou Vasilios


Honorary Consulate in Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Address : Av. Canoto, No 16, esqu. Centenario, Edificio Seguros "BOLIVAR", ofic. 5, 1er piso, 7105 Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Tel. : (00591) 33492020 - Fax : (00591) 3492100
Honorary Consul : Juan Carlos Cochamanidis Canelas


Address : ObalaMakaDizdara 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel. : (0038733) 203516, 213439, : 215032 - Fax : 203512
E-mail :
HeadofMission : Constantina Mavroskelidou
Consular office
Address : ObalaMakaDizdara 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel. : (0038733) 213442- Fax : 215032
E-mail :
Head: Ioannis Pyrgakis
CommercialSection :
Address : ObalaMakaDizdara 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel. : (0038733) 203516, 213439 - Fax : 203512
E-mail :


Embassy in Brasilia
Address : SES, Av.das Nacoes, Qd.805, 70450-900 Brasilia DF
Tel. : (005561) 4436573 - Fax : 4436902Emergency phone: 005561-81281712, 81282822, 81281609
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Antonios Nikolaidis

Consulate General in Sao Paolo
Address : Avenida Paulista,2073, Conjunto Nacional, Edificio HorsaII, 23o andar - cj. 2303 CEP 01311-940 Sao Paulo
Tel. : (005511) 2510675, 2831231 - Fax : 2890178Emergency phones: 30821422, 38872354
E-mail :
Consul General : Dimitrios Zoitos

Consulate General Rio De Janeiro
Address : Prala do Flamengo 344, 2 andar, CEP. 22210-030 - Flamengo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Tel. : (005521) 25526849 ,25526749 - Fax : 25526799
E-mail :
Consul General : Nikolaos Protonotarios

Honorary Consulate in Cuitiba
Address : Rua Padre Anchieta, 2285 conj. 203, EdificioDeltaCenter, Bigorrilho, 80730-000 Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
Tel. : (005541) 30264625 - Fax : (005541) 3367102
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Konstantinos Komninos

Honorary Consulate in Manaus
Address : Rua Marcilio Dias 300, 4o ndar, Centro-Ed. Maria Tadros, 69095-270 Manaus AM, Brazil
Tel. : (005592) 36332525 - Fax : (005592) 32335798
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Jose Roberto Tadros

Honorary Consulate in Recife
Address : Rua do Hospicio 202, Sala 801, Boa Vista, 50060-080 Recife P, Brazil
Tel. : (005581) 32228686 - Fax : (005581) 32311343
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Konstantinos Kotronakis

Honorary Consulate in Santos
Address : Rua Joao Pessoa 69, 16o Andar, 11013-001 Santos SP, Brazil
Tel. : (005513) 32197393, 32194751 - Fax : (005513) 32194751
Honorary Consul : Stylianos Markakis


Embassy in Sofia
Address : 33, San Stefano Sofia 1504
Tel. : (003592) 9461027, 9461030, 9434096 - Fax : 9461249
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Danae-Magdalene Koumanakou
Commercial Section :
Address : Evlogi Georgiev 103, Sofia 1504
Tel. : (003592) 9447959, 9447790 - Fax : 9442868
E-mail :

Head: Dimitrios Zomas

Consulate General in Sofia
Address : Evlogi Georgiev 103, Sofia 1504
Tel. : (003592) 9691750-751, 9691763-779 - Fax : 9461772
E-mail :
Consul General : Maria Diamantopoulou

Consulate General in Plovdiv
Address : Rue Preslav 10, Plovdiv 4000
Tel. : (0035932) 632003 - Fax : 268818 Emergency phone: 00359-899979981
E-mail :
Consul General : Nikolaos Matthioudakis


Honorary Consulate in Bujumbura
Address : P.. x 1660, Bujumbura, Burundi
Tel. : (00257224) 242532
Honorary Consul : Georgios Koukoulis


Embassy in Yaounde
Address : Mont Febe B.P 82, Yaounde
Tel. : (00237) 2210195 - Fax : 2203936
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Apostolos-Pavlos Charalampous

Honorary Consulate in Douala
Address : B.P. 503, Douala, Cameroon
Tel. : (00237) 3422787, 3426571 - Fax : (00237) 3429935
Honorary Consul : Ioannis Kabanis


Embassy in Ottawa
Address : 80 Maclaren StreetOttawa, Ontario, K2P OK6
Tel. : (001613) 2386271-3 - Fax : 2385676
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Ioannis Mourikis

Greek Delegation to the Internation Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Address : 999 University Str., Suitte 730 Montreal, Que. H3C 5J9, Canada
Tel. : (001514) 9546100-1 - Fax : 9546108
E-mail : - Web Site :
Permanent Representative : Eleni Tzanetoulea

Consulate General in Montreal, Quebec
Address : 1170 Place Du Frere Andre, Suite 300, MontrealQuebecH3B 3C6
Tel. : (001514) 8752119 - Fax : 8758781
E-mail : - Web Site :
Consul General : Georges Zacharioudakis

Consulate General in Toronto, Ontario
Address : 365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1800, Toronto Ontario M4W 3L4
Tel. : (001416) 5150133 - Fax : 5150209
E-mail : - Web Site :
Consul General : Efthimios Efthimiadis
Commercial Section :
Address : 365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1800, Toronto Ontario M4W 3L4
Tel. : (001416) 5150135 - Fax : 5150708
E-mail :

Consulate in Vancouver, British Columbia
Address : 500-688 West Hastings Street, Vancouver B.C. V6B 1P1
Tel. : (001604) 6811381, 6841366 - Fax : 6816656
E-mail : - Web Site :
Consul : Georgios Aravositas


Honorary Consulate in N' Djamena
Address : B.P. 24, N Djamena, Chad
Tel. : (00235) 522821 - Fax : (00235) 513505
Honorary Consul : Athanasios Poulopoulos


Embassy in Santiago
Address : Jorge Sexto 306, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile (P.O.Box 7580079)
Tel. : (00562) 2127900 - Fax : 2128048
Emergency Tel: 0056 91582132
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Chrysoula Karykopoulou-Vlavianou

Honorary Consulate in Antofagasta
Address : Avenida Carrera No 1869, Antofagasta, Chile
Tel. : (005655) 222621 - Fax : (005655) 251402
Honorary Consul : Aikaterini Farantatou


Embassy in Beijing
Address : 19, Guang Hua Lu, 100600 Beijing
Tel. : (008610) 65321391, 65321317, 65321588 - Fax : 65321277, 65320283
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Michail Kabanis
Commercial Section :
Address : No.6, Xin Yuan Nan Li, Capital Mansion, Rm 4405, Beijing 100004
Tel. : (008610) 84868475, 84868476 - Fax : 84868478
E-mail :

Consulate General in Hong-Kong
Address : Suite 2503-04, Teo Pacific Place, 88 Queensway
Tel. : (00852) 27741682 - Fax : 27059796
E-mail :
Consul General : Panayiotis Ikonomou

Consulate General in Shanghai
Address : The Center, Suite 3501, No 989 Changle Road, Shanghai 2000031
Tel. : (008621)54670505 - Fax : 54670202
Emergency mobile.:0086-1391652929
Consul General : Dimitrios Anninos


Honorary Consulate in Bogota
Address : Carrera 12 A No 78/18, Santa Fe De BogotaD.C., Colombia
Tel. : (00571) 2113576, 3220880 - Fax : (00571) 2111845
Honorary Consul : Dr. Alberto Barco Vargas

Honorary Consulate in Cartagena
Address : Carrera 9, Esq. Edificio Castillo del Mar, Castillo Grande, Cartagena, Colombia
Tel. : (00575) 6627208, 6551352 - Fax : (00575) 6626570, 6627592
Honorary Consul : Panagoula Fagkrezou-Miniervini

CONGO (formerly Zair)

Address : BLDdu 30 Juin 87, ImmeubledelaCommunauteHellenique, GombeKinshasa, RDC
Tel. : (00243) 818844862-3, 9970521, 8946463 - Fax : 0087 3762955556
E-mail :
HeadofMission : IoannisChristofilis

Honorary Consulate in Kisangani
Address : 4 Okito Street, B.P. 457, Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tel. : (00243) 81699943
Honorary Consul : Dimitrios Papadopoulos

Honorary Consulate in Lubumbashi
Address : 30 Rue Juin 729, B.P. 446, Lubumbasi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tel. : (00243) 97028220, 97028078 - Fax : (00243) 8899320
Honorary Consul : Thomas Dounis


Honorary Consulate in San Jose
Address : Apto Postal 124-2015, San Jose, Costa Rica
Tel. : (00506) 2328515 - Fax : (00506) 2328515
Honorary Consul : Ioannis Stamatiadis


Honorary Consulate in Abidjan
Address : P.O. Box 2619, Abidjan 10, Cote d' Ivoire
Tel. : (00225) 21352712 - Fax : (00225) 2158354
Honorary Consul : Aimilios Christogiannis


Embassy in Zagreb
Address : Opaticka 12, Zagreb 10000, Croatia
Tel. : (003851) 4810444, 4810437 - Fax : 4810419
Emergency Tel: (00385) 989228848/ 98602989
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Panagiotis Baizos
Commercial Section :
Address : Opaticka 12, 10000 Zagreb
Tel. : (003851) 4835716 - Fax : 4810419
E-mail :
Head: Andreas Karaiskakis

Address : Opaticka 12, Zagreb10000, Croatia
Tel.: (003851) 4812202 Fax: 4835444
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Consular Office: Peristera Tzika


Embassy in Havana
Address : 5ta avenida & 78, 7802 Miramar, Havana, CP 11300
Tel. : (00537) 2042995, 2042854 - Fax : 2041784
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Petros Avgerinos

Consular Office
Address: 5ta avenida& 78, 7802 Miramar, Havana, CP 11300
Tel: (00537) 2042854 2042995 - Fax: 2041784
Head of ConsularSection: GeorgiosZonios


Embassy in Nicosia
Address : Vyronos Av. 8-10, 1096,(P.O.Box 21799), 1513 Nicosia
Tel. : (0035722) 445111 - Fax : 680649
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Dimitrios Rallis
Commercial Section :
Address : Kyriakou Matsi 18, VictoryTower, Off. 201
Tel. : (0035722) 672219, 672604 - Fax : 672703
E-mail :

Head:Theodosios Ballas
Consular Office
Address: Vyronos Av. 8-10, 1096,(P.O.Box 21799), 1513 Nicosia
Tel.: (0035722) 445050 Fax: 672389
E-mail: Website:
Head of Consular Section: Ioannis Tsaousis


Embassy in Prague
Address : Helenska 2, Prague 2, 12000
Tel. : (00420) 222250943, 222250955 - Fax : 222253686
Emergency Tel: 728101593 / 776797155
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Vasilios Eikosipentarchos
Consular Office
Address : Helenska 2, Prague 2, 12000
Tel. : (00420) 222250943, 222250955 - Fax : 222253686
E-mail :
Head of Consular Section: Konstantinos Karabatsas
Commercial Section :
Address : Vsehrdova 2, 118 00, Praha 1
Tel. : (004202) 57317270, 57313720 - Fax : 57321840
E-mail : Web Site:

Head: Dimitrios Ziogas



Embassy in Copenhagen
Address : Hammerensgade 4, 3rd floor, 1267 Copenhagen K

Tel. : (004533) 114533 (. 115362) - Fax : 931646
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Stavros Vassilopoulos
Commercial Section :
Address : Kongenrgade 24, 2nd floor 1264 Copenhagen K
Tel. : (004533) 148486 - Fax : 140235
E-mail :

Honorary Consulate in Arhus
Address : Havnegade 4, 8000 Arhus C, Denmark
Tel. : (0045) 86761414 - Fax : (0045) 86761313
Honorary Consul : Odd Sinding

Honorary Consulate in Torshavn (Faeroe Islands)
Address : Hoydelsvegur 17, Post Box 3225, FO-110 Toshavn, Faeroe Islands
Tel. : (00298) 211025, 311249 - Fax : (00298) 340041
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Uni Danielsen


Honorary Consulate in Djibouti
Address : .P. 1188, Djibouti, Djibouti
Tel. : (00253) 351581 - Fax : (00253) 356508
Honorary Consul : Virginia Georgali


Honorary Consulate in Santo Domingo
Address : Centro Otorrinolaringologia Especialidades, Avenida 27 de Febrero, Esq. Federico Henriquez Carvajal, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tel. : (001809), 6853371-2 - Fax : (001809) 6890071
Honorary Consul : Eduardo Mejia Jabid


Embassy in Cairo
Address : 18 Aisha El Taymouria Garden City, Cairo
Tel. : (00202) 5753883, 5741140, 5741085 - Fax : 7952567
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Panagiotis Vlassopoulos
Commercial Section :
Address : 18 Aisha El Taymouria Garden City, Cairo
Tel. : (00202) 7948482, 7952036- Fax : 7940684
E-mail :

Consulate General in Cairo
Address : 14, Rue Emad El Din, Cairo
Tel. : (00202) 5753833, 5741085, 5741140 - Fax : 5753962
E-mail : ,
Consul General : Aikaterini Gini

Consulate General in Alexandria
Address : 63, Rue Alexandre Le Grand, Shatby, Alexandria
Tel. : (00203) 4878454, 4878455 - Fax : 4865896 Emergency phone: 00203-4802099
E-mail :
Consul General : Theocharis Lalakos


Honorary Consulate in San Salvador
Address : 77 Avenida Norte 335, Colonia Escandon, San Salvador, El Salvador
Tel. : (00503) 2633402, 2633457 - Fax : (00503) 2633403
Honorary Consul : Ruben Membreno Baires


Honorary Consulate in Asmara
Address : P.O. Box 4173, Asmara, Eritrea
Tel. : (002911) 121976, 121979 - Fax : (002911) 122017
Honorary Consul : Socrates-Nikolaos Bourboulis


Embassy in Tallinn
Address : Parnu mnt 12, 2nd floor, 10148 Tallinn
Tel. : (00372) 6403560 - Fax : 6403561
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Christos Carapanos


Embassy in Addis Abeba
Address : Off Debre Zeit Road, P.O. Box 1168, Addis Abeba
Tel. : (00251) 114654911-2 - Fax : 114654883 Emergency phone: 0025191-1214664
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Dionisios Kountoureas


Honorary Consulate in Suva
Address : P.O. Box 178, Suva, Fiji
Tel. : - Fax : (00679) 3314973
Honorary Consul : Cokanauto George Tu' uakitau


Embassy in Helsinki
Address : Maneesikatu 2A4, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. : (003589) 6229790 - Fax : 2781200
Emergency Tel: 00358 503084269 / 505311344
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Dimitrios-Michail Loundras
Commercial Section :
Address : Rikhardinkatu 4 B 21, 00130 Helsinki
Tel. : (003589) 6120520 - Fax : 68136200
E-mail :

Head: Evangelia Samara

Honorary Consulate in Turku
Address : Nordea Bank, Kauppiaskatu 9B, PL 170, 20101 Turku, Finland
Tel. : (003582) 3344203 - Fax : (003582) 3344313
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Fredrik-Mikael Sunde

Honorary Consulate in Kuopio
Address : Kuopion Osuuspankki, P.O. Box 47, 70101 Kuopio, Finland
Tel. : (0035810) 2588500, 2588202 - Fax : (0035810) 2588270
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Jaakko Kullervo Ojanpera

Honorary Consulate in Oulu
Address : Laatio Architects Ltd, Isokatu19 B 16, FI-90100 Oulu, Finland
Tel. : (003588) 5340700 - Fax : (003588) 370723
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Kari Pekka Gunnar Laatio

Honorary Consulate in Rovaniemi
Address : Pohjolan Osuuspankki, P.O. Box 8206, Fl-96101, Rovaniemi, Finland
Tel. : (0035810) 2539301, (0035816) 339332, 339337 - Fax : (0035816) 339387
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Markku Juha Tapani Salomaa


Address : 17,RueAugusteVacquerie, 75116 Paris
Tel. : (00331) 47237228 - Fax : 47237385
E-mail : - WebSite :
HeadofMission : DimitriosParaskevopoulos
CommercialSection :
Address : 17, RueAugusteVacquerie, 75116 Paris
Tel. : (00331) 47202660 - Fax : 40701904
E-mail :

Head: Leonidas Papaconstantinides

Permanent Mission to the Council of Europe
Address : Place Broglie 21, 67000 Strasbourg, France
Tel. : (0033388) 328818 - Fax : 231246
E-mail :
Permanent Representative : Konstantinos Gerokostopoulos

Permanent Mission to the UNESCO
Address : Maison De L'Unesco, 1, Rue Miollis, ureau 235, 75015 Paris
Tel. : (00331) 45682982 - Fax : 43060030
E-mail :
Permanent Representative : Georgios Anastasopoulos

Permanent Mission to OECD
Address : 15 Villa Said 16e, Paris
Tel. : (00331) 45000836, 45022410 - Fax : 45007155

Consulate General in Marseille
Address : 38 Rue Grignan, 13001 Marseille
Tel. : (0033491) 330869 - Fax : 540831
E-mail :
Consul General : Petros Panayiotopoulos

Consulate General in Paris
Address : 23,Rue Galilee, 75116 Paris
Tel. : (00331) 47237223 - Fax : 47207028 Emergency phone: 0033 (0) 611222837
E-mail :
Consul General : Nikolaos Pazios

Honorary Consulate in Ajaccio
Address : 6 Quai Napoleon, 20000 Ajaccio, France
Tel. : (0033) 495219137 - Fax : (0033) 495219137
Honorary Consul : Marie Jacqueline Carbuccia-Dragacci

Honorary Consulate in Bordeaux
Address : 95 Rue Ducau, 33000 Bordeaux, France
Tel. : (0033) 557870476 - Fax : (0033) 556792229
Honorary Consul : Mihail-Stamatios Korfias

Address : 26 Rued' Ostende, B.P. 450, 62225 CalaisCedex, France
Tel. : (0033) 321972700 - Fax : (0033) 321974159
HonoraryConsul : PatrickFoissey

Address : 104 RueEmmanuelLiais, B.P. 629, 50106 CherbourgCedex, France
Tel. : (0033) 233100202 - Fax : (0033) 233100203
HonoraryConsul : DominiqueAllibert

Address : 9 RuedelaLiberte, 38000Grenoble, France
Tel. : (0033) 476473923 - Fax : (0033) 476473776
HonoraryConsul : MihailHatzimanolis

Address : 28 RuedeGeneraldeGaulle, 76310Sainte-Adresse, France
Tel. : (0033) 235462892 - Fax : (0033) 235467316
HonoraryConsul : icolasBunge

Honorary Consulate in Lille
Address : 21 Rue Jules Ferry, 59370Mons-en-Barceul, France
Tel. : (0033) 320334625 - Fax : (0033) 320332892
E-mail :
Honorary Consul : Konstantinos Tournakis

Honorary Consulate in Lyon
Address : 7 Rue Barreme, 69006 Lyon, France
Tel. : (0033) 478894669 - Fax : (0033) 478933717
Honorary Consul : Aikaterini Vlassopoulou-Imbert

Honorary Consulate in Nantes
Address : Rue de la Caillette, 44100 Nantes, France
Tel. : (0033) 240759929 - Fax : (0033) 240759929
Honorary Consul : Dominique Pinay

Honorary Consulate in Nice
Address : 2 Avenue Desambrois, 06000 Nice, France
Tel. : (0033) 493854140 - Fax : (0033) 493378569
Honorary Consul : Antonios-Ioannis Mihailos

Honorary Consulate in Saint-Etienne
Address : 15 Rue A. Briand & de la Paix, 42000Saint-Etienne, France
Tel. : (00334) 77324166 - Fax : (00334) 77414717
Honorary Consul : Gabriel Duclos-Grenet

Honorary Consulate in Strasbourg
Address : 71 Route du Rhin, 67000Strasbourg, France
Tel. : (0033) 388450514 - Fax : (0033) 388773619
Honorary Consul : Norbert Bolender

F.Y.R.O.M. (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Liaison Office of the Hellenic Republic in Skopje
Address : Borka Taleski 6, 1000 Skopje
Tel. : (003892) 3219260 - Fax : 3115718
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Theodora Grosomanidou
Commercial Section :
Address : Partizanski Ohredi 15 - 1000 Skopje
Tel. : (003892) 3129456 - Fax : 3129441
E-mail : WebSite:

Consular Office
Address : Borka Taleski 6, 1000 Skopje
Tel. : (003892) 3219260 - Fax : 3130419
Office of Consular, Economic and Commercial Affairs
Address : Tomaki Dimitrovski 39, 7000 Bitola, FYROM
Tel. : (0038947) 237350 - 237340 -Fax : 220310
E-mail :
Consul : Dimitrios Papandreou



Embassy in Tbilisi
Address : Tician Tabldze st. 37d, 0179 Tbilissi
Tel. : (0099532) 445600-6 - Fax : 441039
E-mail :
Head of Mission : Elefterios Aggelopoulos
Consular Office
Address : Andrea Razmadze 40, 0179 Tbilissi
Tel. : (0099532)938981,941224 - Fax : 250791
E-mail :
Head: Ioannis Stasinos
Commercial Section :
Address : DimitriUznadze str. 4,0102 Tbilissi
Tel. : (0099532) 955683, 942858, 99532 - Fax : 941886
E-mail :


Embassy in Berlin
Address : Jaegerstr. 54-55, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Tel. : (004930) 206260 - Fax : 20626444, 20626555
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head of Mission : Konstantinos Tritaris
Consular office
Address : Jaegerstr. 54-55, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Tel. : (004930) 2137033-4 - Fax : 2182663
E-mail : - Web Site :
Head: Michael Aggelopoulos
Commercial Section :
Address : Kurfurstenstr, 130, 107 85 Berlin
Tel. : (004930) 2360990 - Fax : 23609920
E-mail :

Head: George Doudoumis

Consulate General in Hamburg
Address : Neue ABC Strasse 10, 20354 Hamburg
Tel. : (004940) 4132430 - Fax : 449648 Emergency phone: 0049-176281990029
E-mail : - Web Site :

Consul General: Christos Skoursis

Consulate General in Hannover
Address : Gellertstrasse 43, 30175 Hannover
Tel. : (0049511) 2819110, 28191113 - Fax : 2829707
E-mail : - Web Site :
Consul General : Eleftherios Proios

Consulate General in Cologne
Address : Universitats str. 45, 50823 Koln
Tel. : (0049221) 94203911, 94203945 - Fax : 94203947, 94203925 Emergency phone: 0049-1786705348
E-mail :
Consul General : Roza Ieremia