Elena Acciardo

Brecksville-Broadview Heights, Ohio

Honors Algebra II Conic Pictures Project—2014

Due: Friday, May 30th


1.  Create a drawing/design on graph paper (cartoon character, sports object or mascot, design or a scene—BE CREATIVE!!). It should include (at least) the following 12 graphs (or pieces of graphs in your creation):

a.  2 circles

b.  2 horizontal or vertical ellipses (or 1 of each)

c.  1 horizontal parabola

d.  1 vertical parabola

e.  1 horizontal or vertical hyperbola

f.  2 lines

g.  1 absolute value graph

h.  any 2 more conic equations of your choice

2.  Show me your completed picture—sketch by Friday, May 23rd. I will initial it indicating it is OK to proceed with your program. Once I have seen it, you must keep the design you chose.

3.  Create a table with four vertical columns titled as indicated and fill in the information for each numbered graph of your sketch. (You may use the chart on the back of this handout make copies)

Graph Number / Equation in Standard Form / Equations in Calculator Form
(y= ) / Restrictions
1 / / / (x3 and x9)

4.  Enter the program in your calculator. The steps will be as follows.

a.  Press the Program [PRGM] key on your calculator; select [NEW] to create a new program.

b.  Name: Use the first three letters from your last name and the first three letters from your first name.

c.  1st line of program: ClrDraw (Use [2nd] [PRGM] 1:) This will clear any pictures currently on your graphing window.

d.  2nd line of program: AxesOff (Use [2nd] [Zoom]=Format, and select AxesOff).

e.  3rd line of program: FcnOff (Use [VARS], [Y-VARS], 4: On/Off, and then select FcnOff).

f.  4th line of program: PlotsOff (Use [2nd] [Y=]=Stat Plot, and select 4: PlotsOff).

g.  Next set the window (the minimum and maximum x and y values that will display on your screen). Your commands should appear like the following (where → is the STO or store key on your calculator):

: -23.5 → xmin (xmin, xmax, etc. are found

: 23.5 → xmax [VARS] 1: WINDOW)

: -15.5 → ymin

:15.5 → ymax

h.  You may now enter the equations of your graphs. (Use [2nd] [PRGM] 6: DrawF).

i.  To restrict domain and only use pieces of graphs, follow this example:

: DrawF (your equation)/(x-3 and x3)

This command will only draw the graph between x=-3 and x=3.

***Note: To get the and symbols use [2nd] [MATH] [TEST]

To get the and/or words, use [2nd] [MATH] [LOGIC]

The / is the division sign

j.  Use [CLEAR] to delete a line

k.  Use [2nd] [INS] to insert a blank line

l.  If you wish to shade in a part of your graph, you may use the Shade command ([2nd] [PRGM] 7: Shade) as follows:

:Shade (______,______,______)

Shade (bottom function where shading begins, top function where shading ends, # from 1 to 8 where 1 is the darkest shade) Shading doesn’t work well with some shapes and you will be coloring your project so you may want to skip shading.

m.  To graph vertical lines: use [2nd] [DRAW] [LINE]. The format of the command is the following:

:Line (___,___,___,___)

Line (1st point x value, 1st point y value, 2nd point x value, 2nd point y value) e.g. :Line (2,4,3,11) (You may not use any of the other short cuts available other than for your vertical lines!)

n.  Execute your program!!!

5.  As the due date draws nearer—I will give you more detailed instructions for how we will print your project out.

6.  Cut out your design (rectangular shape is fine), cut a piece of construction paper/colored paper, and glue your design to the construction paper or colored paper creating a border/frame for the design.

7.  Color your design with markers or colored pencils, and decorate any way you wish! J--glitter, etc.!

Here is what you should turn in to me:

·  Your drawing with my initials

·  A neat copy of your table showing all of the specified information (and an initialed copy which could be the same one if it was neat when I initialed it)

·  A copy of your program (I will copy this to my computer!)

·  Your colored design glued to construction paper backing

Here is how your grade will be determined:

Project Component Points

Drawing (must be initialed) 10

Equations 20

Program 10

Final Design (Creativity) 10

(Colored and glued to construction paper)

Neatness 10

Difficulty 10



This project is due Friday, May 30th, 2013 by 2:.30 PM.

Projects submitted LATE will be penalized one letter grade (10pts) for each day that they are late. If you are not present at school that day, see that your project is submitted early or that someone else brings it in for you or it will be counted late!

Have fun and Be Creative!!! J

Also, as always, I will be glad to help anyone with their program, finding their equations, converting equations into calculator form, etc—But do not wait to the last day it will not work for either of us!

Special Thanks to Emily Gockerman who taught me how to program Conics!

Name ______This page may be duplicated for large projects.


Graph Number / Equation in Standard Form / Equations in Calculator Form
(y= ) / Restrictions