Presentation College, Carlow


Role of the Student Council

  • To create, in cooperation with the Principal, staff and students, a better school life for the students of our school.
  • To provide students with opportunities for leadership and to develop in all students a sense of responsibility.
  • To encourage the students in the school to become more aware of how the school is run and to constructively identify and express their needs.
  • To contribute to overall school development by being involved in school policy development and to be a resource in working in partnership with the management of the school.
  • To act as liaison where appropriate between the students, teaching staff and management.

Structure of the Student Council

The Student Council will consist of one democratically elected representative of each First, Second and Third year CSPE class and each Transition, Fifth and Sixth year religion class.All students attending our school are deemed to be eligible to be members of the Student Council.


  • Elections will be democratic and by secret ballot.
  • Only students will vote in Student Council elections.
  • Each student will have only one vote.
  • A separate election will be held for each class and students may only vote for candidates in their own class.
  • Students will be invited to put their names forward for election in January.
  • To run for the Student Council, a student must be proposed and seconded by members of his/her class.
  • An election will be held if there is more than one candidate going forward. If there is only one candidate he/she is deemed elected once he/she has been proposed and seconded.
  • The votes will be counted by the class teacher.

An Election Committee will be formed in December. Its role is to inform classes of the upcoming elections and will provide necessary information regarding the elections. It will consist of between four and six Student Council members. Members will be invited to put their names forward for election to this committee early in December.

January / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
Election Committee inform teachers of elections / Elections begin / Elections continue / Elections complete and first meeting of new Student Council

Term of Office

Each member will serve for one calendar year, from the date of the first meeting until the following December.Students elected in January of Fifth Year will continue their term of office until they leave school at the end of Sixth Year. Thus there will be no elections in Sixth Year. Sixth Year students may not be elected to any officer position in the Student Council.

Officers / Activities

After the Student Council has been formed, the entire Student Council must elect the following officers:


Deputy Chairperson


Public Relations Officer / Treasurer

  • These positions will be filled by a democratic secret ballot.
  • The Chairperson will run the meeting, adhere to the agenda and direct all comments through the Chair. The Chairperson will endeavour to ensure that all Student Council members have the opportunity to express their views.
  • The Deputy Chairperson will act in the absence of the Chairperson or Secretary.
  • The Secretary will record the minutes in a designated minute book.
  • The PRO will publicise Student Council activities, issue press releases, maintain the Student Council notice-board and make relevant intercom announcements.
  • All members will report back to their classes on matters discussed at meetingsand bring issues raised by their classmates to meetings.


The Student Council will meet at least once a month during the academic year in the Board Room at 1:30pm. Meetings can also be called by the Chairperson or by three or more members of the Student Council as often as is necessary. The Student Council Liaison Officer, Mrs Ann-Marie Doyle Grant will usually be present at all meetings. The Student Council Liaison Officer will assist in the smooth running of the meeting but in so far as is possible; students should run their affairs entirely on their own initiative. For any major decision to be voted on or agreed, at least two thirds of the Student Council must be present at the meeting. The Student Council Liaison Officer must be present for any major decision too. The Chairperson has the casting vote.Major decisions include: Election of Student Council Officers, any change to the Constitution or Member’s Contract, the removal of any Student Council Member or the formation of sub-committees.

The Chairperson from the previous year will chair the first meeting of a new Student Council and will direct the election of officers.

Every student must be given access to the Constitution. Each Student Council member is encouraged to read the Constitution.

Attendance / Discipline

When a Student Council member has advance knowledge that he/she cannot attend a meeting,he/she will inform their Deputy.This is the person who finished second to them in the class election. The Student Council may co-opt a replacement where necessary.

If a member misses three consecutive meetings or five in total during the year without a valid excuse, he/she may be asked to step down.

A code of conduct will be drawn up to ensure the Student Council carry out their duties and that the Student Council is not brought into disrepute by members who seriously misbehave.

Discipline and Removal of Student Council Members

  • If contract or code of conduct is broken (appeal may be heard).
  • Non attendance at three consecutive meetings or five during the year without a valid reason (no appeal).
  • Regular non-involvement in Student Council activities (appeal).
  • If a pupil leaves the school (no appeal).
  • If a pupil is suspended (appeal).
  • If the Student Council issues a warning (1 chance).
  • If a member acts inappropriately in a meeting or uses his/her council membership inappropriately (appeal).

Removing Members of the Council and Filling Vacancies

The Student Council has the right to remove a member if that member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without a valid reason or is not committed to the work or the aims of the Student Council. The member must be given a one week notice of the proposal and, according to the “Discipline and Removal of Student Council Members” section of this constitution, must be allowed to address the council in their defence. Where a member is to be removed a vote must be taken and at least two thirds of the Student Council must be present.

  • The Chairperson must receive any complaints about members. (If complaint is about the Chairperson it goes to the Liaison Teacher).
  • Council issues warning or action if needed.
  • Result of action is decided by Student Council and is final.
  • Replacement member (usually Deputy) will be selected where the Student Council sees fit (depending on time of year etc.) from the same class so that all groups are represented.

Changes to the Constitution

Any changes to this constitution must be voted upon by the Student Council. The Constitution and Member’s Contract will be reviewed yearly or as appropriate. At least two thirds of the Student Council must be present at any vote.

Contract of Behaviour

All members of the Student Council once elected must sign a Member’s Contract once it has been reviewed and amended where appropriate.


The Student Council reserves the right to form sub-committees. A subcommittee will consist of at least five members with at least two members from junior cycle and two members from senior cycle. The planned activities of a subcommittee will be approved at a general Student Council meeting. The sub-committee will be invited to report regularly on its progress at Student Council meetings.


If the Student Council decide to get involved with fundraising or other monetary matters, a Treasurer must be elected. A Finance section must also be drawn up and drafted into this constitution.