Saunder’s Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN Exam Prep

  1. Begin by taking the 75-question assessment to assess your strengths and weaknesses. Your results will generate a personalized study calendar pointing out the material that you need to cover.
  2. Before beginning any chapter, go to the back of that chapter and take the short test. They are usually between 15 and 20 questions. Be sure to read the rationales following the test. If you get 75% of these questions correct and you feel comfortable with the material, do not read the entire chapter. Focus on items marked with green pyramids, and boxes, tables, figures, diagrams, etc in addition to what is specifically listed in the table below.
  3. All post-test assignments are in your online Saunder’s content at the Evolve website. When you purchase your book (paper or ebook) you will receive a code to register online. You must register to have access to the resources. You will be provided with a class code that allows your instructor to keep up with your progress.
  4. Be sure to check the “New Questions Only” box in column two. If you do not, you will repeat questions.
  5. Post-test assignments should be completed after reviewing your content.
  6. Be sure to review rationales for both your correct and incorrect answers.
  7. Pleas pace yourself. I do not recommend completing comprehensive exams back to back.
  8. I know this seems like a lot of content but this is a three-week study plan that allows for two days off.

Topic / Nursing Sciences / Issues in Nursing / Growth and Development / Fundamentals / Comprehensive Review/Assessment
Pre-tests / 09: Fluids and Electrolytes
10: Acid-base Balance
11: Lab Values
12: Nutrition
13: Parenteral Nutrition
14: IV Therapy
15: Blood Administration / 06: Cultural Awareness
07: Ethical and Legal Issues
08: Prioritizing Patient Care
17: Calculations
49: Pediatric Medication Admin and Calculations / 22: Theories of Growth and Development
23: Developmental Stages
24: Care of the Older Client
25: Health and Physical Assessment of the Adult Client / 16: Provision of a Safe Environment
18: CPR
19: Perioperative Nursing Care
20: Positioning
21: Care of Client with a Tube / 100 questions (Content Area)
-Developmental Stages
-Fundamental Skills:
--Acid-Base, Cultural Awareness, Fluids and Electrolytes, Lab Values, Medication/IV Calculations, Nutrition, Pain, Perioperative Care, Safety
--Ethical/Legal, Prioritizing
Content Review / 9: entire chapter
10: entire chapter
11. All tables
12: All boxes, therapeutic diets, enteral nutrition
13: Entire Chapter
14: Entire Chapter
15: Types of blood products, blood compatibility, transfusion complications / 6: Be familiar with most prominent cultures, religion and end of life care, commonly used herbs
7: Ethical principles
8: Boxes and Tables
17: Tables, figures and boxes, know how to calculate all problem types
49: Tables, figures and boxes, know how to calculate all problem types / 22: Erikson
23: Entire chapter
24: Entire chapter (focus on special needs of older clients and their normal physiological changes)
25: Entire chapter (assessment is everything. Read this one twice) / 16: Tables, boxes, green pyramids
18: Tables boxes, green pyramids
19: Entire chapter
20: Entire chapter
21: Entire chapter
Assignments / 50 questions (Content Area)
Fundamentals: Acid-Base,
Fluids & Electrolytes,
Lab Values, and Nutrition
Critical Care: Blood Administration, Meds and IV therapy, Parenteral nutrition / 50 questions (Content Area) Leadership/Management: Ethical/Legal, Prioritizing. Fundamental Skills: Medication/IV Calculations, Cultural Awareness. / 50 questions (Content Area) Developmental Stages. / 25 questions (Content Area) Fundamentals: Perioperative Care, Safety.
Topic / Mental Health / OB/Maternity / Pediatric Nursing / Pediatric Nursing / Comprehensive Review/Assessment
Pre-tests / 72: Foundations
73: Models of Care
74: Mental Health Disorders
75: Addictions
76: Crisis Theory and Intervention
77: Psychiatric Medications / 26: Reproductive System
27: OB Assessment
28: Prenatal Period
29: Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy
30: L&D
31: L&D Problems
32: Postpartum
33: Postpartum Complications
34: Care of the Newborn
35: Maternity and Newborn Medications / 36: Integumentary Disorders
37: Hematological Disorders
38: Oncological Disorders
39: Metobolic and Endocrine Disorders
40: Gastrointestinal Disorders
41: Eye, Ear, and Throat Disorders / 42: Respiratory Disorders
43: Cardiovascular Disorders
44: Renal and Urinary Disorders
45: Neurological and Cognitive Disorders
46: Musculoskeletal Disorders
47: AIDS
48: Infectious and Communicable Diseases / 100 questions (Content Area)
-Child Health
-Mental Health
--Psychiatric Medications, Reproductive/Maternity/ Newborn Medications
Content Review / 72: Therapeutic Communication, Coping and Defense Mechanism, Types of Admissions and Discharges
73: Entire Chapter
74: Entire Chapter, focus on the nurse's role for each disorder
75: Entire Chapter, focus on the nurse's role
76: Boxes and Tables
77: Review as needed, adverse effects/complications / 26: Review as needed
27: Entire Chapter
28: Know normal physiological changes, discomforts, diagnostic tests, nutrition
29: Entire Chapter
30: Entire Chapter. Focus on stages and nursing interventions
31: Entire Chapter especially green pyramids
32: Entire Chapter
33: Entire Chapter especially green pyramids
34: Entire Chapter
35: Entire chapter / 36: Pay special attention to Burns; review the rest as needed.
37: Anemias; review the rest as needed
38: Pay special attention to boxes and tables; review the rest as needed.
39: Entire chapter with special attention to DM
40: Entire chapter
41: Entire chapter / 42: Pay special attention to RSV, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, SIDS, and Foreign body aspiration
43: Heart defects and interventions, Kawaski's Disease
44: Review as needed
45: Pay special attention to Cerbral palsy, head injury, hydrocephalus, meningitis, neural tube defects, autism, adhd, mr
46: Pay special attention to hip displasia, clubfoot, scoliosis, fractures, cast care
47: Review as needed
48: Review as needed
Post-Tests/Assignments / 50 questions (Content Area)Mental Health / 50 questions (Content Area)Maternity / 50 questions (Content Area)
Child Health-Integumentary-Hematological-Oncological-Metabolic/Endocrine-Gastrointestinal-Eye/Ear-Immune / 50 questions (Content Area)
Child Health-Throat/Respiratory-Cardiovascular-Renal and Urinary-Neurological-Musculoskeletal-Infectious and Communicable Disease
Topic / Adult Health: Oncology and Hematology, Immune, and Endocrine / Adult health: Cardiac and Respiratory / Adult Health: Eye and Ear, Integumentary, Renal / Adult Health: Neuro, Orthopedics, and GI / Comprehensive Review/Assessment
Pre-tests / 52: Hematological and Oncological Disorders
53: Antineoplastic Medications
54: Endocrine System
55: Endocrine Medications
70: Immune Disorders
71: Immunological Medicaitons / 60: Cardiovascular System
61: Cardiovascular Medications
58: Respiratory System
59: Respiratory Medications / Chapter 64: The Eye and the Ear
Chapter 65: Opthalmic and Otic Medications
Chapter 50: Integumentary System
Chapter 51: Integumentary Medications
62: Renal System
63: Renal Medications / 66: Neurological System
67: Neurological Medications
68: Musculoskeletal System
69: Musculoskeletal Medications
56: GI system
57: GI Medications / 100 questions (Content Area) Adult Health
50 questions Alternate format
50 questions critical care
Content Review / 52: Focus on effects of treatment, priority nursing actions, review diseases as needed
53: Review as needed
54: Entire chapter
55: Entire Chapter
70: Review as needed
71: Review as needed / 60: Entire Chapter
61: Entire Chapter
62: Entire Chapter
63: Entire Chapter / 64: Focus on postoperative care; review diseases as needed
65: Review as needed
50: Focus on burns and ulcers
51: Review as needed
62: Acute and chronic kidney injury and interventions
63: Review as needed / 66: Entire chapter
67: Review as needed
68: Review as needed
69: Review as needed
56: Entire Chapter
57: Entire Chapter
Assignments / 50 questions (Content Area)
Adult Health
-Endocrine / 50 questions (Content Area)
Adult Health
-Respiratory / 50 questions (Content Area)
Adult Health
-Renal and Urinary
-Eye and Ear
-Renal and Urinary / 50 questions (Content Area)
Adult Health