Greater Gladstone Civic Association (GGCA) Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, October 18, 7:00 PM • Location: Library, The GardenChurch
Attendance: 12
Welcome and Introduction by the President (Hanne Weedon)
Review of Meeting’s Agenda by the President
Election of Officers
President – Hanne Weedon – 15 votes
Secretary – Melissa Englund – 14 votes
Treasurer – Kathy Kauffman – 14 votes
Vice President – write in candidates
Dawn Haussler - 2
Carol Baxter Eicker - 1
Cathy Golato - 3
Julia Hartnett - 2
Michelle Hiscott - 1
Betty Bartmann – 1
It was agreed that Hanne would speak to the write-in candidates to learn if they had interest in serving
Bylaws discussion
A discussion of the bylaws surrounded three issues: the addition of an indemnification clause, meeting format, and financial decisions between meetings.
After discussion it became clear that the requirements and implementation of an indemnification clause were not understood. Melissa will discuss the use of an indemnification clause to the bylaws with Tom Hiscott and bring information back to the next meeting.
After much discussion it was agreed Hanne would learn more about Robert’s Rules of Order to determine any aspects that could be incorporated into the meeting, but there was a preference to keep the informal feel of the meetings given the small group. All important topics will be discussed and then voted upon.
Finally the group discussed how to handle financial decisions that must be made between meetings, for example paying the electric bill or an increase in a quoted price. It was agreed that officers can make decisions up to $100 between meetings. The decisions will be shared and recorded and the next meeting and receipts will be retained by the Treasurer.
Treasurer’s Update (Kathy Kauffman, distributed by Melissa Englund)
The checking account contains $416.74. There were no donations since the September meeting. Withdrawals of $89.28 have been made to reimburse Bob Bartmann for salvia and weed killer used at the island.
Minutes of September 20, 2007 meeting were distributed
Dues/Membership Update
The membership drive is scheduled to be held beginning October 20 and ending on November 2.
Volunteers will gather at 8am on October 20 at Regency Café to assemble materials for packets to be distributed to the block captains. These materials will include instructions, membership forms, return envelopes, Halloween event flyers, and Greater Gladstone Civic Association magnets.
Events Update
Halloween – A fall celebration and Halloween parade is planned for Saturday, October 27. Sunday, October 28 is being held as a rain date.
Volunteers will be needed to help set up at the island and staff candy distribution sites along the parade route. Refreshments will be served at the island prior to the start of the parade. The parade route is being distributed along with the membership drive information
Tree lighting – It was decided to continue to use the current lights and wait for the price of LED lights to drop before making the change. Although this will result in higher electric costs, the LED light costs are prohibitively expensive at this time. To reduce electric costs, Bob Bartmann wrote to the manufacturer of the current timer to obtain directions. We will use those directions and a limited amount of time from an electrician to attempt to have the timer function correctly. Additionally we will reduce the number of weeks for the tree to be illuminated. Electricity will be turned on November 26 to allow for 2 weeks of testing prior to tree lighting on Saturday, December 8. The tree will be turned off after January 6.
Michelle Hiscott is contacting the Mansfield Brass to determine availability for playing the night of the tree lighting. The events committee is also looking for a volunteer to play Santa Claus and volunteers to answer letters left in the mailbox.
Beautification Update
The island has been moved under the budget of the parks and recreation department. The Borough is considering allocating $7000 for maintenance and upgrades of Gladstone area sites. FYI - The Island is not a designated park so a permit is not needed for an event to be held at the location
Communications Update
An email discussion will be held to determine meeting times following the scheduled Thursday, November 15 meeting. That meeting will be held at the GardenChurch.
General Business Update
The entire group discussed priority projects for the 2007-08 year. These projects are Events – Halloween, Tree Lighting, and 4th of July and Beautification. Other priorities may be set later in the year depending on budget and interest of the group.
An update with information related to the historic preservation and historic designation meetings at the borough level will be added to future meetings as a regular agenda item.
Budgeting for 2008 committee work.
Changing the borders of Gladstone Manor.
Tree lighting
Election results
Membership drive results
Historic Preservation meetings
Community Resource listings
Future meeting schedule
Historic Preservation
Tree Lighting
By-Laws: creating a chain of responsibilities from President to Secretary