Christian Kids Explore Biology

Published by Bright Ideas Press

Sample Lesson Plans

Unit 1- Biology Basics

Lesson 1- Creation

·  Make a lap book of 7 days of creation-use the verses for handwriting

o  Supplies: file folders, construction paper, glue, scissors, paper, pencil, markers

Lesson 2- Cells

·  Make a model of a cell using Jell-O

o  Supplies: light colored Jell-O, mini M7M’s, licorice, malt balls, ect…

Lesson 3-Taxonomy

·  Make flash cards for Phyla

o  Supplies: index cards, markers, copied pictures of- earthworm, spider, spined creature-fish, human…, starfish, snail, hook or pin worm, jellyfish, sponge, - glue scissors

Lesson 4- Biosphere

·  Make a lap book of Biomes

o  Copied pictures of – desert, chaparral, coniferous forest, estuary, grassland, rain forest, savanna, tundra- file folders construction paper, glue, scissors, paper, pencil, markers

·  Map-It Copies of World Map per student

Lesson 5-Food Webs

·  Write out a food chain of what you ate today

o  Supplies: Paper, pencil

·  Unit 1 Wrap Up and writing assignment

Unit 2-Plants in God’s World

Lesson 6-Digging into Plants

·  Diagram plant

o  Supplies: copy of pg 30 per student, blank paper, pencil, 2 different types of bedding plants (to diagram)

·  Discovery Zone-

o  Supplies: fresh cut white carnations and queen Anne’s lace

·  Make edible dirt

o  Supplies: Choc. Pudding, milk, crushed wafer cookies, gummy worms

·  Watch Goes to Seed Video

Lesson 7-Photosynthesis

·  Recipe Card for Photosynthesis-

o  Supplies: copy of pg 34 per student, pencil

·  Build a Terrarium-

o  Container, soil, gravel or pebbles, plants, moss

·  Read about George Washington Carver/ listen to Our Story Hour tape

Lesson 8-Plant Reproduction

·  Copy pg 38 & 40 per student

·  Several types of flowers including buds to dissect

o  Supplies: Check it out form-1 per flower per student, several flowers/buds, scalpel, tweezers

·  Plant beans

o  Supplies: plant viewer, several types of beans

Lesson 9- Fruits & Vegetables

·  Make fruit dip

o  Supplies: 4 oz crm cheese, 1 1/8 C marshmallow cream, ½ C yogurt

·  Make Spinach Dip

o  Supplies: 1 pint sour cream, 1 pkg leek soup mix, 1 C Mayo, 1 box frozen spinach

·  Fruit & Veggie Check it out

o  Supplies: several kinds of veggies and fruits, check it our forms

Lesson 10- Trees

·  *How Do Trees Grow Kit-cells that allow moisture in & out

o  Supplies: young plant/tree like, plastic bag, rubber band

·  Unit 2 wrap-up

·  Writing assignment

Unit 3-Birds of the Earth

Lesson 11- Taxonomy

·  make a lap book on bird classification

Lesson 12- Bird Diets

·  Dissect owl pellets

o  Supplies: owl pellet & kit

·  Make Edible owl pellets

o  Supplies: 1 cup peanut butter, 1/4 cup butter, soft, 1 cup powdered sugar

o  1/2 cup small pretzel sticks, 1 cup coconut, 1/4 cup peanuts, 1/4 cup oat cereal

o  1/2 cup chocolate chips, copy legend 1 for ea. student

·  Make Bird Feeder

o  Supplies: peanut butter, bird seed, pine cones

Lesson 13- Bird Bones and More

·  Unit 3 Wrap-Up

·  Writing Assignment

Unit 4-Mammals in the Wild

Lesson 14-A Hairy Story

·  Mammal report

Lessons 15- Monotremes and Marsupials

·  Mapping Marsupials & Monotremes

o  Supplies: copies of world map, colored pencils

Lesson 16- Canids, Felines, & Bears

·  Make Cat Cupcakes

o  Supplies: cake mix, frosting, licorice, M&M’s & other candies for features

Lesson 17- Monkeys & Apes

·  Research Detectives

Lesson 18- Aquatic Mammals

·  Unit 4 Wrap-Up

·  Writing Assignment

Unit 5- The Human Factor

Lesson 19-Created in Love

·  Comparison God vs. Man

o  Supplies: use created form rather than one in book

Lesson 20-The Human Body-note may take 2 wks

·  Make a model of skeleton

o  Supplies: Usborne (or similar) model of a skeleton

·  Make a model of the heart

o  Supplies: Heart model kit, glue, paint

Lesson 21- Our 5 Senses

·  5 Senses experiment

o  Supplies: potato, apples, salt, sugar, lemon, orange, vanilla, almond extracts

o  Comparison sheet

Lesson 22-Human Reproduction

·  Unit 5 Wrap-Up

·  Writing Assignment

Unit 6- Reptiles All Around Us

Lesson 23- Cold Blooded Facts

o  Research a Reptile-1 page report

Lesson 24-Scutes & Scales

·  Camo. Hide & Seek???

·  Draw a ‘hidden picture’ picture

Lesson 25-Alligators & Crocodiles

·  Gator/Croc card game

o  Supplies: index cards, gator and croc stickers

Lesson 26- Turtles, Tortoise, & Terrapins

·  Unit 6 Wrap-Up

·  Writing Assignment

Unit 7-Insects High & Low

Lesson 27-Insectamania

·  Insect Hunt

o  Supplies: science notebook, magnifying glass

Lesson 28-Butterflies & Moths

·  Butterfly life cycle Lap Book

o  Supplies: lap book supplies, copies of life cycle

·  Butterfly Life Cycle Mobile

o  Supplies: metal coat hanger, construction paper, string, glue, hole punch, scissors

Lesson 29-Bees & Wasps

·  Unit 7 Wrap-Up

·  Writing Assignment

Unit 8- Water Creatures

Lesson 30- Let’s Go Swimming

·  Map salt/fresh waters on world map

o  Copy world & U.S. map per student, Atlas, colored pencils

Lesson 31-Mollusks

·  Shell I.D. game

o  Supplies: index cards, scissors, copies of shell id pg

·  Go to beach & check out tide pools

o  Supplies: Tide Pool kit

Lesson 32- Sharks

·  Research a specific shark write a 1 pg report


·  Make a Lap Book on Sharks

Lesson 33- Crustaceans

·  Shrimp Fest

o  Supplies: 2 lb ea. raw peeled & unpeeled shrimp, oil Tempura, cocktail sauce

Lesson 34- Freshwater Life

·  Making freshwater from saltwater

o  Supplies: water, salt, ice, saucepan w/lid, glass bowl, zip lock sandwich bag

Lesson 35- Amphibians

·  Lap Book on lifecycle of a frog

o  Supplies: lap book supplies, frog lifecycle copies

·  Frog video

·  Unit 8 Wrap-Up

·  Writing Assignment