
The Tiger Rising Test

Directions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Circle your choice and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

_____ 1. What kind of weather makes Rob think of his mother’s funeral?

A. snow

B. wind

C. rain

D. sun

_____ 2. Who kills the tiger?

A. Willie May

B. Billy Threemonger

C. Mr. Beauchamp

D. Rob’s father

_____ 3. Why does Mr. Beauchamp risk telling Rob about the tiger?

A. Mr. Beauchamp is afraid of feeding the tiger himself.

B. He can sense that Rob cares about animals because of his carvings.

C. Willie May told Mr. Beauchamp that Rob would like to care for it.

D. Rob’s father told Mr. Beauchamp that Rob could use the extra money.

_____ 4. Why does Sistine want to let the tiger go?

A. It can’t see the stars.

B. It’s not right to keep it caged.

C. It’s endangered.

D. All of the above

_____ 5. Why did Rob have to stay home from school?

A. He was suspended for fighting.

B. People were afraid his rash was contagious.

C. He wasn’t getting his work done on time.

D. His father needed help around the motel.

_____ 6. What did Willie May put in the tiger’s grave?

A. The bird Rob whittled

B. A picture of Rob’s mom

C. A necklace

D. Her cigarettes

_____ 7. According to Willie May, what is the cure for Rob’s rash?

A. Continue the ointment

B. Make a friend

C. Stand up to the bullies

D. Let the sadness rise on up

_____ 8. Why did Rob and his father move to Lister, Florida?

A. To be closer to friends and family

B. To escape the memory of his dead mother

C. To get away from bullies

D. Rob’s dad got a new job

_____ 9. What hobby did Rob learn from his mother?

A. painting

B. sculpting

C. whittling

D. pottery

_____ 10. Who does the tiger in the forest belong to?

A. Mr. Beauchamp

B. Willie May

C. The Threemongers

D. Rob’s father

_____ 11. What is the dominant theme of this book?

A. Whether animals should be caged or set free.

B. How to deal with bullies.

C. How people deal with sadness differently.

D. How fathers and sons get along.

_____ 12. When Sistine first meets Rob, what feeling does she express most strongly about


A. Pity

B. Excitement

C. Contempt

D. Courtesy

_____ 13. What is the overstuffed suitcase a metaphor for?

A. Bullies

B. Things schools expect people to learn.

C. Rob’s feelings

D. Endangered animals

_____ 14. What is a prophetess?

A. Someone who creates wealth for others.

B. Someone who predicts the future.

C. Someone who encourages people to get along with each other.

D. Someone who stands up for animal rights.

_____ 15. What does, “Every word in his suitcase seemed to fall right out of him when he stood

before Sistine” mean?

A. Rob wanted to impress Sistine with his extensive vocabulary.

B. Rob was humiliated when Sistine saw how few clothes he had in his suitcase.

C. Rob said things to Sistine that he didn’t ordinarily say to anyone.

D. Rob persuaded Sistine that hostility was just part of his personality.

_____ 16. Which of the following inferences is most accurate?

A. Mr. Beauchamp is humble.

B. Willie May is ferocious.

C. Rob’s father is grieving.

D. Sistine is jubilant.

_____ 17. Which of the following is NOT a reason Rob likes Sistine?

A. When she sees something beautiful her voice changes.

B. She is strong and stands up to other people.

C. She believes him when he tells her he can show her a live tiger.

D. She doesn’t pester him about things and make him feel uncomfortable.

_____ 18. Why doesn’t Rob’s father like to say his mother’s name?

A. He misses her so much it hurts to say it.

B. She was perpetually angry with him.

C. He is afraid it will get him in trouble with Mr. Beauchamp.

D. He thinks it will enflame the rash on Rob’s legs.

19. In the story there are several items that are symbolic of something else. Name one item that is symbolic and explain what it stands for using evidence from the text. ______


20. What is a character trait you could use to describe Rob at the END of the story? Give evidence from the story to support your answer. ______

Name___Answer Key______Date______HR______

The Tiger Rising Test

Directions: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Circle your choice and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

_D____ 1. What kind of weather makes Rob think of his mother’s funeral?

A. snow

B. wind

C. rain

D. sun

_D____ 2. Who kills the tiger?

A. Willie May

B. Billy Threemonger

C. Mr. Beauchamp

D. Rob’s father

_A____ 3. Why does Mr. Beauchamp risk telling Rob about the tiger?

A. Mr. Beauchamp is afraid of feeding the tiger himself.

B. He can sense that Rob cares about animals because of his carvings.

C. Willie May told Mr. Beauchamp that Rob would like to care for it.

D. Rob’s father told Mr. Beauchamp that Rob could use the extra money.

_D____ 4. Why does Sistine want to let the tiger go?

A. It can’t see the stars.

B. It’s not right to keep it caged.

C. It’s endangered.

D. All of the above

_B____ 5. Why did Rob have to stay home from school?

A. He was suspended for fighting.

B. People were afraid his rash was contagious.

C. He wasn’t getting his work done on time.

D. His father needed help around the motel.

_A____ 6. What did Willie May put in the tiger’s grave?

A. The bird Rob whittled

B. A picture of Rob’s mom

C. A necklace

D. Her cigarettes

__D___ 7. According to Willie May, what is the cure for Rob’s rash?

A. Continue the ointment

B. Make a friend

C. Stand up to the bullies

D. Let the sadness rise on up

_B____ 8. Why did Rob and his father move to Lister, Florida?

A. To be closer to friends and family

B. To escape the memory of his dead mother

C. To get away from bullies

D. Rob’s dad got a new job

_C____ 9. What hobby did Rob learn from his mother?

A. painting

B. sculpting

C. whittling

D. pottery

_A____ 10. Who does the tiger in the forest belong to?

A. Mr. Beauchamp

B. Willie May

C. The Threemongers

D. Rob’s father

_C____ 11. What is the dominant theme of this book?

A. Whether animals should be caged or set free.

B. How to deal with bullies.

C. How people deal with sadness differently.

D. How fathers and sons get along.

_C____ 12. When Sistine first meets Rob, what feeling does she express most strongly about


A. Pity

B. Excitement

C. Contempt

D. Courtesy

_C____ 13. What is the overstuffed suitcase a metaphor for?

A. Bullies

B. Things schools expect people to learn.

C. Rob’s feelings

D. Endangered animals

_B____ 14. What is a prophetess?

A. Someone who creates wealth for others.

B. Someone who predicts the future.

C. Someone who encourages people to get along with each other.

D. Someone who stands up for animal rights.

__C__ 15. What does, “Every word in his suitcase seemed to fall right out of him when he stood

before Sistine” mean?

A. Rob wanted to impress Sistine with his extensive vocabulary.

B. Rob was humiliated when Sistine saw how few clothes he had in his suitcase.

C. Rob said things to Sistine that he didn’t ordinarily say to anyone.

D. Rob persuaded Sistine that hostility was just part of his personality.

__C___ 16. Which of the following inferences is most accurate?

A. Mr. Beauchamp is humble.

B. Willie May is ferocious.

C. Rob’s father is grieving.

D. Sistine is jubilant.

__D___ 17. Which of the following is NOT a reason Rob likes Sistine?

A. When she sees something beautiful her voice changes.

B. She is strong and stands up to other people.

C. She believes him when he tells her he can show her a live tiger.

D. She doesn’t pester him about things and make him feel uncomfortable.

__A___ 18. Why doesn’t Rob’s father like to say his mother’s name?

A. He misses her so much it hurts to say it.

B. She was perpetually angry with him.

C. He is afraid it will get him in trouble with Mr. Beauchamp.

D. He thinks it will enflame the rash on Rob’s legs.

19. In the story there are several items that are symbolic of something else. Name one item that is symbolic and explain what it stands for using evidence from the text. Accept reasonable_____ responses______

20. What is a character trait you could use to describe Rob at the END of the story? Give evidence from the story to support your answer. Accept reasonable responses______