Faculty Mentor Application

Sandra K. Abell Institute for Doctoral Students


Colorado Springs

Theme: Classroom-Based Research

23-28 July 2011

Personal information

First Name
Name of Institution / Sex / M / F
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Telephone / Fax
Name(s) of your doctoral student(s) applying for the Institute (if applicable)

Experience with classroom-based research

List your research publications within the past 3 years that fit the theme of classroom based research.

Experience with doctoral supervision

How many science education PhD students are you currently supervising?
How many PhD students have you supervised to successful completion?

Contribution to Sandra K. Abell Institute for Doctoral Students

The SKA Institute will include following activities (see agenda on page 3 for details):

  • Team Sessions. The majority of instruction in the Institute will take place in small group seminars where 8-10 students and 2 research mentors discuss the student research underway and provide feedback on design, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Workshops. Daily workshops will be provided by pairs of mentors around topics such as data analysis, writing for publication, grant writing, theoretical frameworks.
  • Lectures: Students will choose among sessions presented by faculty mentors about their current research.
  • Social events will bring participants together on a more informal basis.
  • NARST proposal writing. Planning sessions will involve the student scholars in writing and sharing proposals for an Institute poster session at the NARST annual meeting.

Please describe your experience and comfort level for leading any of these types of activities:

Estimated Expenses

Faculty mentors will receive support for travel (up to $1000 for airfare and rental car), housing, food, and materials.


The completed Research Mentor Application should be emailed by 1 February 2011 -- Aleigh Raffelson, Executive Office Coordinator, BSCS.

Selection announcements will be made by 15 February 2011.

Please direct questions to anyone on the organizing committee:

Janet Carlson, BSCS
/ Joseph Taylor, BSCS

Scott McDonald, Penn State University
/ Carla Zembal-Saul, Penn State University


Please attach a copy of your full vitae with this application

Selection Criteria

Research mentors will be selected by the organizing committee on the basis of:

  • Fit of individual’s research with Institute theme and activities- classroom-based research
  • Publication record
  • Doctoral supervision record


Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
7:00-8:30 / Breakfast
Writing / Breakfast
Writing / Breakfast
Writing / Breakfast
Writing / Breakfast
8:30-10:00 / Research Questions/ Theoretical Framework/ Literature Review / Research Design/ Methods / Recruitment and Retention of Teachers/ IRB / Data Quality and Management / Post Analysis Dilemmas
10:00-10:15 / BREAK / BREAK / BREAK / BREAK / BREAK
10:30-11:45 / Critical Friends / Critical Friends / Critical Friends / Critical Friends / Critical Friends
11:45-1:15 / LUNCH / LUNCH / LUNCH / LUNCH / Departures
1:15-2:45 / Arrivals &Registration / Research Questions/ Theoretical Framework/ Literature Review / Research Design/ Methods / Recruitment and Retention of Teachers/ IRB / Mapping Data Analysis to Research Questions
2:45-3:00 / BREAK / BREAK / BREAK
3:00-3:30 / Mentor Research / Mentor Research / Writing Time
3:00-5:30 / Team Session / Team Session / Garden of the Gods Field Trip* / Team Session
5:00-5:30 / Welcome/ Ice Breaker
5:30-7:00 / Dinner/OpeningSession / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner / Dinner and Social
Evening Session: Funding my Research / Evening Session: Careers in SCIED

*A field trip will be led by Steve Getty, PhD., a geologist and science educator at BSCS.