Wymondham High Sixth Form 2016-17
The effectiveness of the 16 to 19 study programmes
Grade: OutstandingOur current performance data for Academic progress and outcomes shows rapid and sustained progress has been made since 2014 when the VA figure was -0.03. Since then, the VA has improved to 0.17 in 2015, 0.11 in 2016 and is predicted to be 0.15 based on current assessment data, all above national. Our 2016 cohort achieved 31% A*-A, 21 students securing 3A’s and 7 placed at Oxbridge. The Average point per entry for A Level is well above National at 37.7points compared to 30.44 nationally.
23 of the 30 subject areas had appositive value added in 2016 and our A Level results received an ALPS grade 3 score and our AS results were even better with an ALPS score of 2. Our current A Level analysis continues to build on these positive AS grades and presents a positive picture for 2017. Due to the result of leaders on-going, high quality monitoring of Teaching and Learning combined with a sharp focus on individual students, key underperforming subjects have shown rapid improvements with 5 of the 7 subjects now predicting positive value added for the 2017 cohort. The sixth form T&L lead continually supports and challenges these departments to ensure they continue to drive up standards.
Our current performance data shows that students make better than expected progress due to the relentless, bespoke approach for all students by leaders to ensure no learner is left behind. Tracking, close monitoring and communication between sixth form leaders and teachers promotes teaching that identifies those underachieving or at risk of underachieving and is regularly used to identify, intervene, support and monitor both academically and pastorally to ensure students who are behind catch up swiftly. Discussions between students, parents and teaching staff ensure everyone is aware of action plans created to challenge and support learners, who are given responsibility to own this and ask questions of all involved in their learning. Impact shows 66% of those mentored have improved their grades. In addition, whole school learning walks, folder checks and Student Voice surveys allow Teaching and Learning to be monitored and actions taken. There is a high expectation of student folders having the specifications and mark schemes and the ethos in Sixth Form is for students to work independently to improve work and review assessments to close the gap between marks awarded and target grades.
Our designated lead on the 16-19 Study Programmes ensures all students receive a highly individualised and bespoke programme which is carefully planned and discussed with every learner. We have 115 year 12 students who participate in high quality non-qualification activities such as voluntary and community work that matches their needs in addition to visits to a wide range of public and private establishments as part of their EPQ. Every learner is a part of a committee, engaging in a range of whole school events, roles and fundraising activities both within school and the local community such as local primary schools. Our learners also support those in lower school and upper school with pastoral mentoring. All of these opportunities provide learners with skills needed for employment and to move on successfully post 18.
There is a programme of Master classes for those seeking to go onto higher education in addition to a vast range of alternative career choices such as apprenticeships, with our most recent Enterprise evening attracting over 220 students and parents across the school. Highly impartial careers guidance is central to the study programme and learners have a full range of destination events such as visiting speakers and assemblies which focus on both UCAS and non-UCAS destinations. Leaders of the Sixth Form maintain contact with national programmes of study to stay abreast of recent changes in national and local strategies. The timetabled Enrichment programme also delivers a wide range of information that covers a range of career paths reflected nationals and also those required in our local community.
Learners at Wymondham High Sixth Form are punctual and conduct themselves in an exemplary manner. Their attendance is tracked and monitored by a designated leader and actions swiftly taken to ensure attendance remains high at 95.9% in year 12 and 95.2% in year 13. Our learners are keen to continue to make a difference further afield than their local community and are thoughtful, caring and respectful citizens, with recent examples including the independent organisation of a food bank delivery and clothes collection for Syrian refugees. One student is also successfully working on a project with the BBC on mental health and this area is a large part of the study programme. There are monthly Wellbeing events for learners and a calendar of events to highlight and support mental health issues. Leaders are acutely aware of the pressure on students and work closely with learners to ensure this does not affect their health and wellbeing.
Our retention rates demonstrate that 91% of students moved from year 12 to year 13 for the start of the 2016-17 academic year.
Student destinations show in 2016 30% of students started at Russell Group universities compared to 26% in 2015. There were 7 of Oxbridge places in 2016 compared to 5 in 2015. Other destinations include:
2015 / 2016 / 2016 (National)
Cohort number / 196 / 180
University / 80% / 80% / 48%
Apprenticeship/College/Training/Work / 14% / 10%
Unconfirmed / 6% / 10%
Success rates in learners retaking English and Maths is positive with 100% in 2015, 100% in 2016 and already 66% pass in 2017.
Actions that have had a significant impact on pupils outcomes this year are;
· The use of Oxford Analytics to highlight and take action with those students and subjects not attaining or making progress at least once a term.
· A robust entry procedure that ensures all learners are placed onto the correct course for them and this is monitored regularly to ensure it remains suitable.
· Greater emphasis on Student Voice and raising any issues with Teaching and Learning from a student’s perspective to highlight areas of concern and also share good practice.
· Sixth Form restructured to accommodate a wider focus including teaching and learning at KS5 including more academic use of space.
· Improved attainment and progress.
· Rigorous data systems created and implemented including Oxford Analytics and group tracking.
· Changing of Alps targets to be more aspirational – Higher of the A2 targets selected.
· Mentoring and intervention system implemented – academic and well-being.
· Direct meetings and work scrutinies with HoDs and TiCs and accountability for KS5 results. Includes re-mocks and departmental intervention.
· Reflective practice – Peer-led review
· Wider focus on non-qualification activity – masterclasses, What next? Speaker series, Subject Leaders, work experience, tutor mentoring (introduction of eTutor), main school mentoring, Leading Lights (Y11 students).
Key objectives for improvements arising from this section and actions we will take to secure further improvements:
· SF progress is at least good in all subject areas (5 or above)
· SF students take an active role in their study programmes
· Manage Sixth Form team transitions
· Manage curriculum change effectively
· Embed the pastoral programme
· To continue to close the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantgaed.