Completion of this evaluation catalogue is required from Independent DL Schools prior to an External Evaluation and constitutes application for Group 1 or Group 2 classification, or reclassification.
1) This EEC Report Template is provided in MS-Word 97-2003 for Windows. Please ensure that you maintain the same font, format, section breaks, numbering, tables, headers, and footers.
2) The school authority and its representative (Principal) are required to pre-populate this document with the information requested. Do not fill out the dark pink shaded areas which are intended for inspectors/office use only.
3) This EEC Report Template is designed to provide the External Evaluation Committee with factual information that is an up-to-date summary of the philosophy, administration, curriculum, facilities, resources and equipment in the school.
WHEN DOCUMENT IS COMPLETED:1. Please make one copy for your school’s records
2. Prepare two documents for emailing to the Office of the Inspector
a. Scanned copy of signature page (first page of Catalogue)
b. Electronic version of completed Catalogue in Word format
Email address of Office of the Inspector of Independent Schools:
Document naming convention: subject line: "SCHOOLCODE EEC-R DL SCHOOLNAME" for example "12345678 EEC-R DL ABC School" (The quotation marks are not intended to be part on naming convention.)
Upon submitting this information, the Authority or authorized representative, and principal of the school solemnly declare that the information in this document is accurate, current and complete.
EEC-R DL Template SUBMISSION DEADLINE: / Nov. 1, 2017
Do NOT mail this report, only email submissions are accepted.
EEC-R Template for Distributed Learning Independent Schools 2017-2018
Schools are asked to pre-populate this form prior to the inspection.
Ministry School No. / School NameSchool Address (Location)
School Address (Mailing) / Website Address:
City/Town / Postal Code:
Principal’s Name / if new to school this year / E-Mail
Current Group Classification and Cert. Expiry Date / Office Phone / Office Fax
School in Continuous Existence Since (Month/Year) / School Affiliation (if applicable)
Name of School Authority
A) Elementary (do not include pre-school)
Kinder-garten / Grade 1 / Grade 2 / Grade 3 / Grade 4 / Grade 5 / Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Total (A)
B) Secondary
Grade 8 / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12 / Total (B)
Total of A & B Enrolment: (must be ten or more)
Total Registered Homeschool Learners
Total number of non-graduated adult learners
Total number of graduated adult learners
The undersigned hereby certifies on behalf of the school’s Authority, that the information in this Evaluation Catalogue is, to the best of his/her knowledge and understanding, complete and correct. The Declaration and the answers provided throughout the Evaluation Catalogue reflect the current status of the programs, operations, administration and staffing of the school.
Authority Representative Signature:
(Name printed)
Principal’s Signature:
(Name printed)
City, BC
<date of inspection report>
for Ministry use
Section 1: General Information DL Agreement (SCHED A): 1.1
The Authority must be established under the Society Act or the Business Corporation Act or appointed under Authority Designation Regulation. The School must be a classified independent school.
Yes / NoAuthority has a signed agreement with the Minister.
Authority is in compliance with the Independent School Act and regulations.
Documentation is in place reflecting good standing with the Registrar of Companies or Authority is appointed by Cabinet and listed on regulation.
Registration #: (Society, Company, Private Act, Order in Council)
Registration # verified against which document: BC Registry Services
Date of last filing of annual report to Registrar of Companies:
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
SECTION 2: Funding declaration DL Agreement (SCHED A): 1.2
Yes / NoEquipment has been lent, not given, to support the educational program.
No financial incentives are provided in the school publications/advertising to encourage enrolment.
Payments have been made directly to third party service providers
The school is in compliance with the 2014-15 $600 CAP Guidelines for Independent DL schools.
Please fill out the questionnaire in Appendix 3.
Materials, services and resources provided through third parties are documented with the learner’s SLP and linked to prescribed learning outcomes.
Ministry funds are used solely for operational expenses
This school year, the school anticipates receiving special education grants.
Total Special Education Grant for the years: $ 2016/17 (actual) and 2017/18 (anticipated)
Total number of learners with special needs: 2016/17 (actual) and 2017/18 (anticipated)
The school receives French Grant.
If yes, provide Total French Grant Received: $
Has the school completed an annual financial audit? Date:
Name of Auditing Company/Firm:
Has the school has participated in the ‘Ready, Set, Learn’ Program?
Amount of Grant: $
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
SECTION 3: Learner Records DL Agreement (SCHED A): 1.3
Yes / NoLearner Records policy in accordance with the “Learner Records: Requirements and Best Practice Guidelines – June 2012” document on the Independent Schools website which includes:
All items in the Permanent Learner Record (Form 1704) are current and complete as specified in the “Learner Records: Requirements and Best Practice Guidelines for Independent Schools (2012)”
The administration of learner records is compliant with Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”).
Form 1704 have attached inclusions, where applicable, for:
Medical alerts, e.g., epilepsy, anaphylaxis
Legal alerts, e.g., court orders, name change, immigration documents
Individual Education Plans (IEP) and Case Management Plans (CMP)
Education support services, e.g., testing, adjudication requirements
Notification of learner registered as being homeschooled
If above Medical and/or Legal inclusions are attached to the 1704 then Medical/Legal Alert checkboxes on 1704 are marked accordingly.
Learner Records include the following Additional Required items:
Copy of verified original birth certificate or other legitimate identification document
Official names of parents/guardians with home/work contact information
Parent/guardian and adult learner information – declaration of being lawfully admitted to Canada and resident in BC (Appendix II of the Learner Records: Requirements and Best Practice Guidelines)
The policy has been shared with the school community
Protocols for updating Permanent Learner Records annually
Protocols for handling of sensitive information, access and disclosure of information, and transfer and storage of learner records.
The storage of Permanent Learner Records ensures safekeeping from fire, theft, etc.
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
School must submit all data or information in accordance with the Inspector Reports, Records and Data Submission Order, the Distributed Learning Agreement and any other requirements of the Province.
Yes / No / Data reports required for submission include:1701: “Learner Data Collection Form” (due end of September and mid-February);
1602: “Independent School Authority Information Data Collection Form” (due mid-October);
1601: “School Data Collection Form” (due mid-October);
Graduation “TRAX” information, if offering grades 10-12 (due mid-October and mid-July);
Student Achievement Data Exchange (SADE) (due October, January, April, July)
Statement of Per Learner Operating Cost (SOPSOC). (due mid-October)
TRB “Employers List” report (due on or before October 15)
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
The Authority has appropriate written policies and implementation strategies for DL delivery, including but not limited to:
Yes / NoAbuse Policy: reflecting the procedures described in the most recent B.C. Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect and "Supporting our Learners: A Guide for Independent School Personnel Responding to Child Abuse."
School has officially identified both an ‘Appointed School Official’ and an ‘Alternate Appointed School Official’ to manage child abuse investigations by appropriate authorities.
The school authority has established and implemented a harassment and bullying prevention policy, as per Inspector’s Harassment and Bullying Prevention Order (September 7, 2016) requirements.
School has a minimum of two staff members trained at level II Erase Bullying Training in the past two years.
The school administration has reviewed best practice guides on information sharing regarding child and youth mental health and substance abuse in BC from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
· Privacy for Parents and Caregivers Factsheet (PDF)
· Best Practices Guide: Child and Youth (PDF)
· Best Practices Guide: Substance Use (PDF)
· Best Practices for Service Providers: Privacy and Information Sharing (PDF)
· Deputy Minister's Letter to Independent Schools (PDF)
· Information Sharing for Young People Factsheet (PDF)
School has updated its policies in accordance with the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and “Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Regulation” (September 1, 2016) as these pertain to students not being permitted to smoke or use vapour products on school premises.
School has developed drinking water testing policy in accordance with the BC Drinking Water Protection Act and routinely tests for harmful substances to ensure that students have access to potable water at school. (Note January 2017 e-Board posting for further information.)
If applicable, does the school have developed an emergency preparedness policy in reference to the BC Emergency Planning Guide? Available at
School has developed and published an Educational Resource Policy which defines the process and procedure for selecting and removing learning resources, including a mechanism to deal with challenges/appeals to the selection process.
The school’s Learner Safety Policy addresses the use of third party locations. School has Best Practices and policy in place.
Special Education Policy addresses admission, programs, and service delivery;
Electronic Supervision Policy addresses the monitoring of electronic communication between teachers and learners/parent and between learners.
The School has developed policy by which students at the School may challenge courses, present equivalency courses, participate in an independent directed study or participate in a post-secondary credit.
Learner (Student) Records Policy (based on June 2012 Best Practices);
Learner Work Authentication /and Academic Integrity Policy;
Assignment Grading and Resubmission Policy
Grade promotion policy in relation to the checkpoint grades 3, 6, and 9.
Teacher and Principal Supervision/Evaluation Policy;
Professional Development for Teachers and Administrators Policy;
Parent and Teacher Role Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy (including cyber‐bullying) or discrimination
Appeal Policy reflecting the principles in the resource entitled, "Procedural Fairness: Best Practices for Independent Schools".
Has the school appointed a Safe Schools Coordinator to manage Safe Schools initiatives and programs in the school?
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
Yes / No / The Authority has evidence on file showing that:All employees and contractors (including 3rd part service providers, TAs, SEAs, and academic tutors) who work with children have CRC clearance letters on file or have provided authorization for criminal record checks through the Ministry of Justice).
The Authority has a mechanism for tracking CRC renewals ensuring checks are completed every 5 years as required.
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
NOTE: Complete Appendix 1 alphabetically for all BC Certified teachers.
Number of full time BC Certified Teachers (includes Principal):
Number of part time BC Certified Teachers:
Number of teachers with a current Letter of Permission:
Number of teachers without BC Certification:
· Non-compliance (not yet applied for TRB certification)
· TRB application in progress, but not received
· Expired or lapsed TRB certification
Number of new Teachers this year:
Yes / No
Administration verifies that all teachers have current TRB status in place (see TRB Website or TRB Verification Report) and proof in personnel file.
All teachers are appropriately assigned with respect to any certificate restrictions.
ELL programs/courses taken for credit are taught by BC certified teachers.
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
The teacher is responsible for the planning, instruction, assessment and reporting out of learner progress.
Yes / NoTeachers develop the Student Learning Plan in conjunction with Learner and/or family of Learner.
SLPs and submitted learning activities reflect a variety of learning and styles. (Teachers incorporate a mix of modalities in their instruction.)
Teachers evaluate and assess learner progress based on their professional assessment and where appropriate input from parents and the learner is received.
Instructional strategies for learning are used, monitored and adjusted to ensure learners are supported in their individual learning programs.
Teachers work in conjunction with school administration to identify students who need additional learning supports in order to succeed.
The school provides remediation to students who have been identified as needing additional learning supports through teachers or through the Learning Assistance department.
Student Learning Plans map and track completion of Ministry prescribed curricular requirements.
Performance reporting clearly shows progress towards completion of Ministry prescribed curricular requirements and the degree of relative mastery by which these have been completed.
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements:
Yes / NoStudent Learning Plans and submitted learning activities reflect a variety of learning styles.
Communication demonstrates regular and varying teacher/learner interaction e.g. face-to-face engagement, online synchronous and asynchronous communications, text exchange through feedback on assignments and the use of email logs of weekly teacher and learner contact.
The teacher has weekly and educationally meaningful contact with the learner.
The teacher has regular contact with the parent as needed.
The school administration monitors frequency and nature of contact, ensuring student safety.
Compliance is confirmed for this section (Y/N).
If necessary, list comments or follow up requirements: