Meet Marie Kane (Note that the head shot of me goes on this page too placed on the right midway in the top section which is 3 paragraphs. Embed with the text. Also note that in the section on what I have done, in every place an item is mentioned that is elsewhere on the site, put a link to it.)

I established Kane & Associates, a corporate coaching and consulting firm in 1981. In 2002 I changed the name to Executive Evolution as it more clearly represents the nature of the work I do with companies, groups and individuals.

I am an experienced executive coach, consultant, and executive level manager. Over the last 20 years, I have worked with organizations from small to Fortune 500 corporations in both the public and private sectors in a variety of industries. I also volunteer my professional services to specific non-profit organizations as a contribution to the community.

People who know me describe me as Results-Oriented, Process-Oriented, Direct, Versatile, Caring, Creative, Pragmatic, Visionary, Trustworthy, Systematic, Committed, Catalytic, Persistent, Perceptive, Focused, A Night Person, and Funny.

Some of the things I have done over the years:

Creator of the “TEAMS” team assessment and development process (1997)

Creator and Facilitator of “The Leader’s Way – Discovering the Inner Art of Leadership” program (1997)

Extended series on leadership and the qualities of leaders for Competitive Edge Magazine in 2000 and 2001 including extensive interviews with CEO’s and other leaders.

Acknowledged as major contributor to Executive Guide to Strategic Planning (1987) and Executive Guide to Operational Planning (1988), Jossey-Bass Publishers

Co-author of Heart Thoughts, 1993 an inspirational and motivational personal growth guide

Case Study in Performance Appraisals in the Public Sector by George L. Morrisey, 1983

Presentations at International Management by Objectives Annual Conferences, 1980 and 1981

BA from Emory University and MS from Florida State University

Honors I have received include:

Named to the Georgia 1000 by the Women Looking Ahead Organization as one of 100 Women Business Owners demonstrating commitment to excellence and community service in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

Selected as Mentor by the Georgia 100 program 2001/2002.

Board of Directors, Institute for 21st Century Agoras, an organization whose mission is to promulgate supported democratic processes in the world.