Purdue University Calumet
School of Technology
Course Syllabus
CET 20900 -Land Surveying & Subdivisions
Credits and Contact Hours:
3 credit hours, 5 contact hoursInstructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name:
Anthony Gregory
Text Book, Title, Author and Year:
Lake County, Indiana - Zoning Ordinance
Lake County, Indiana - Subdivision Ordinance
(To be provided)
Introduction to the Course:
a. Catalog Description
Theory and practice of land surveying, subdivision, filing and recording deeds, United States government survey of public lands, laws of land surveying, descriptions and area computations for land surveys. Subdivision planning, calculations and plotting, water mains layouts, storm and sanitary sewer calculations and layouts. Street plans and profiles.
b.Prerequisites: CET 20800 and CET 25300
c.Selective Course
Specific Goals to the Course:
a. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
1.Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of subdivision site considerations, subdivision planning and layout, and typical municipal zoning and subdivision regulations. (a,d,f)
2.Demonstrate an understanding of basic introductory surveying law and land description principles. (a)
3.Organize a basic subdivision project using a specified municipal code. (a,d,e,f,k)
4.Produce an effective subdivision layout given a particular design and zoning parameters. (a,d,e,f,k)
5.Analyze basic cost considerations involved in development improvements. (a,b,f,k)
6.Apply principles obtained from CET 253 and any previous surveying courses in the planning and layout of a subdivision and of project infrastructure. (a,b,k)
7.Apply computer-aided drafting (CAD) skills in the preparation of assigned subdivision plans using software provided in the university computer labs. (a,g)
8.Explain project objectives in oral presentation format. (g)
b. Student Outcomes
This course satisfies ABET Criterion a, b, d, e, f, g, k
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CET 20900
Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply):
√ Lecture □ Laboratory □ Online □ Discussion groups □ Projects □ Other (explain)
Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply):
√ Quizzes
□ Exams
√ Homework
□ Papers
□ Lab Reports
□ Class participation
√ How final grade is determined – assignments and quizzes 20%, plat of survey 15%, oral presentations 10 %, preliminary engineering study 20%, street grading & drainage plans 20%, final plat 15%
Brief List of Topics to be Covered:
1 Introduction to course; horizontal curves (arc definition).
2 Vertical curves; Review traverse computations (compass rule).
Brief history of surveying in U.S. and Public Land System.
3 Lecture on boundary computations
Assign boundary survey and Plat of Survey.
4 Lecture on property transfers and methods used to describe property.
Lab - Work on Plat of Survey.
5 Plat of Survey Due; Lecture on reasons for collecting topographic data.
Lecture on town subdivision and zoning ordinances.
Assign Preliminary Engineering Study.
Lab - Work on Preliminary Engineering Study.
6 Lecture on subdivision infrastructure layout, including storm and sanitary sewers, water mains, streets and utilities.
Work on preliminary engineering study; 50% project review.
7 Lab - Work on preliminary engineering study; 75% project review.
8 Plan Commission Meeting.
Preliminary engineering study due. Make oral presentation.
9 Lecture on detention pond design.
Lecture on grading design.
10 Assign Street Grading and Drainage Plan.
Lab - Work on street grading and drainage plan.
11 Lecture on soil erosion control measures.
Lab – Work on street grading and drainage plan.
12 Lab – Work on street grading and drainage plan.
13 Lecture on final plat closure and accuracy.
Street grading and drainage plan due. Make oral presentation.
14 Assign final plat.
15 Lab – Work on Final Plat Final plat due. Make oral presentation.