Appendix 16

LESSON PLAN FOR: Fact v OpinionUNIT: Current Event

Objective:Use current events and advertizing to teach identifying fact v opinion.
AIM: Is there a difference between fact and opinion?
Materials:PPT/Prezi – Fact/Opinion and advertizing,

Do Now (5minutes):


Do you agree with the following statement? Why/Why not?

Is this statement FACT or OPINION? Why? How do you know?

Write your response in a complete sentence answer.

Mini-Lesson(10-15 minutes)

  1. Consider student responses – Students put responses in their response journals – ON PAPER ON PURPOSE.
  2. DefineFACT as a statement that can be proven True or False
  3. Define OPINION as someone’s view, judgmentor belief not founded on certainty or proof
  4. Concrete/Academic practice – Give student copies of the three-page "Fact vs. Opinion" packet:PDFfile


Distribute the "Fact vs. Opinion" packet. Go over the first sheet with students. Ask students to give examples of facts and opinions.

Have students complete the "Fact vs. Opinion Practice" sheet. Once students are finished, go over answers together.

Have students complete the "Fact vs. Opinion: Seeing it in Action" sheet. You may want to have students pair up to help one another. Once students are finished, either have them turn the packet in or go over together as a class and let them self-grade.

Guided Activity:(15 minutes)

Teacher should include targeted questions(at least 4 High Order – use question box to the right)

  1. Continue Prezi…allow students to consider questions and practice accountable talk.
  2. Abstract/Real World Analysis and Synthesis -
  3. Show student the PPT focus on how advertisers use “facts” to influence consumers. Teacher should distribute a graphics packet to each group to allow students to inspect visuals more closely and collaborate.

At conclusion of PPT pose the following:

(5 minutes) Assessment Question (Turn/Talk/Jot):Assessment is based on the three pieces of advice the students offer to help people avoid being misled by advertising.

Extension/Enrichment:Tell students to be on the lookout for statements of fact and statements of opinions while reading, watching television, talking to friends and in their other classes.

2 min Oral Practice - Do a quick round robin using Prezi – promote Accountable Talk by asking students if they agree/disagree:

  1. Our computer has a one-year warranty on parts and labor.[F]
  2. Get 20% off everything in the store this weekend.[F]
  3. We pay 5% on savings accounts in our bank.[F]
  4. This car is rated number one in government safety tests.[F]
  5. This soft drink has zero calories.[F]
  6. This is the best movie you will see this year.[O]
  7. Simon Baruch is the best school in NYC.[O]

(5 minutes)Show students Political Ad by Ben Quayle (real current event connection.)

Q4. Is Quayle using Facts or Opinions to make his point about President Obama?

Q5. What could Quayle have done to make his message more “factual?”

Assessment/Closure:(5 minutes)Students will turn in the Seeing it in Action worksheet on Area 51 with an answer to the Aim written in the white space.

Homework: Watch the Nightly News tonight on NBC, CBS or ABC. Choose one political advertisement and write down one example of how the politicians are using facts or opinions to support their message.


Additional Notes/Attachments/Ideas for next time: