Report on

Sustainable Community-based Approachesto Livelihoods Enhancement (SCALE) Programme

Sajjata Sangh

Project Leader: Natu Macwana

Gujarat, India

Report prepared for – Aga Khan Foundation, New Delhi

Period January – December 2010

C/ODevelopmentSupport Centre

Near GovernmentTube Well

Bopal, Ahmedabad: 380 058

Phone: + 91-2717-235994, 235995,


Executive Summary

DSC haspromoted a network Sajjata Sangh (SS) which has 31NGO partners across the state. These partners work, in about 8000 villages in rainfed and irrigated areas. The mainfocus of SS is to promote and build capacities of NGOs as well as Community Based Organisatios on agricultureproductivity enhancement, cost reduction, risk mitigation and valueaddition.

Project Goal

Tocontribute to rural poverty reduction through innovative community based approaches to naturalresourcemanagement and livelihoodenhancement that are suitablefor wider adoption by government and others.


The year started with a state level workshop on Weather Insurance to initiate a policy dialogue to introduce Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) in the state. About 145 participants including Mr. K.N.Rao, Deputy General Manager, Agriculture Insurance Company, Dr. B.S.Suran, General Manager, NABARD, Mr. Apoorva Oza, CEO, AKRSP(I), Mr. Zubin, Progamme Head, Oxfam India, policy holders, farmers, representatives from Sajjata Sangh partners, media professionals etc have participated in the same Experiences of the weather-based crop insurance in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat shared during this event were helpful to initiate dialogue with the Government of Gujarat to increase role of Government in promotion of weather insurance in the state. Issues such as high premium rates and reference weather stations were highlighted by policy holders.

The intervention on developing and promoting weather insurance by the Sangh hasbeen recognized by NABARD by sanctioning Rs. 83.79 lakh for three year period to subsidize premium of rainfall insurance. Costal Salinity Prevention Cell (CSPC) initiated by AKRSP (I) and Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) has sanctioned a grant of Rs. 4.29 lakh for promotional activities carried out under weather insurance initiative in coastal area.

Total 4223 farmers including 2818 (67%) small/marginal farmers have been covered under weather insurance for Kharif 2010. Farmers contributed Rs. 27.72 Lakh as premium and total 3118 (74%) farmershave received total payoutof Rs. 27.90. For the first time in the state, Sajjata Sangh has piloted weather insurance covering risk of temperature, humidity and unseasonal rainfall for the crop of wheat and cumin in Rabi 2010 season. Total 1409 farmers covering 1599 acres of land have been insured under weather insurance scheme in 12 talukas of 6 districts.

During the year Sajjata Sangh continued to adopt and strengtheninnovative models of farmer-centric agriculture extension. “Sajjatano Sang Lave Khetima Rang”- radio programme completed 200 episodes during this period. The year 2010 was celebrated as SAMPARK VARSH. During this year radio team has visited about 1200 listeners in 8 districts.

The Agriculture Department requested SS to use the wheat calendar developed during 2009 for wider dissemination. About 50,000 copies have been printed and disseminated during the Krushi Mahotsav and other training programmes organized by the Department. The Extension Director of Junagadh and Anand Agriculture University have appreciated wheat calendar and audio CD on cotton and groundnut published by Sajjata Sangh.

Total 85 NGO staff members from Sajjata Sangh partner organizations and 282 members from farmer organizations/CBOs have participated in various exposure visits, capacity building workshops and meetings organized on subjects such as livestock development, organic cotton, weather insurance etc during the year.

In coordination with Dr. Tushaar Shah, Sajjata Sangh has started a study on “The collective effort of NGOs in strengthening the backbone of Gujarat’s sustainable agriculture: Impact of irrigation, watershed and allied activities”. This study will highlight the contribution and impact of the work done by NGOs for sustainable agriculture which will give a recognition and visibility to NGOs of Gujarat at state and national level.

Sajjata Sangh has partnered with different state and National level networks such as Voluntary Action Network India (VANI), International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions (INAFI), India Development Gateway and WASSAN to co-host state level workshop on various subjects such as voluntary action policy, Weather Insurance, Information Technology for agriculture and allied services and Integrated Watershed Development Programme (IWDP) etc.

Sajjata Sangh has collaborated with Credibility Alliance under a special Accreditation Drivefor small NGOs. As a result of constant coordination with Credibility Alliance and applicant partner organization, MAHITI, SARTHI and Shroffs Foundation have been awarded with accreditation during this period.


1.1. A. Development of RadioProgrammetopromoteimprovedagricultural practices amongst farmers, with particularfocus on the need and priorities of small and marginal farmers in drought-hit regions of the state.

Year 2010 was very successful for the radio programme as it completed 200 episodes in December 2010. Total 52 episodes were produced and aired during the period. A series of episodes on land development were very inspiring and becoming popular. As per the need of farmers, special episodes on Weather insurance, weather based crop planning, importance of certified seeds were designed which were very popular.

The radio programme emphasized on adoption of low cost technology to small and marginal farmers. The year was celebrated as SAMPARK VARSH. More than 1200 farmers have been contacted by radio team through field visit, ShrotaSammellan etc. It is observed that farmers have utilized information related weather and climate change forecasted on radio programme. Sajjata Sangh also had focused on promotion of organic farming as cost reduction tool.Sajjata Sangh partner organizations are now actively involved in the programme to make it widespread. Representatives from partner organization haveparticipated in ShrotaSammelan and shared their views to make this useful.

Workshops for sharing experiences of radio programme

Sajjata Sangh and DSC conducted a seminar for NGOs which were producing radio programmes as a means of extension. Six NGOs from the state viz. Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) [AKRSP(I)], Janpath, Drishti, Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) participated in the workshop. They sharedtheirmethodology of production of radio programme and the problems faced with All India Radio.

Sajjata Sangh and DSC also conducted a Shrota Sammelanwhere more than 70 listenersattended from about 11 districts. The participants discussed their experiences and shared how the radio programme had been useful during Rabi and summer season. They shared the problems related to their crops and animal husbandry. Mr. U A Parasara and Dr Sawani from Amul Dairy provided appropriate guidance. They also took an oath for creating awareness on the radio programme in nearby villages.

Avaaj Otalo

On the basis of a pilot project on spoken web with IBM Research Laboratory, from January 2010 DSC with the help of Mr. Neil Patel- a doctoral student of Stanford University initiated its own spoken webwhich can be accessed by dialing 07930142000. The main feature of DSC’s Avaaj Otalo is quick search and fast forward facilities with Q&A, Mahiti Vibhag, Anubhav and previous Radio episodes.

The Avaaj Otalo caters to the needs of farmers by a mobile phone. Total 300 listeners have been benefited under Margdarshan Seva. An average of 15 hits has beenregistered under AO. Mr. Rushi, a student from Standford university is now associated with AO experiment and he found it to be a very useful ICT based communication tool to empower small and marginal farmers.

JATAN an organization promoting organic farmingin Gujarat has studied and adopted this AO model as an effective extension.

1.3 Developing Agriculture based IEC material

a. crop-specific CDs

Last year Sajjata Sangh had produced CDs on cotton and groundnut. This year Sajjata Sanghdeveloped CDs on wheat and castor. The 40 minute CD covers information on necessary scientific practices such as land preparation, sowing practices, irrigation management, practices to cope up with pest and diseases etc. For easy understanding and sustaining the attention of farmers, a drama format is used. A series of CDs for major four crops have now been developed. 500 copies of each crop was disseminated during shrota sammelan, partners meetings, training etc.

b. crop calendar

During the last year Sajjata Sangh published a crop calendar on wheat. This year Sajjata sangh published crop calendar on maize and cotton. These calendars contain information on organic farming and IPM approaches. Compilation of these calendars isbased on guidance and observations from agriculture experts frompartner organizations, Dr. S.M.Khanorkar (Head & Senior Research Scientist, Main Maize Research Station, Godhra), Dr. V.Kumar (Research Scientist, Main Cotton Research Station, Navsari), Dr. U.A.Parasara (Agriculturist, UPL),Dr. Maheshbhai Patel (Professor and Head, Dept. of Agriculture, Anand Agriculture University) and Dr. J.G. Patel (Department of Extension Education, Anand Agriculture University). As recommended by scientists, in IPM chemical insecticides/pesticides have to be used in a manner which is least disruptive to biological control. Total 500 copies of both the calendars have been printed and disseminated to the partner organizations and farmers.


Sajjata Sangh organized total 4 training cum exposure visits, 5 regional meetings during the year. Total 85 NGO staff members from Sajjata Sangh partner organizations and 282 members from farmer organizations/CBOs have participated in different capacity building events.

2.1.1 Training-cum exposure visit on Livestock Development

A two day training and exposure visit was organized on 11-12, March 2010 in collaboration with Anand Agriculture University (AAU) under RKVY scheme. About 74 farmers and 10 staff members from partner organizationsparticipated in this event. An exposure visit was organized at Nandanvan farmwhich is well developed and maintained stable by Manishaben Patel at Valasan village of Anand district. Veterinary doctors & professors of Anand Agriculture University, Senior Manager from AMUL and Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry from Anand and Gandhinagar provided inputs in this training. Participants received basic knowledge about food and fodder, diseases and it’s precautionary and curative measures, new emerging technology – hydroponic fodder, care for pregnant cows and calf etc. Participants were very happy with the exposure and various session organized during the training. A group of 12 farmers including 5 women from Maan and Jobat (M.P) field area of DSC also participated in the workshop.

Unique features:

  1. The training was co-hosted by AAU under RKVY scheme.
  2. Each scientist /veterinary doctors provided inputs on issues raised by only without formal presentation.
  3. An Exposure was organized at Nandanvan farm at Valasan, Anand which is run by one woman named Manishaben Patel.
  4. Shared information on hydroponic fodder- a new technology for fodder.
  5. Sessions were conducted at farms of university.

2.1.3 Training cum exposure visit on organic farming of cotton

Training and exposure visit was organized on organic farming of cotton on 13th & 14th December, 2010 at Vivekanand Reseach Training Institute, Mandvi. About 60 participants from 10 partner organizations participated in the workshop. First day the group has visited the farm of Kantibhai, a small farmer growing organic cotton. The group also visited Agrocel Company who promotes organic cotton in Gujarat. Shri Maheshbhai Patel from Suminter Company gave the information on Certification process, it’s need, benefits and issues. Shri Jaswantbhai from Kutch Navnirman Abhiyan – SETU and their farmers shared their experiences on organic farming. He shared experiences of the Producer Company promoted by SETU. On the second day of the workshop, Shri Shaileshbhai, Agrocel, Shri Mahesh Kankal - cotton connect and Shri Shailesh Vyas from Satvik provided technical guidance on inputs, marketing, certification etc. Participants were happy to know about organic farming market, fair trade and better cotton initiative, process to deal with farmers, consumers, retailer, spinner, ginner etc. in the concluding session, the panelist Shri Shaileshbhai Vyas, Shri Pramod Sahu from CSPC and Shri Pankaj Dave from AKRSPI-sayla shared their views on way forward. It was planned that Agrocel will assist NGOs for fair trade and other market linkages and CSPC will support coastal area partner NGOs to initiate pilot for organic cotton farming.A representative from Sumintar Company also gave surety for the marketing of organic cotton and other crops after studying possibilities.

2.1.4 Documentation on application of new wheat varieties by Sajjata Sangh partners

Sajjata Sangh had conducted an exposure visit to Madhya Pradesh for 56 participants – farmers and NGO staff. About 10 farmers purchased four new varieties of wheat i.e. HI-1500, HI-1479, HI 8498, HI-1418 and took up trial plots in their respective fields. Two follow-up workshops and two visits were organized to share the management practices adopted, suitability of new varieties and its yield potential. Follow-up workshops were organized at Bagasara in Amreli district and Mahuva in Bhavnagar district. It is observed that the varieties can be grown with only 2 to 5 watering instead of 10 to 15 watering for local varieties. However, it needs to be studied whether these varieties are suitable for saline areas or not. The Sajjata Sangh has collected data on the experiences and performance of the new wheat varieties which have been tried out in different regions of Gujarat by the farmers. Total 8 organizations have mobilized about 750 farmers for sowing less irrigated wheat variety. Total 4560 kg seeds of HI 1500 & HI 8498 have been provided to farmers on their own cost in Rabi 2010 season. This internal document will be further developed incorporating experiences of other farmers.

2.1.5 Regionallevelmeeting with partners on issues of NRM and rain fed agriculture

Five regional meetings were organized during the year. Out of 31 partner organisations, 29 actively participated in such meetings. Discussion on status of each activity planned under Work plan 2010 was made during meetings. Participants also shared their feedback on activities to be proposed for work plan 2011.

Meeting of eastern/ southern tribal regional centre was hosted by Shroffs Foundation Trust, Kalali, Baroda; meeting of central and north Gujarat partners was hosted by Manav Kalyan Trust at Khedbramha and M.G. Patel Sarvoday Kendra at Virampur. Such meetings have been proved to be very useful tool to scale up radio programme which is a well organized agriculture extension effort of Sajjata Sangh and DSC. Participants also suggested decentralizing certain programmes to create visibility of the Sangh at district level. The promotion of less irrigated wheat variety, scaling up of weather insurance as risk mitigation tool in rainfed agriculture and issues of spurious seed were discussed during the meetings. Partners have suggested toorganize a workshop on Seed Act for agriculture staff of NGOs. This activity is proposed under work plan 2011.

Result III: Improved and responsiveproceduralframeworkforrurallivelihoodenhancement and NRM at statelevel achieved.

3.1. State level workshop on Weather Insurance

The Sajjata Sangh organized a state level workshop on 6th March, 2010 for sharing the experiences of weather insurance. About 145 participants including policy holders, farmers, NGO workers, practitioners, bankers and insurance company, media etc participated in the same. Experiences of the weather-based crop insurance in various states including initiatives in Gujarat by Sajjata Sangh and SEWA, Andhra Pradesh by BASIX, Maharashtra by Micro-Ensure and in Rajasthan by the Agriculture Insurance Company were shared. Linkages and role of Government in promotion of weather insurance in each state was highlighted by each presenter. The policy holders in Gujarat shared their experiences and issues related to rainfall insurance policies made during Kharif 2009. A majority of them were of the view that it was a very useful product and should be scaled up further. Two major issues identified were the need to subsidize the premium rates which at present were in the range of 12% to 15% and in some cases even more and the need for having more weather stations. There was discussion on the proposed strategy and approach for scaling up of weather-based crop insurance as a potent tool for risk mitigation of farmers in Gujarat particularly to help them counter the adverse impacts of climate change. As a result of the discussion and experience sharing during the workshop, NABARD agreed to support Sajjata Sangh for further scaling up.

3.2 Influence policies and programs of government

State level Consultative workshop onNational policy on voluntary organization and implication of direct tax code”

In continuation of the consultation on ‘Voluntary Action Policy’ organized by VANI in collaboration with Sajjata Sangh, Janvikas, EDI and UNNATI at EDI, another state consultative workshop was organized on 18th January 2010 at Ahmedabad Management Association. The agenda of the workshop was to review the progress on the Voluntary Action Policy and the implications of the Draft Direct Tax Code.

A committee was formed to prepare a draft the state policy. A session on Direct Tax Code (DTC) was facilitated by Sajjata Sangh. Mr. C.A.Shah, Charted Accountant explained DTC in detail.

Weather Insurance

Exposure Visit for Weather Insurance:

Weather plays a very important role in deciding the quality and quantity of the produce. It can make or break a farmer’s fortune. Not only rainfall but other weather parameters such as humidity, temperature etc also play a role in crops, growth of pests and fungal diseases. Winter crops such as wheat and cumin crop production is highly unpredictable and risky business and so there is a need of institutional financial support to cover associated risks. An exposure visit was held at Dungarpur & Udaipur districtsof Rajasthan from 28 – 30th October 2010 with 26 participants from 10 partner organizations.The groups has visited village Auda where CII, JK insurance broker agency are involved in promotion of weather insurance. CII shared their experiences on weather insurance. After the exposure with villagers, Mr. Arindom from Centre for Insurance and Risk Management (CIRM) discussed the product design. On the second day the group visited the Agriculture Department at Udaipur. Mr. Verma, Joint director –agriculture, Udaipur informed about role of the state government in product design, extension activities and marketing of weather insurance product. They thereafter visited village Gudael of Udaipur. Badlav Organization promotes weather insurance in this village. Mr. Anil Kothari, Director, Badlav has shared their experiences on promotion of weather insurance in village. Farmers explained about wheat product and process of claim settlement. After the visit, Mr. Anil Kothari took one session on Rabi product of Wheat and cumin. He explained the components of the product in detail.