Rocky Moutain Regional Council Agenda

March 2, 2017


Attendees: Jim (MOM), Kerrie (MOM), Kae (COB), Bob (LOC), Denise (Pax), Lara (CHF), Jim B (COB), Buddy (COB), Steve (LOC)

Note Taker:Lara- CHF

Time Keeper:Kae- COB

Host Rotation: April (LOC), May (MOM), June (PAX), July (COB), August (CHF), Sept (LOC), Oct (MOM), Nov (PAX), Dec (COB), Jan (CHF)

Time / Agenda Item / Notes & Action Items
6:30-6:35 / Opening Prayer - Lara
6:35- 6:40 / Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes (approved via email) /
  • Denise is going to abstain from any votes as she is representing both PAX and CHF.
  • Feb 2017 Minutes were approved via email by Winnie, Michael, Denise, Jim, Kerrie, Jenny, Bob (Kae abstained)

6:35- 6:55 / Financial Report – Lara
  • Most Recent P&L
  • Budget See Appendix B
  • Income for Feb was 841.08 and Expenses were 495.00..going into March we are $308.93 behind in income.
  • Lara presentedbudget and discussion about expense outpacing income.
  • Denise brought up that CHF is planning to pay mileage for Jim as Vicar (out of pastor discrentionary fund) – so he offered to decline the Vicar housing payment. Council opposed this decision.
  • Chrism Mass usually has offering to help pay for oils and the rest of the money to go to the region.
  • Bishop coming in April for Deacon and again in the Summer for Deacon and summer retreat—how are Bishop expenses handled.
  • Denise recommended a concert and/or silent auction night with potluck, along with talent. Kae would like to push further discussion to next month.
  • Budget passed as is with a look at yearly outcome in August 2017

6:55- 7:15 / Vicar Report- Michael
  • RMR Retreat w Bishop Francis. Requesting June 2017
  • ECC Tithing
  • Advocacy Statements
  • CHF and Bishops
  • See full written report in Appenix A.
  • CHF Response on Social Justice Issues… PLT feel confident for Vicar to sign off on policy statements and press releases in CHF name on following topics and that are in accordance with the CCC Public Policy Statements: Affordable Housing and Housing Justice, Criminal Restorative Justice, Education of Children, the Environmnet, Immigration, Poverty, Racism and Sexuality, Families and Abuse.
  • CCC is looking at addressing the issues of hate crimes with public policy. What type of witness do we want to have as communities and have those in public statements. Kae mentioned it’s a growth edge for us to develop these kind of statements and discussion.
  • Bishops use theological committee to help them to craft pastoral letters- and would this also be an opportunity to use the committee to help develop responses among communities and regions.
  • CCC is well aware that the regional ECC is working on processes and statements on social justice. Michael wants a regional conference put on the horizon for discussion such issues.
  • No dates or hosting place for regional meeting with the Bishop. Michael believes it is inclusive of any leadership at each community based on who each community deems as their leadership. More gathering and conversation versus retreat.
  • During Ash Wednesday COB did Ashes in the park and made the TV news BryanWendland- Photojournalist from 9 news – functions, unique angles., put it to his supervisor. 303-871-1491 (w), 303-518-4400(cell),bryan.wendland, Twitter: @9NewsBryan. Bryan spent 2 hours at the park filming and speaking with people. Please keep information for other unique angles.

7:15-7:20 / Old Business
  • If needed can be pushed to April Mtg
  • Pride Fest Costs/ Plan
  • $290 for Booth, $260 for March. COB pledged $150, CHF pledges $100 Mary of Magdala $50. Please ear mark pride funds when sending money. $300 from benefactor. Monies go to treasure and expenses turn into treasurer. Michael will see if LOC insurance rider to cover booth.
  • Pride Parade—June 17-18th
  • Please send monies to Regional Council and one check will be written to those inurring expenses.
  • COB will register for the March.

7:20-8:20 / Road Show
  • Elements (Benefit of ECC, Leadership Structure, Distinctives, how/why Catholic, History/Utrech, Language, Stewardship)
  • Format & Length
  • Synod Delegates Participation
  • What’s needed from the communities
  • Next Steps
  • What is the Outcome we want
    —all of the communities be on the same page for the ECC on the tradition and a common vision for looking forward as a regional community
    —increased ownership of benefits of ECC membership.
  • Denise reminded the council of how the road show idea started—ECC 101.
  • Kae- Part 1- ECC 101 (like a newcomer orientation). Part 2- ECC 201 Articulating common vision and shared vision.
  • Idea was to have same team take it to each community. Also to have a good video of the presentations to have communities to use.
  • Lara had pulled- info on History
  • Denise/Michael- Language
  • Jim has Utrecht info from Bishop.
  • Leadership structure
  • Weekend setting- appox 2 hours,
  • Combination of power point, flipchart, and other ways of presenting subject matter.
  • Art Bavoso- Stewardship (giving, fundraising)
  • Being mindful of not overstating
  • ACTION: go back to communities to see if any has video people—or a way to get interns from a college.
  • Order/ Structure— ECC 101 History, UTRECH/Catholic identity /Distinctives (evolving),Leadership Structure. Reclaiming (include regional)& being Catholic.
  • ECC 201 – shared vision and values, benefits, stewardship . (Kae feels her skills will be best used in 201 for conversation piece. )
  • Want to get past and present synod delegates involed.
  • Next Steps—take a shot of writing—working these compnents, and
  • Appendix C- outline of Language items.
  • Appendix D- History etc
  • ACTION: Kae taking a stab at letter to the former and current delegates to invite people to get involved. Letter by next meeting. Delegates would be invited to the “pilot” of the ECC 101 for review and feedback.
  • ACTION: Lara to pull info together for History through Leadership Structure as draft—
  • Action: Jim to go back to bishop for more developed information on UTRECH.
  • Action: Denise and Michael flush out.
  • Thoughts for future—if done right ECC 101 could be done outside of the church—in community centers or even communities discerning.

8:20-8:25 / New Business
  • Items for next month Agenda
  • Venue of meetings- and ability to participate. Mix of ways—to include more people.
  • Newsletter Deadline-- May 3rd 2017.
  • Vicaropening Easter at Red Rocks as well as blessing the offering
  • Jim B please include in email group –

8:25- 8:30 / Closing Prayer- Denise

Appendix A- Vicar Report

APPENDIX A—Vicar Report to the RMRC 2_22_2017


+Rafe is working on final Syllabus for Deaconate 101, focus on Collins and Epting readings, second hand purchase thru marketplace sellers. He is still trying to confirm Ray Knapp’s involvement.

Seminar was to start beginning of March, but after conversation with +Francis and local candidates
it was suggested of offering it as a summer seminar. +Francis is okay with current candidates taking it after their respective ordinations, and it may give us an opportunity to get more of the currently serving deacons to participate. The extra time will also help in coordinating the schedules of so many for regular phone conferences.

CLERGY GATHERING Initiated Doodle poll 2/16/17 to schedule next regional meeting


Vicar attended CCC Communications meeting 2/6/17

CCC was ready to release statements on immigration on 2/7/17, but as vicar had not received approval of regional churches, he emailed the ED, Judicatories and Board, with cc to RMRC and +Francis, expressing frustrations with process but making clear that we were not blocking their publication.

Lunch with Mthr. Kae 2/15/17 to discuss navigating consensus models of decision-making.
Later attended CCC press conference at Capitol with Mthr. Kae and other faith leaders in support of bill abolishing death penalty. (Failed to pass through committee on party lines.)
The RMR was again not able to arrive at a timely consensus on related CCC statement.


2/21/17 CHF issued press release to local new outlets in response to Archdiocesan accusations against “So-Called” Catholics and announcing Denise’s installation as Interim Pastor. Aurora Sentinel, Associated Press- Denver Office, Colorado Independent, Colorado Public Radio, Denver Life Magazine, Denver Post, La Voz Colorado, Out Front Colorado Magazine, Prime Time for Seniors
(Relayed corrections if re-released: 5 churches in region not 6; Denise’s last name Roberts-Graham.)

Pax Christi's NEW WEBSITE launched, including Vicar’s personal Statement on issue.


Charged regional churches to identify Rapid Response teams for CFCU legislative alerts

Initial meeting of spiritual support group for SURJ/Denver 2/9/17

Attended CFCU against gun violence Retreat 2/12/17. Aware communion divided on issues. Individuals encouraged to join. Developing “adopt a congregation” to help divided memberships move toward consensus via education. Initiating new honorary Board position for a clergy leader, rotating annually, to accentuate faith dimension of organization’s advocacy.

RMR Retreat with +Francis: requesting June 2017 gathering of regional leadershipwhen here for Bonnie’s diaconal ordination (no date set); visitation format in SWRegion was Fri night and Sat during the day. Purpose: to familiarize himself with how our respective communities see ourselves in relationship to the others.

Advocacy Statements: Michael suggested OPB or Episcopal Council form an ad hoc committee to help Communion articulate core principles on which to base advocacy statements (fully realizing that it would be a long, involved process and that such articulations might eventually need Synod ratification). Rationale: Congregational church reps able to speak on behalf of their members if such statements have been ratified. SharedKae’s observation: ECC initially united around shared valued of inclusivity and charitable outreach, but have yet to articulate values around advocacy issues. +Rafe’s comments: Gospels are our guide in advocacy, focusing on intentional discipleship. Constitutional structures in place for PB/EC to promulgate pastoral letters on such issue; using New Theological Advisory Committee as resource and after broad consultation, said letter would ground local discussions related to application of Gospel principles in our decision-making processes.
Vicar Michael’s suggestion to the RMR:regional late-summer retreatto start conversations re shared values underlying our social justice mission (issue may be raised at PB visitation in June, but more in-depth conversations probably needed.

ECC Tithing: OPB to send out annual tithing appeal, noting local bishop/vicar to follow up with individual communities to address any concerns if any. (sent/received 2/12/17)
Theological Advisory Committee: first meeting scheduled for 2/16/17; as a way to learn to work together, emphasis will be on developing a process to answer questions as they arise.
Members to date (names need checking): Dr. Ginny Dalbur (MO), Rev. Dr. Francis Lonsway (FL),
Dr. Daniel J. Miller (CA), Rev. James Murphy (WA) and Dr. Patricia Sullivan-Bonnie (MN)

2/20/17 Kate Lehman reposted OPB appeal for new Communications Director:
The ECC is looking for a volunteer to coordinate its various public relations and communications activities. These include working with our public relations contractor, overseeing and working with the newsletter editor, our website, various uses of social media (e.g. facebook and twitter), and other marketing efforts. Some of these may be carried out by others, but their coordination so that they complement each other is important. The coordinator will work closely with the Office of Presiding Bishop and other ECC leaders.

It would be most helpful if the coordinator has some experience in the use of public relations, communications, and marketing, but extensive experience isn’t necessary. Anyone interested in giving their services to the ECC in these efforts should contact Bishop Francis (bishop.francis@ and mention their particular interests or experience.

Appendix B

Budget Review

Actuals / Proposed / Notes
Income / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Mary of Magdala / $ 1,937.00 / $ 1,428.00 / $ 1,880.00
Light of Christ / $ 2,249.00 / $ 1,348.00 / $ 1,000.00
Church of Beloved / $ 1,875.00 / $ 1,500.00 / $ 1,500.00
Pax Christi / $ 330.00 / $ 225.00 / $ 240.00
Holy Family / $ 4,129.00 / $ 1,940.00 / $ 1,348.00
Offerings at Large
Total Income / $ 10,520.00 / # / $ 6,441.00 / # / $ 5,968.00
Vicar Housing / $ 7,925.00 / $ 5,940.00 / $ 5,940.00
Interim Vicar Housing / $ 1,300.00 / $ 600.00 / $ 500.00
Vicar Retreat
Vicar Expenses / $ 167.00
Synod Expense- Vicar
Bishop Expenses / $ 289.00
Advertising / $ 3,480.00
Meeting Expense
Website / $ 68.00 / $ 69.00 / $ 69.00
Printing / $ 52.19
Memberships / $ 475.00 / $ 475.00
Banking / $ 56.00
Other / $ 500.00 / $ 91.31
Total Expense / $ 13,785.00 / # / $ 7,227.50 / # / $ 6,984.00
Income v Expense / $ (3,265.00) / # / $ (786.50) / # / $ (1,016.00)

Appendix C

ECC 101- Language Outline

“Reclaiming Our Own Language”

  1. The Power of Language
  2. How it Shapes Who We Are
  3. Language “Baggae”
  4. Language in the Catholic Tradition: How did we get off track?
  5. Catholic
  6. Bishop
  7. Diocese
  8. Clergy
  9. Laity (Role and Relationship in the Communion)
  10. Reclaimin our Catholic Language: Let’s Revisit the Ancient Tradition.
  11. Service Leadership (Bishop and Presiding Bishiop, Clergy, Laity)
  12. ECC Identiy (Catholic)
  13. Ministry: Role and Relationship in the Communion and in the World
  14. Why Create a Diocese? Regional Identity, Unity, and Empowerment.

Appendix D

ECC 101- History/DIstsinctives/ Structure.

  1. Old Catholic Roots
  2. Declarataion of UTRECH
  3. History of the Communion
  4. How it started – Bishop Peter
  5. Major milestones
  6. Distinctions
  7. Invitation to Sacramental Life
  8. Invitation to Co-equal Ministry
  9. Invitation to Intimate Commitment
  10. Invitation to Follow Conscience
  11. Leadership Strucure
  12. 3 legged Stool
  13. Regions vs Diocese
  14. Bishops
  15. Hispanic
  16. Women
  17. Committees
  18. How does the ECC Communicate