Past questions - Anatomy

These questions have been compiled by Gerald Tan for use by NUS Medical students. You are free to take them for

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List of abbreviations used

ABTF Answer Briefly The Following

ATFAnswer The Following

CBOTFS Comment Briefly On The Following Statements


DBDescribe Briefly

GAAO Give An Account Of

GABAOGive A Brief Account Of

WABAO Write A Brief Account Of

WASAO Write A Short Account Of

WB Write Briefly

WBO Write Briefly On

WBOTHO Write Briefly On The Histology Of

WSNO Write Short Notes On

WSNOTGAOWrite Short Notes On The Gross Anatomy Of

SM Sessionals Main (N.A. - refers to end-of-year-1 exam when material was taught over 2 years)

SS Sessionals Supplementary (N.A. anymore)

PM Professionals Main

PS Professionals Supplementary

EG. 1986-PM-B3 = 1986, Professionals Main Paper, Section B, Question 3


*1997-PS-3b Write short notes on the gross anatomy of the shoulder joint, including the factors that contribute to its stability.

*1997-PM-3b List the muscles responsible for the various movements occuring at the fourth and fifth metacarpophalangeal joints. Describe and explain the effects on these joints following a damage to the ulnar nerve at the level of : (i) the elbow and (ii) the wrist.

*1996-PS-3a GAAO the boundaries and contents of the axilla.

*1996-PM-3a GAAO the movements at the metacarpophalangial joints and the muscles involved in each case. Add a note on the nerves supplying the muscles.

*1995-PS-6a GAAO the course and distribution of the ulnar nerve. What are the effects of a lesion to this nerve at the level of the elbow?

*1995-PM-6a Describe the course and distribution of the radial nerve.

*1994-PS-5a List all the muscles attached to the scapula. State their innervation and action/actions.

*1994-PM-6a GAAO of the cubital fossa.

1993-SS-6a Describe the course, relations and distribution of the axillary nerve.

1993-SS-4b GAAO the muscles of the flexor compartment of the arm.

1993-PS-6a WSNO the cubital fossa.

1993-PM-4b GAAO the muscles which move the thumb, including their nerve supply.

1992-SS-6a GAAO the elbow joint, including its movements and the muscles involved.

1992-SM-3a WBO the ulnar nerve in terms of its origin and distribution.

1991-SS-4a Describe the boundaries and contents of the cubital fossa.

1991-SM-4a List muscles attached to scapula and WBO them with reference to their actions and nerve supply.

1991-PS-5a Describe the lymphatic drainage of the upper limb.

1991-PM-2a Describe the carpal tunnel, including the structures passing through it and its clinical importance.

1990-SS-2b WSNOTGAO The shoulder joint.

1990-SM-4a GAAO The boundaries and contents of the axilla.

1990-PS-la Describe the peripheral distribution of the radial nerve, including the effects of a lesion at the level of the axilla.

1990-PM-4a Describe the movements at the wrist and indicate the joints and muscles which are involved. Indicate also the innervation of these muscles. (Details of muscle attachments are NOT required ).

1989-SS-2b Describe the lymphatic drainage of the breast.

1989-SM-1b Give an account of the actions and innervation of all the muscles that act on the thumb.

1988-SS-2a DB The course of the axillary artery. Enumerate its branches and their areas of supply.

1988-SM-3a Give an account of the muscles acting on the thumb and their actions. Exclude details of muscle attachments.

1988-PS-5a Describe the lymphatic drainage of the breast.

1988-PM-5b Describe the elbow (humero-radial and humero-ulnar) joint.


*1997-PS-6a Describe the medial relations of the lungs

*1997-PM-6a Describe the pattern of the autonomic nerve supply to the thoracic organs

*1996-PS-4a Describe the gross anatomy of the right atrium.

*1996-PM-4a GAAO the gross anatomy of the muscles involved in respiration, including their actions during the respiratory cycle and also their innervation.

*1995-PS-4a GAAO the gross anatomy of intercostal spaces, mentioning also relations with the pleura and pericardium at specific spaces.

*1995-PM-5a Describe the thoracic inlet and the structures related to it.

*1994-PS-4a Describe the arterial blood supply and venous drainage of the heart.

*1994-PM-4a Describe the thoracic inlet and the structures related to it.

1993-SS-4a Describe the conducting system (excluding histology) of the heart.

1993-SS-3b GAAO the innervation of the lung.

1993-SM-2b Describe the relations of structures situated at or in the vicinity of the plane between the superior and the inferior mediastinum (plane of Louis).

1993-SM-2a WSNO the arterial blood supply and venous drainage of the heart.

1993-PS-4b GAAO the autonomic nerve supply and distribution of referred pain of the heart.

1993-PM-3a Describe the relations, arterial supply and venous drainage of the esophagus.

1992-SS-1b Give a short account of the innervation of the heart.

1992-SS-1a Describe the relations at or about the plane of Louis.

1992-SM-5a Describe the relations and branches of the arch of aorta.

1992-SM-4b GAAO the right atrium.

1991-SS-3b Describe the arterial blood supply and venous drainage of the stomach.

1991-SS-2b Describe the course and relations of the arch of aorta.

1991-SS-2a Describe the right ventricle of the heart (including its blood supply and conducting system).

1991-SM-5b Describe LV of the heart, including BV and conducting system.

1991-SM-5a Describe the relations of medial surfaces of right and left lungs.

1991-PS-3b Describe the great vessels in the superior mediastinum.

1991-PM-5b Explain briefly how the antero-posterior, transverse and vertical diameters of the thoracic cage are altered during quiet respiration.

1991-SS-3a Describe the gross anatomy of the diaphragm.

1990-SS-4b DB azygous system of veins.

1990-SM-1b Describe blood supply of thoracic wall.

1990-SM-3b Describe relations at plane of Louis.

1990-SM-3b Describe relations of arch of aorta.

1990-PS-2b Describe the arch of the aorta, and its surface anatomy.

1990-PM-2b WO the gross anatomy of the RV.

1989-SS-1b Describe the gross anatomy of the esophagus in the thorax and abdomen.

1989-SS-la Describe the internal morphology and external relations of the right atrium.

1989-SM-6a Describe the external features of the heart (include the coronary vessels found on them).

1989-SM-4a Describe the surface markings of the lungs and pleurae. Add a note on the clinical significance of the surface markings.

1988-SS-1b DB The course and distribution of a typical intercostal nerve.

1988-SS-la DB The arterial blood supply of the heart.

1988-SM-1b Describe the structures and relations at the plane of the manubrio-sternal angle (T4/T5).

1988-SM-4a Describe the gross anatomy of the left lung including the surface marking.

1988-PS-6a Describe the structures and their arrangement in a typical intercostal space.

1988-PM-1b Give an account of the conducting system of the heart.


*1997-PS-6b Describe the relations and surface marking of the liver

*1997-PM-6b GAAO the gross anatomy of the lesser sac.

*1996-PS-4b WSNOTGAO the spleen.

*1996-PM-4b Describe the formation and relations of the hepatic portal vein and state where anastomoses with the systemic venous system are found, and the names of the veins forming the above anastomoses.

*1995-PS-4b Describe the porto-systemic anastomoses.

*1995-PM-4a Describe the gross anatomy of the colon.

*1994-PS-4b Describe the relations of the pancreas.

*1994-PM-4b Describe the relations of the kidney.

1993-SS-5a WB on the relations and blood supply of the pancreas.

1993-SS-4b GAAO the inguinal canal and its contents.

1993-SM-3b Give a general account of the innervation of the intestines, excluding that of the rectum and anal canal.

1993-SM-3a Describe the formation and relations of the hepatic portal vein. Where are the porto-systemic anastomoses? Name the vessels forming the anastomoses.

1993-PS-5a Describe the gross anatomical formation of the rectus sheath.

1993-PM-3b Describe the boundaries and contents of the inguinal canal.

1992-SS-2b GAAO the hepatic portal vein and list the vessels contributing to the porto-systemic anastomosis.

1992-SS-2a Describe the arterial supply and posterior relations of the stomach.

1992-SM-6a Compare and contrast the jejunum and the ileum with regard to their external morphology, pattern of blood supply and innervation.

1992-SM-5b Describe the course and distribution of the coeliac axis artery.

1991-SS-3b Describe the arterial blood supply and venous drainage of the stomach.

1991-SM-6b Describe relations at the transpyloric plane.

1991-SM-6a GAAO common bile duct.

1991-PS-6b Describe the relations of the liver.

1991-PM-6a GAAO the rectus abdominis muscle including the rectus sheath.

1990-SS-5b Describe relations of kidneys.

1990-SS-1b Describe infracolic compartment of abdomen.

1990-SM-6b Describe lesser sac and its peritoneal reflections .

1990-SM-6a Compare and contrast gross anatomy of small and large intestine.

1990-PS-4b Describe the blood supply and relations of the duodenum.

1990-PM-6b Describe the relations and blood supply of the pancreas.

1989-SS-6b Give a brief account of the relations of the left kidney

1989-SS-5b WB on the porto-systemic anastomoses.

1989-SM-6b WB on the course, relations and distribution of the superior mesenteric artery.

1989-SM-2a GAAO some important relationships that occur at or immediately adjacent to the transpyloric plane.

1988-SS-5a DB The relations of the right kidney.

1988-SS-3b DB The gross anatomy of the diaphragm.

1988-SM-5b Describe the gross anatomy of the inguinal canal and related hernias.

1988-SM-4b Describe the course of the portal vein and give an account of the communications that occur between the portal and systemic venous systems and their clinical significance.

1988-PS-4a Describe the boundaries and contents of the inguinal canal in a male.

1988-PM-6b Describe the gross differences between the jejunum and ileum; and between the jejunum and ileum and the large intestines.


*1997-PS-3a GAAO the course and relations of the ureters from the pelvic brim to the bladder in the male and female pelvis.

*1997-PM-3a GAAO the boundary and contents of the ischirectal fossa.

*1996-PS-6b Describe the gross anatomy of the uterus, including its support.

*1996-PM-6b GAAO the innervation of the urinary bladder.

*1995-PS-5a Describe the gross anatomy of the prostate.

*1995-PM-4b GAAO the innervation of the urinary bladder.

*1994-PS-6a Discuss the support of the uterus.

*1994-PM-5a GAAO the innervation of the urinary bladder.

1993-SS-5b Describe the gross anatomy of the ovary.

1993-SM-4a Describe the boundaries and contents of the ischiorectal fossa.

1993-PS-5b Describe the boundaries and contents of the ischiorectal fossa.

1993-PM-4a GAAO the innervation of the urinary bladder.

1992-SS-3a State two differences between the male and the female pelvis. List the structures related to the pelvic brim (inlet).

1992-SM-6b Describe the course and distribution of the pudendal nerve.

1991-SS-1a Describe the gross anatomy of the anal canal.

1991-SM-1b Describe boundaries and contents of ischiorectal fossa.

1991-PS 1b GAAO the broad ligament.

1991-PM-6b GABAO the innervation of the urinary bladder.

1990-SS-la GAAO the pelvic diaphragm.

1990-SM-5b GAAO of gross anatomy of the male urethra.

1990-PS-5b Describe the gross anatomy of the rectum.

1990-PM-6a Describe relations at the pelvic brim (inlet).

1989-SS-5a Describe the gross anatomy of the vas deferens.

1989-SM-la Describe the gross anatomy of the male urethra.

1988-SS-5b DB The gross anatomy of the anal canal.

1988-SM-6b Describe the peritoneal reflections in the female pelvis and their clinical significance.

1988-PS-1b Describe the course and distribution of the uterine artery.

1988-PM-4b Give an account of the innervation of the urinary bladder.


*1997-PS-5a Describe the relations of the middle ear

*1997-PM-5a Describe the attachments, actions and innervation of the extraocular muscles (excluding the levator palpabrae superioris).

*1997-PM-5b Describe the extent, relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

*1996-PS-5a Discuss the gross anatomy of the middle ear

*1996-PS-5b Describe the extracranial course and distribution of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

*1997-PM-5b Describe the extent, relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

*1996-PM-5a GAAO the attachments and actions of the extraocular muscles. What would be the functional deficits of a complete division of the right oculomotor nerve?

*1996-PM-5b GAAO the gross anatomy of the nasopharynx.

*1995-PS-2a Describe the gross anatomy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

*1995-PS-2b Describe the gross anatomy of the maxillary sinus.

*1995-PM-2a GAAO the relations of the cavernous sinus. Along which venous pathway can infections spread to this sinus?

*1995-PM-2b Describe the lacrimal gland and its drainage system. Add a note on its innervation.

1994-PS-3a GAAO the internal features and relations of the nasopharynx.

1994-PS-3b Describe the relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

1994-PM-3b Describe (i) the internal features and sensory innervation of the larynx; and (ii) movements of the vocal folds, indicating the muscles producing them.

1994-PM-3a GAAO the nerve supply and actions of the extrinsic muscles of the eye.

1993-PS-4a Describe the morphology of the external auditory meatus (including the tympanic membrane). What are its sources of sensory innervation ?

1993-PS-3b Describe the origin, course and distribution of the maxillary nerve.

1993-PS-3a Describe the gross anatomy of the scalp, mentioning relevant clinical points.

1993-PM-6b GAAO the connections and distribution of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.

1993-PM-6a Describe the attachments, actions, innervation and relations of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

1993-PM-5b Describe the internal features and relations of the nasopharynx.

1991-PS-1b Describe the surface features and innervation of the tongue.

1991-PS-la GAAO the general arrangement, actions and innervation of the muscles of the face.

1991-PS-2b Describe the relations of the submandibular salivary gland. How is it innervated?

1991-PM-4a GAAO the movements (indicating the muscles responsible) that take place in the larynx.

1991-PM-3b Describe the attachments, innervation and actions of the muscles of mastication. What other muscles may aid in jaw movements?

1991-PM-3a GAAO the extent, relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

1990-PS-6a Describe the gross anatomy of the thyroid gland.

1990-PS-3b Describe the internal features and innervation of the larynx.

1990-PM-5b Describe the location, relations and connections of the cavernous sinus.

1990-PM-la Describe the origin, branches and distribution of the thymus.

1990-PM-3b Describe the attachments and relations of mylohyoid muscle.

1989-PM-6a Describe relations of trachea in the neck.

1989-PM-3b Describe various movements that take place at joints of larynx;.

1989-PM-3a GAAO Scalp giving its contents and innervation.

1988-PS-4b Describe the innervation of the tongue.

1988-PS-3b Describe the relations of the internal jugular vein.

1988-PS-2b Describe the gross anatomy of the submandibular salivary gland.

1988-PM-4a Describe the origin, course and distribution of the lingual nerve.

1988-PM-3b GAAO the intrinsic muscles of the larynx.

1988-PM-2b Describe the gross anatomy (including relations) of the parotid gland and its duct.


*1997-PS-4a Describe briefly the course and distribution of the femoral artery.

*1997-PM-4a Describe the venous drainage of the lower limbs. State briefly two mechanisms that help overcome the effects of gravity.

*1996-PS-3b GAAO the venous drainage of the lower limb.

*1996-PM-3b GAAO the gross anatomy of the quadriceps femoris muscles.

*1995-PS-6b Discuss briefly the venous drainage of the lower limbs.

*1995-PM-6b Give a brief account of the hip joint.

*1994-PS-5b Describe the venous drainage of the lower limb.

*1994-PM-6b GAAO the factors responsible for maintaining the arches of the foot.

1993-SS-6b GAAO the boundaries and contents of the femoral triangle.

1993-SM-5a GAAO the ankle joint.

1993-PS-6b WSNO the gross anatomy of the ankle joint.

1993-PM-5a WSNO the boundaries and contents of the femoral triangle.

1992-SS-6b WSNO the popliteal fossa of the lower limb. Compare and contrast it with the cubital fossa of the upper limb.

1992-SM-3b Describe the lymphatic drainage of the lower limb.

1991-SS-4b DB the venous drainage of the lower limb.

1991-SM-4b List movements of knee joint and WBO 1) attachments of muscles associated with these movements; 2)innervation of this joint.

1991-PS-5b GAAO the hip joint. Discuss the factors contributing to its stability

1991-PM-2b DB the arches of the foot.

1990-SS-6b WSNO course and distribution of common peroneal nerve. What is

the effect of lesion on this nerve at the neck of fibula?

1990-SM-4b GAAO hamstring muscles.

1990-PS-1b Describe the boundaries and contents of the popliteal fossa.

1990-PM-4b Discuss the venous drainage of the lower limb.

1989-SS-3a Describe the gross anatomy of the ankle joint and discuss the factors contributing to its stability.

1989-SM-5b GAAO the arches of the foot.

1988-SS-4b DB The course and distribution of the common peroneal nerve. What would be the effect of a lesion of this nerve at the level of the neck of the fibula?

1988-SM-3b GAAO the formation and distribution of the femoral nerve, excluding relations.

1988-PS-6b Describe the venous drainage of the lower limb.

1988-PM-5a Describe the common peroneal nerve.



(i)List the structures innervated by nociceptive fibres

(ii) Outline the neuroanatomical pathway(s) from nociceptive receptors to the brains, including the collaterals.

*1997-PS-2b With regard to the facial motor neuron

(i)List the afferents to the neurons.

(ii)Give a brief account of the pathways for corneal reflex effected by the neurons

(iii)What are the differences between an upper and lower facial motor neuron lesion? Give the neuroanatomical basis for the differences.

*1997-PM-2a An elderly man presented with ataxia in a polyclinic in Singapore. The doctor attending to him found that he was unable to perform rapid alternating movements like supination and pronation. When he was asked to bring the hand to the mouth during feeding, the action was jerky and clumsy. When asked to point to his nose with his finger, the finger shot past the nose to touch the cheek. A radiologist, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), localized the lesion to the left dentate nucleus.

(i) The lesion in the dentate nucleus is most likely caused by an obstruction of the artery supplying it. Name the artery supplying the left dentate nucleus.

(ii) Give an account of the connections of the dentate nucleus. Based on this knowledge, explain briefly why the movements of the patient were jerky.

(iii) Judging from the observation that the patient also had ataxia, which other deep cerebellar nuclei could also be affected?

*1997-PM-2b With regard to the facial motor nucleus:

(i) List the afferents to the neurons.

(ii) Give a brief account of the pathways for corneal reflex effected by the neurons.

(iii) What are the differences between an upper and lower facial motor neuron lesion? Give the neuroanatomical basis for the differences.